Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 32 30/4/2010

Now today has got to be the most drama in one day so far haha.

Started pretty good today with no major drama's did my first runs then at the last place in Whakatane got held up with a newbie on took her an extra 15 mins so made me very late :( stuffed the whole day up really, put in for Overtime so yeah.....

Second run was the worst by far, not in this order but this is what happened.

Had a maori with tat's all over him rip out in front of me at a roundbaout, nearly went through his door then had a lady pull out of a driveway right in front of me then had a truck on the Matata straights nearly catch fire due to mud flap rubbing on front wheel and smoke everywhere then got into Te Puke and saw a head on which the car did catch on fire.

Fuck sake what a day and i thought there wasn't going to be any drama's hahahaha boy was i wrong :P

Thank god it's friday :O time for a rest and a feed, cya Monday :(

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 31 29/4/2010

What a bloody day :(

seemed like everyone was out to annoy me hahaha, owell that's just about my life anyway :P

just on the morning run alone i had 4x trucks pull out in front of me including a Pikowai Carriers LTD truck in Otamarakau who pulled out within 100 meters of me making me slam on the brakes as it's a 100kph area, nearly went up the back of the fucking idiot.

Also in Whakatane i saw this old lady walk straight out in front of another car and nearly get taken out, silly bitch.

Then coming back i saw a Cadbury station wagon [EPJ440] do the same thing as the Subaru yesterday, he was behind me then all of a sudden shoots into the other lane then rips up on front of me then cuts off a big truck all for nothing really cause i passed him later on, HAHA!

Well just when you think that was it, heading through the long straights before Matata, i had this motorbike and a G-Ryder lmao in a VR4 [DCZ101] shoot past me at well over 160kph racing each other, owell he will be getting a friendly letter in the mail from the Police :)

Fcuking idiot, no thought for anyone else on the road at all, bloody MONGREL!!! should be put down.

Well that's my day over and done with, will hopefully cross my fingers for a better day tomorrow but you all know what that is going to end up like LOL.

Chow For Now :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 30 28/4/2010

Today was full of complete cunts to put it politely :)

Full of slow drivers and idiots including

1. Matata Straights i went to pass 2 cars at once, no problems there right ? well i thought not, the car in front of me put up a big stink cause i passed him, started when i was passing both of them then the guy at the back wanted to pass before me but didn't as he was just sitting there and didn't even go at all so i indicated then pulled out and started to pass when he indicated when i was half way up his car, he then started to pull over into my lane that i was in nearly hitting me, i then passed him and he shot out behind me giving the fingers and yelling abuse. What a fuckhead, either pass or wait till i fucking pass you haha.

2. End of te puke passing lane through the township i was just passing a truck on the left lane before it ended (plenty of space) when a boy racer in his Subaru started to tailgate me and cut off the truck at the end, what a prick, he was in a truck he could have run you over like an ant!! owell i guess that's why they die at such an early age NO BRAINS!!

That's about all today, had a good run both times apart from that haha, owell ill be reporting again tomorrow :)

Untill then take care on the roads.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 29 27/4/2010

Well started today with new hours set in place for now, wasn't too bad today at all, most of the day went quite smoothly.

Had a good run all the way to Whakatane then got to one of the places there and this maori lady thought she could park anywhere especially in this parking space that said "NP" which means No Parking to most people except her which she thought it probably ment No Problem, owell good for her she came back to get her car and it was towed away hahahaha Good fucking job!

Another bit of fun for the day i had was this newish Toyota Camry everytime i went to pass it he would speed up or go onto the centre line just to be a complete cunt, he finally turned off 20 mins later.

Had a campervan do exactly the same thing quite a new looking one too so had a bit of get up and go haha, he shot off when i went to pass him, owell hope he crashes one day and learns the hard way that's all i can say about him.

That's about my whole day over, yet more to come haha.

Stay safe see you tomorrow :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 28 23/4/2010

She was another slow day today haha, just like most days!!

Bloody hell cannot for the life of me think what i did on Friday which now as i am writing is Saturday :S

Had yet another Maori or Islander rip out in front of a car on a passing lane then cut me off after the lane had finished then all of a sudden just slow down to 80kph right in front of me...... WTF and with a child in the car ??

Also had some chinese whore with her personalised plate [Ging 2] pull right out in front of me at a roundabout just about turned her into flat chink suprise!

Well that's about my whole day over, Oh and now starting from Monday my run has changed forward 30 mins due to work not wanting to pay Overtime, well what can i say!!!

Till next time, anyone walks out in front of you, run the fuckers over haha.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 27 22/4/2010

"She's a Big Job" haha long day today is what it seemed.

All was pretty good today didn't have many problems except some complete fucking idiot who at Domain Road roundbaout on the main Highway was in the left lane and wanted to turn right in front of traffic, well that turned out all good didn't it :S nearly caused a 3 car pile up with me included!!! stupid fucking idiot.

After that headed to Te Puke and was behind a Rotorua Forest Haulage truck who ever time he braked the back left wheel would lock up and the smoke that poured out was like going to a Rastafarian's birthday party fuckin hell haha, owell not really much else at all today hmmm trying to think..........

Oh there was a trail of blood along some steps and path in Whakatane also this arvo so someone was injured lol.

Owell enough said today will report on how tomorrow is :P

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 26 21/4/2010

Wednesday, half way through the week :S

Today started all good with a nice lot of sun and weather, took my time today just relaxing listening to the music as i cruised along, then i got to Whakatane *sigh* had a maori man in his piece of crap car pull to the left on a road with no indication then i started to pass him and all of a sudden he turned right straight in front of me to do a U-turn WTF are you doing you cock head ?? owell carried on and then had a lady yell at me for making her baby smile when it was crying it's head off, i said hi to it and made a funny face and it went from crying to laughing and happy in 2 seconds then the maori bitch turns round and says "Air don't fucking touch my child bey" first of all i wasn't going to touch your child "Bey" and secondly don't go all Once Were Warriors on me you whore, only uncle Bully would do that to your kid fuck sake.

That sort of concludes my day so far haha, yet another 2 to go for the rest of the week :S

Untill next time, drive safe and live life to the fullest :)

Day 25 20/4/2010

Slow as a fucking turtle, that is how my day was :S

Headed off and went to fill up with petrol when i got to the BP Station i was welcomed by an angry man working for Hydra Lawn or some crap, i pulled in behind a car and he was in front of it waiting to take up both pumps so told me to fuck off as it was his park, didn't want to get into anything due to being in a uniform so i backed out and went into the next one, he then backed up and went into another one too ?? wtf was the point in all of that then cunt face, also the servo people said he was an asshole too so i wasn't the only one who thought so :P

rest of the day was pretty slow and cruisy, coming through Te Teko i had some little wannabe nigger g-unit dressed in green, he looked like a little black leprachaun on a bike and he wanted to play chicken with my car whilst going 100kph, well i didn't even move when he tried to scare me off by jerking the steering of his bike towards me, but when he saw i was coming straight for him he just about shat his pants and soon learnt his lesson the hard way as i carried on my way.

That's about all for the day not much excitement for me apart from that, oh and the Hospital in Whakatane had a fire alarm go off and some fire engines arrived to a false alarm lol.

Tomorrow is yet another day :S

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 24 19/4/2010

"Hey Jonesy Give Me a hand with a job monday"

"Nah fuck off" lol

Well was a pretty laxed out day today, everyting ran like clockwork :D except the courier arrived late but still got back in good time :)

Had one anus on the road in Whakatane who pulled out in front of me on a roundabout and didn't even care, owell your getting a report from the police :D

Was a pretty good day weather wise, not too much sun so easy to run round but was pretty windy and the car was swaying round a bit on the Matata straights so about a 50/50 day haha.

Well that's all from the roads today :) will report again tomorrow.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 23 16/4/2010

Slowest bloody day of them all lmao, had a cow jump the fence in Whakatane and run onto the road so me and another car had to slam on the brakes :S had a lady in a Hospital car fly past me at about 125kph lol she will be spoken to soon lmao, and yeah thats actually about all the excitement today.

Had the usuall nana's and stuff even had a maori try and open the door in my car to steal stuff as he was doing the same down the whole street, rang the cops and he got taken to the station not long after SHAME!!!

well untill next time cya later :P

Day 22 15/4/2010

Well i completely forgot to write about this day haha, so will do it now :P

Was a fucking slow day but owell.

This post is probably going to be the shortest of the lot lol.

Saw 2 crashes today one in Kawerau which was a head on i was there about 5-10 seconds after it happened was in a 100kph zone a elderly lady pulled out in front of oncoming traffic and got nailed bad as and got trapped in the car, also had a boy racer in Te Puke who didn't stop when the traffic did and he went straight into the back of the others haha :D

Owell thats about all, gotta write about today which is actually the 16th haha

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 21 14/4/2010

Yet another slow day wtf give me a break lmao, started with a courtesy car as mine was getting checked over once again :S filled up and off i went :D got stuck not far out of Tauranga with very slow drivers most of the way there, had some drama's today like a old lady on Military Road just out of Kawerau it's a long straight with a 100kph speed zone due to being a rural main road and she was coming towards me and all of a sudden she started coming in my lane and towards me i was like WTF are you doing you whore, then i saw letterboxes on the same side of the road as me which she was going to but to do so she could have just waited for me to go past then pulled over but no had to cut in front of me so i had to slam on the brakes to avoid cleaning this bitch up like a bad korma curry out the ass and carried on, if i wasn't running so late i would have stopped and had a nice word to her about what she did but owell, courier arrived late as this morning at 11am not 10:30 he's supposed to so was running late most of the day :( had an alright run though apart from that then on the way home on the last run just had a lady in a BMW who kept sittign on the centre line every time i went to pass her as she was under 100kph i mean come on if your not going the speed limit let people past you slut with your bloody tit's hangin out like a K'Rd hooker geez.

Well that's my day still got back early so not too bad i spose :S

Till next time, drive safe and stay alive lol

Day 21 13/4/2010

Yipdy fucking do another crap day for you know who haha

Started very slowly today, unsure why people drive slower when it is school holiday but yeah :S owell this writeup will probably be short today due to hardly anything happening.

Very slow cars on the road, nana's and all also just about got taken out by a ute coming along military Road today he was going too fast round a bend and came into my lane to overcompensate for his shitty driving and just about cleaned me up.

Also a guy just out of Te Puke passed not only me but about another 20 cars on the middle median going at least 100kph with false plates on the car and was tailgating and all sorts of crap, 2 fire engines shooting off to a car vs truck crash :S not nice at all, got back late due to the place i was waiting at didn't have the stuff ready in time :( owell next time hopefully haha, also courier arrived late too so yeah.

Most of the day wasn't too bad though just those crap things and thats about all, nice lot of sun today for a tan lmao.

See you next time for more chaos on the roads.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 20 12/4/2010

Today is only Monday and yes there are yet more idiots on the roads :S

Started all good got to Domain Road near Papamoa when i was heading straight through the roundabout, 2 lanes both go straight so all good, 2 cars in the left lane i was in the right, the guy at the back on the left tried to shoot up and block me off form merging in so i just floored it and passed both haha shutdown to the guy in the brands new Ford Falcon :P

Owell did that and carried on to Whakatane, got just out of Matata when a Motorhome came flying round the corner and just about wiped me out cause he was going way too fast round a bend and crossed the line :S

Had an amazing amount of slow drivers out today some going 20-30kph under the speed limit most of the day which is just bloody great isn't it, also had some trucks coming over the centre line which was a mixture of Logging and Container trucks which did that today always good seeing a truck come into your lane at 100kph yippie!!

Also had some random Maori lady in Matata today just after lunch she was a big lady and she ordered 2x 2 scoop ice creams plus a Pie and Coke and some lollies too, then after the guy got the ice cream she said "Oh i might not have enough for both ice Creams now, can you put one back" i felt like saying why didn't you check your bank and not eat soo much in the first place lol.

Anyway that was the best parts of my day with the most excitement all up lmao also had some idiots on the way home today after the courier arrived very late which i got back after 6pm :( these 2 drivers on the way home everytime i caught up to them and went to pass they slammed their foot to the floor and booted it and went over 120kph then slowly i would catch back up due to them going under 100kph again then the same over and over from just out of Whakatane all the way to Te Puke so yeah :S

Owell another day another Dollar haha, cya next time :P

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 19 9/4/2010

What a fucking day :S

Started pretty slow with some very very slow drivers on the roads including trucks and assholes including a Tourist who shot past me at about 150kph wtf ? slow down willis.

got into Whaka's today after what seemed eternity driving with a bunch of loose assholes all over the place, got into Whakatane and sun was beaming and hot as, was pretty nice too :P did the town run and left for Edgecumbe then got stuck behind a maori in Te Teko the speed was 100kph and he was going oh what's that 60kph!!! fuck sake haha some of us have to do a job and not sit on the benefit all day, all good for some who get to drink beer all day and spoke weed then get in the car and cause a crash but get out of my fucking way you useless fucking dopehead.

Owell carried on to Kawerau, home of the Mongrels and crazy drivers...... did that and carried on my way back had lunch then re-loaded with a packed car :S

Set off for my last run of the week yay :D got to Kawerau without any problems and same with Edgecumbe then off to Whaka's where more idiots came out to play Grrrrr, when leaving i had a lady in a family wagon pull straight out in front of me at a roundabout which i had to slam on the brakes to avoid her then wait for her to dawdle along at a snails pace around the roundabout then carried on to the next one where an old lady in her flash Mercedes crossed over the lane into mine and just about hit the front left of my car :S wtf, tooted and she nearly had a heartattack haha shame.

Carried on again got stuck behind more bloody traffic out of Thornton which was a line of about 15 cars yawn, then continued on passing all the way to Te Puke did that then back to the depot still made it back early :D glad its the bloody weekend!!

Till next time stay safe :D

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 18 7/4/2010

Each day has something different in store..........

Started pretty good, had the workhorse taken to Toyota to be checked out, got a new 2010 Corolla Hatch thing, was a pretty good car to do the first run in, had the power when i needed to pass and was sitting on 100 pretty nicely only bad thing was backing up, couldn't see a damn thing :(

Had no drama's all up this morning except alot of trucks but not too bad, oh and the Maori in a old as family wagon slowed right down in Te Teko to try and drag me lmao, he slowed down real slow till i started to pass him then he floored his shitty diesel but being a complete piece of shit this thing didn't do jack lmao so yeah.

Did the run in good time and came back for a nice feed, Second run started good to had the old car back again all ready to go :D Got to Kawerau without a hitch same with Edgecumbe too, got into Whaka's did the run also and still no problems :O miracle lmao, same with coming back home, the courier arrived nice and early so got back nice and early too yay.

That's all to report today, hopefully Friday is better as i am off tomorrow for the Funeral so yeah.

See ya next time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 17 6/4/2010

Another day on the manic roads to what have we in store today ?

Well all was well when i left for work haha, got there and went to load up the car and got pummeled with rain, finally got it all loaded then headed off to re-fuel then off i went into the deep dark abyss :P

Had a pretty slow trip to Whakataniwha today due to rain and very very slow drivers, i mean yeah slow down when it is raining but not to 50-60kph wtf, hurry up nana's.

Went just past the turn off to Whakatane just past Te Puke and saw a 3 car pile up lmao, one car i guess slammed hisbrakes on to go over the railway and the others behind didn't look and oopsie haha turned one family size sedan into a mini lmao shame.

Got to Whaka's and not much going on there did the whole town run and it was only spitting in places and some rain but overall not too much left there pissed down on the way to Edgecumber :P then same to Kawerau aswell, saw the marks and burnt patches where the people died from the big as crash :S carried on and got hit hard by yet more rain out by Matata, got back early and enjoyed lunch :D

Headed off again for the second run, just heading past the Maketu turnoff and not far from Otamarakau when i was going round a corner to the right when this whore came round the corner half in my fucking lane WTF!!!! bloody hell gave me a damn heart attack!!, owell that's life on the roads i spose :S

Carried on to Kawerau rain is still pissing down there same with Edgecumbe and also Whaka's did the whole run without any more problems which was awesome :D then had to wait for the courier who rang in and said ill be 15 mins i had a blowout, which turned out to be about 25 mins, didn't turn up untill about 5:06pm which made me late so i didn't get back till about 6:30pm :S late night pissing with rain and dark as a black mans ass, so yeah was a busy as day today, busier than a bricklayer in baghdad :O

So thats about all that happened, oh and had more slow as drivers on the way home too but that's just normal now :S

Take care and ill report again tomorrow.

As for Thusday i might not be at work, going to a Funeral :( R.I.P Sam