Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 860 24/1/14

Well what a fucking shitter of a day on the roads! Roadworks slowed things down once again, also the holiday makers with the campervans and so on were all out in force so were the assholes! Car 1 Rego FKM371 this Hilux from Te Puke to Matata was speeding up to 120 and sitting on that speed, tailgating very close behind other cars etc. Not the first time this guy has done this either! Car 2 Rego HDP313 some black cuzzie in a BMW from Te Puke to Whakatane flew up behind me and left me for dead along with a ton of other cars passing every single one with no indication and speeding well over 140! Called the police and he got pulled over, suspended licence due to his demerit points, got a ticket for tailgating etc. All I can say is if you drive like a fucking moron then you deserve what you get! Car 3 Rego CEQ592 this curry muncher around the Pongakawa to Te Puke area would fly up behind cars, tailgate within a car length, then indicate to pass right before corners, yellow lines etc basically the most stupid places and would just about pass and be nearly half in the oncoming lane then swerve back..... Yeah WTF is about right! So he got pulled over to, and a ticked issued. Well enough about them, weather again was a hot as day with the sun beaming down up to around 25 so not bad at all. Take care and see you all Tuesday for another week on the roads!

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