Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Days 15 & 16 30/3/2010 & 1/4/2010

30th - This day was bloody boring as hell in the morning was just leaving Whakatane and got a call to pick up a urgent package when i was in Awakeri so had to do a u-turn and detour about 20 mins back to get it then carry back the way i was going, that made my morning run a bit hecktick(spelling haha) got back for a little lunch then off for the second run where it was all good for the rest of the day.

1st - Well what another fucking slow day due to all travellers going in and out of Whakatane Grrrr, heading into Whaka's from TGA this morning was just shit to put it nicely haha, campers and all sorts just plodding along like an old man with a broken hip.

Finally got there on time which is amazing given the traffic :S just leaving Whaka's and was going through the HUB and had a asshole pull out in front of me in his ute Jimmy5 was the plate, he then carried on his merry way at 80kph in a 100kph zone, why he didn;t just let me go past 1st suprises me as then i passed him and all hell broke loose, started to shake his hands like he's wanking the air and cursing, well maybe if you go the speed limit in the first place asswipe then you might get somewhere!!

Heading back from Kawerau just baout got hit by a truck which crossed the centre line, Thanks Jennings transport :) top guys.

Apart from that had a bloody slow trip back too, then had lunch and started again on the next run where i thought the 1st trip was slow damn haha this was worse by miles, got stuck in a que of traffic of about 30+ cars all with trucks and campers in between, finally got passed them all after about 40 mins of staying behind them :S got to Matata and stopped in for a drink (V) needed energy lmao, went to Kawerau and same to Edgecumbe without any problems then into Whaka's too without a hitch, did the run and started to head back and OMFG!!! more cars haha as to be expected though with Easter and all.

still got back just before 6pm which was great given the circumstances lol.

Stay tuned for more, glad i got a 4 day break now :O

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 14 30/3/2010

More bloody manics on the road today :S

Day started nicely going all well and good till i got to Whakatane, god not again haha, got onto the strand and was at a roundabout and like nearly everyone there its all or nothing :S and its exactly what happened to me today haha, was just starting to go round the roundabout then a guy in a 4x4 shot out in front of me from the left and just carried on like nothing happened at all bloody asshole!!

Carried on after that and did my other bits then headed to one of the other places i stop and fuck me sideways, its bloody court day isn't it, all the blackpower in Whakatane must have been standing by the courthouse!!! even walking in front of the car they don't care cause if you hit them then basically your dead thats the end of that story, anyway a family wagon with about 4-5 of them in it waiting for thier mates to be released from prison were sitting in the boot space and sucking back on some Sparkling Duet (must have been payday) and the good old Pie.

If that wasn't bad enough whilst i was waiting for the courier to arrive 2 girls were talking and i overheard the conversation which went like this

Girl 1: Ow bay you going ot the Marae today ?

Girl 2: Nah dont know the person eh

Girl 1: Ow who cares bey just get some free food and piss bro

Girl 2: Oh yeah true ow might bring the family too.

Fucking hell have some bloody respect for the person who died you lowlife shits far out!!!

owell headed back on my first run still another to go!!! got stuck behind a ton of trucks on the way back to Kawerau on the 2nd run which i could not pass till Pongakawa :S too bad how sad.

And thats about it for my day oh forgot to mention when i was leaving Whakatane this lady in the Hub when i was heading out she was in front of me and i was a fair bit behind her keeping my distance and all of a sudden she slams on her brakes and starts shaking her fist and cursing all sorts i was like WTF!!! ??? then i flicked my hand as to say hurry the fuck up then and she slammed them on again so then i just ripped into the left lane and passed the bitch.

Too fucking bad for her, not her road nor is it mine, know your road rules and go the speed limit far out.

Till next time again cyu round.

Day 13 29/3/2010

Woah haha, nearly forgot to write it up today :P

Was a pretty average day today nothing much to report at all, hmmm

Started all good had a lot of stuff to take with me today to all the places :S sun wasn't shining too brightly today so didn't get too burnt lol, must have been buy a beer day also in Kawerau as i saw about 4-5 different people all with thier boxes of alcohol, owell got to spend our hard earned money somewhere i spose ??

had an old guy today in Te Puke who sat at the roundabout for 5 mins no bullshit, he was waiting for cars still coming from the other road like 20 meters away wtf!!! i tooted to say hello there are a lie of cars behind and he points to the car coming from like a mile down the road ?? bloody hell take off your magnifying glasses, i bet if he looked at a roadmap he would see people waving at him.

So yeah just like i said not much again today but will keep everyone informed of whats going on in the Eastern Bay haha.

Till next time chow for now :P

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 12 26/3/2010

Well well well yet another day on the crazy roads.

today started nicely with abit of sun and warmth which is always good haha, filled up the car like every other day and headed off to Whakatane, had a nice clean run the whole way there just nice and cruisey (wish every day was like this one) and got there did the ol town run and carried on out to Edgecumbe where i had to wait for some Roadworks :( then off to Kawerau again that was all good too, then left to come back to TGA and a good old Purple Haze truck pulled out from Kawerau Mill and right in front of me and another car, bloody idot didn't even look as he ripped out of the driveway which is a Stop sign so if anyone was going into Kawerau they wopuldn't be alive to say the least!! owell carried on past him and headed towards TGA for lunch got stuck in more roadworks and finally got back to enjoy some peace and quiet.

Left on my second run and stopped in Matata for a nice Ice Cream specially on a day like today :O why not haha, took off again and headed to Kawerau where all up from Matata via Kawerau and to Whakatane there was 16 sets of Roadworks including 6 with Traffic lights!!!! WTF tooo many all of them held me up i was stuck behind a truck which had to take ages to speed up then had to slow down again for each one grrrrr owell did that run and same with Edgecumbe and Whaka's, then courier arrived nice and early so i could leave at the normal time today :D yay haha, got stuck in a fair bit of traffic but owell thats not uncommon, got back to TGA about 5:45pm ish so not too bad at all and hardly any drama's on the road :P

Take care driving and stay safe all, till next time :D

Day 11 25/3/2010

"Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates, You Never Know What You're Going To Get"

That is the lesson you need to take with you everywhere haha, specially on the roads!!!

Started today nice and clean with a newly serviced car :D headed on my way, refueled and on my way to Whakatane.

The sun was shining and the weather was sweet lol, had a pretty cruisey drive there not too bad a bit slow but all good, just heading into Whakatane and i saw a little light come on the dash so i looked down and what is it, its the bloody engine light telling me something is wrong with the car!!! Grrrrr so rang the manager and told her about it she said ok will ring Toymotor and see what to do, i carried on and did my run had a pretty good day too did all 3 towns then headed back on my way to TGA hoping this problem would be solved.

Got there and the manager did not ring Toymotor so Admin had to do that and sort it all out as i was on a break, they then had to take the car down there to see what was wrong which turned out to be nothing haha but booked it in anyway not far away now so they will have it overnight to do stuff to it to figure it all out so yet another new car for me to drive lol.

Anyway had to wait for the admin lady to take the car down then look around it then bring it back by that time i was already running behind the time i normally leave to go back on the next run, so left again and off to Kawerau inot the sun :P was another slow trip there a fair few cars on the road so alot of passing involved, same with Edgecumbe and proceeded into Whakatane where i did the town run and carried on to the last place before i leave, courier turned up early so i could go on time today yay!!!.

Left on time and headed out of Whaka's for TGA where it seemed like a non-stop line of traffic appeared out of nowhere so once again pass, pass, pass and kept going, took a shortcut and beat 6 cars which were still waiting in line when i shot past haha gotcha :P then carried on to Te Puke and did that bit then back to the Depot made it back at about 5:45pm which was as David Tu says o for Oresome lmao.

Stay tuned for more stories of the roads.

Also if you read these Blogs, be warned now most of them will contain swearing and offensive language which some people may or may not have a problem with. You have been warned!!!

If you do have a problem with the offensiveness of these posts please feel free to fuck off and not read these and have a nice day :D or just follow this link

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 10 24/3/2010

Started today on a high since yesterday was quite boring.

Went towork knowing my car was going in for a Service so therefore i get a new car to drive around in :D had a 2010 Toyota Corolla with signwriting all over it, good advertising for Toyota haha due to the K's i do in it, left for Whakatane in this car this morning and had a nice run all the way there only had a couple of very slow drivers on the road usually speed of 60-70kph in 100kph zones so yeah wait for a clearing then pass no probs, got to Whakatane and did the town run and got to one of the places where i wait for the 1st courier to arrive to meet me there and whilst i was waiting being Wednesday it is youth court day which is just next to where i go and opposite the prison lol, had one car illegally parked and was watching them for a little bit and saw the lady jump out and crack open the boot then tear into a pack of Ranfurly lmao this wasn't the problem it was that it was 10:30am in the morning and its a liquor ban zone too and they are right outside the prison LOL! owell they got away with it again just one more thing to thier collection.

Courier got there and i left for Edgecumbe where it was a nice run the whole way through then same with Kawerau, headed back to TGA for lunch and to swap cars back to mine, although if you do want to buy a car which is a 2010 Toyota Corolla for $28.990 + ORC then ask them lmao as thats what was all down the side of the car :P

Left for my second run and had some rain finally after weeks from TGA all the way thorugh to kawerau, only small amounts but all good, did that run and same to Edgecumbe then went into Whakatane where the clouds got very dark and got told there was going to be a storm on its way with some good amounts of rain, as i waited for the courier after my town run he arrived late then i left to head back and got just out of Whakatane when all hell let loose, a little G-Soldier gangster in his Civic not only cut me off once when i went to pass him but a second time on the next roundabout where he also cut someone else off too!! anyway just out of Whakatane there was Rain, thunder, bad drivers and everything at once stage just before Matata i had to travel at about 30kph as i couldn't see jack shit and also just about got cleaned up by an oncoming vehicle that came into my lane :S that bad rain lasted for about 3 mins then went to Tollerable all the way to Te Puke then carried on to TGA where i got back just before 6pm so didn't do to badly although i took a shortcut and passed about 30 cars at once lmao, thank god for that :P

Stay tuned for more fun and mayhem on the roads.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 9 23/3/2010

Another day another dollar isn't that how the saying goes ???

Had a very slow day today, on the way to Whaka's today had a car shoot past me at about 130kph, someone was in a rush lol, wet roads meaning they finally had some rain in weeks.

headed to Edgecumbe after the town run and not much happening then off to Mongrel town Kawerau where it was pretty calm and warm, then back to TGA where i had some lunch.

Left for the second run and got to Kawerau not too bad there once again and hardly any excitement at all today same with Edgecumbe except when going through Te Teko i had to wait about 10 mins for some cows to cross the road yay alot of excitement haha, then had to run over the mounds of cow shit and now the car smells like an asshole owell going for a service tomorrow, headed inot Whaka's again and no more happening there too then waited ages for the courier who was very late again, then got stuck behind the same cars from Whakatane all the way to pongakawa :S then got hit by heaps of rain from there onwards where i got back at 6:15pm haha

Owell another day tomorrow hopefully i will have some thing to write about!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 8 22/3/2010

Ok where do i start, didn't start off to badly today haha, had a pretty slow morning and not much sun shining for me to soak up on my long drive.

Did my whole first run except when i got back to Te Puke they had more Roadworks on and once again got diverted round the back of Te Puke and got back a little late for lunch, owell.

Headed off on the second run and got to the last straight before Matata, had 2 cars in front of me then a truck (rego plate DJK416), the truck was swerving left and right all over the place, finally got to Matata and had a rest for 5 mins the took off again towards Kawerau, got to Military road and caught the truck back up as he was going 40kph in a 100kph zone!!! i followed him for a bit and he was still swerving and crossing the centre line even had the whole truck in the oncoming lane 3 times and nearly hit 3 cars coming head on.

I then reported his 0800LOGTRUCK number and also dialed *555 and reported this idiot to the Police, i think he was either tired, drunk or on drugs as its not unusual for someone in Kawerau to be on drugs lmao. anyway carried on and did my run then heading out of Whakatane this lady ripped in front of me on a roundabout i was like ok whatever ill carry on then on the second roundabout i went left she went right then all of a sudden she rips back in front of me again!!! bloody hell woman learn to drive before you get on the road.

Got back in one piece barely haha, stay tuned for more epic fails on the road and more adventure.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 7 19/3/2010

What to write haha, this is getting harder :P

Day started great again :D travelled all the way there no problems at all, saw some dead chickens on the side of the road where someone plowed them down as they always stick to the side of the road eating lol, Kawerau still smelt like asshole lmao, also had a clean run back to Tauranga.

Headed off for my second run of the day after lunch had a good run to Kawerau and same to Edgecumbe and then off to Whakatane got there and saw some crazies on the road then did my run and left just after 4:30pm to head back home and fuck my days had more cars on the road coming back to Tauranga then i have ever seen WTF ??? 6x trucks in a row with cars in between them so i couldn't pass a single one due to them being to close to one another grrrrrr finally got back at about 5:45pm ish so not too bad but still too many bloody cars haha.

Stay tuned for more stories of the road on Monday :O

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 6 18/3/2010

Well for a Thursday im pretty well fucked for the week now, had an alright run over there this morning and saw some nice Impala rumbling around then got to Kawerau had some sheman pull out in front of me (yippie) and where i parked smelt like a dog took a mountain of shit it was soo bad :S then had a slow trip back for lunch and finally got to rest.

Left for the second run a bit earlier so i could stop in Matata for a good old NZ Choc-Bar :P then off to Kawerau where it was all good then off to Edgecumbe where on good old Te Teko road i came round a bend which is all 100kph zone and there was a fucking Bull standing in the middle of the road!!! probably escaping from being fucked up the ass, then into Whaka's it was all good then i had to wait for the courier who is sposed to be there at 4:30pm didnt turn up untill 4:50pm hmm yay, and the reason why it was one of the Doctors in Ohope (Poppe) made him wait cause he had more things to do or some crap now this is not the 1st time he has held us all up :S

Left late on my way back home got stuck behind 4x trucks and 6 cars which all had to be travelling under 80kph and all 8 cars were on seperate occasions from Whakatane to Te Puke what a mission, also had some chinga ching chow asian who was only sitting on 70kph LEARN HOW TO DRIVE or go back to your country!!!!!! finally got passed him then struck roadworks yay just what i need, got half way down them and a roadwork truck & Trailer unit pulled out in front of us all wow they can't work properly now they cannot drive ?? WTF!!! owell waited for his slow ass to move along like a snail with a brick on it and carried along finally got to a passing lane and passed him and carried back on the the depot to finally arive at 6:10pm :(

Stay tuned for Friday's events, i can't wait........................

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 5 17/3/2010

What a day!!!

Started pretty good today on the way to Te Puke, then just out of Te Puke on the Whakatane turnoff i started to turn left and a car in front of me and then a Police car in front of that went straight ahead towards Rotorua, all of a sudden a car pulls out from the Whakatane turnoff straight in front of the cop car, the bloody hell the cop slammed his brakes on and the car ripped off, he obviously didn't know till the last minute he pulled in front of a cop haha, and guess what he looked like one of the Black Power gang members from Whakatane too, the cop then ripped a u-turn and chased him down.

That was my fun for the day, then headed on my way to the Eastern Bay where i did my run then headed to Edgecumbe then as i left there on the way to Kawerau on good old Te Teko road was going down a straight just before a corner and what is to come round it, a fucking truck going too bloody fast and had to come half in my lane due to speeding round there, i braked and had to pull to the left to avoid this fucking drugged up moron who had no idea how to even drive a fucking truck at all probably overcompensating for something ??

anyway thanks to the driver of the truck ELF317 you too will be getting a police Report :D think it's funny now ??

Headed back to Tauranga for my break then off after that to do another run where i had to wait to leave Whakatane due to more customers entering after the closing time (as if you didn't have all day already on your benefit and dole) geez.

Did the end of the run and got back just before 6pm, not a bad day and once again nearly getting killed in the process.....

Hope you liked this day, be on the lookout for more tomorrow :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 4 16/3/2010

Well another day another doller i say, not much to write about today had a pretty good run both times, had a slow nana on the way there on the 2nd run near Pongakawa going a speedy 70-80kph and didn't want to pull over so yeah passed her when i could and carried on.

Nice lot of sun today not too hot and not too cold, a few people on the Matata straights on the beach relaxing (wish i could) so looked like a mint time for them.......

On the way back from Whakatane i caught up to this little G-Dog in his blue mitsi something haha looked like an old Sigma lmao, had something on the back window, should have said K-Road Clitbag as this was the crappiest car i have seen driving along lmao owell another day down and another 3 to go then weekend time :D can't wait already.

So once again thanks for reading and keep looking for another day in the Life Of A Courier :D

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 3 15/3/2010

Well what a fucking day to put it politely, started pretty good all the way to Whakatane did the run there and Edgecumbe too, then off i went to Kawerau, now this is where the fun starts, got there driving through the main town centre when some old man runs a stop sign just like most people in this town do everyday and shoots staright in front of me and continues to drive at 30kph, wow soo fast, Fucking Idiot you will be getting a report from your local Police Station :) Karma bitch Karma :P

Heading back to Tauranga after that and got Diverted round the back of Te Puke due to more Road works wow more people that do not know how to work properly so they have to stand around :O so that was a 20 minute detour!!! got back to the depot and had lunch then pack the car and i was off again, had another mint run all the way this time then got to Baypark and some little cunt in his GTI Pulsar rego AWR303 now this piece of shit was behind me whilst i was passing and following another car, he then shoots into the left lane and fly's past us both being turbo of course, then cuts the driver in front of me off forcing him to slam on his brakes and me to nearly go up the back of him, so to this driver watch your back i can find where you live very easily!!

and for now that concludes another day in the "Life As A Courier"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 2 12/3/10

Well what a fucking day, started off pretty plain sailing left for Whaka's soakin up the sun on the way checked out the surf wasn't too bad either, got to Whakatane and far out, slow drivers and assholes everywhere haha, got to one of the places at 10:30 and was waiting there for the other courier to meet me and saw about 8-9 Cops fly out of the prison, shit raid's going on somewhere, i joked with the other guy "i Bet i will see them in Kawerau" well fuck me, close enough got to Te Teko (Texas) and shooting round the corner came the police about 20 mins later with 2x Utes packed with weed out the back lmao, someone lost thier grass hahahaha.

Anyway carried on and got cut off in Kawerau by some Mongrel Mob members in thier car like i do every other day so owell thats normal, left there to go back to Tauranga had another good drive back.

After lunch left again to head back to Kawerau noticed Te Puke had some Road works still going but carried on thinkin they will be done by the time i get back there in the arvo, got cut off by another car in Te Puke some Asshole that didn't know how to Merge like a zip i mean how hard is it, left lane then right lane then left lane then right lane, well obviously too hard for this white cracker who tried to break the zip, unfortunatly i wasn't letting him in, just kept going and pushed him wide till cars were coming then he had to move back inm all of a sudden lights flashing and fingers flying and arms cursing all sorts, looked like a person having a seisure owell he got over it i think.

Headed off to Kawerau had a mint run there and Edgecumbe and also to Whakatane then headed back to Tauranga was going great on time and no delays, then heard on the radio "Delays In Te Puke Due To Road Works" i was like umm yay hope there done before i get there and i dont have to wait!!!

Well just my luck the fucking lazy cunts started doing the roadworks at PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC TIME!!!! fucking hell, go back to school and learn when to do them far out, so i got stuck in traffic about 1km from the Whakatane turnoff on the Whakatane side of Te Puke, was there about 5:07pm didnt get into Te Puke till about 6:15pm usually takes me about 10 mins not a fucking hour didnt get back into the depot till about hmm what was the time 6:40PM!!!!! FUCK haha, owell thats life more fucking idiots and more shit to deal with on Monday.

Untill then keep safe and look forward to the next post :P

See you

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Start

Well after nearly 4 years of being a Courier i thought to myself, why not make a Blog and record my days from what i can remember anyway haha.

Well today started the same time 8:15am left to head on my way to Whakatane, had mostly idiots all on the road travelling at 75-85kph in 100kph zones :S always good, got there had a pretty good drive had 2 idiots today all up one tried to pass head on in traffic nearly had a head on just made it in when the other car had to pull off the road to avoid him, also hd a Maori lady pull out in front of me in matata whilst i was going 100kph she decided yeah there's a good gap here.

Obviously NOT, slammed my brakes on and nearly cleaned the bitch up far out so for the driver of the car rego CJA415 LEARN HOW TO FUCKING DRIVE!!!!! anyway thats most of what happened today, might try and get better at this in due time.

For now goodbye and thanks for reading if you are :P