Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 52 31/5/2010

another day and more fucking idiots, heading into the sunrise over to Whakatane i had one lady i caught up to just before Otamarakau, she was tailgating me for a bit then sped off at about 120kph then carried on tailgating others and passing on double yellows etc, she left me in her dust but then not long after i caught her back up, funny that she was fast on the straights but shit on the corners LOL she was going about 70-75kph round corners so caught her easily there and then once in Whakatane she slowed back down to 100kph to avoid getting caught in town WHORE!

Owell another slut on the roads, got stuck in mroe roadworks just between Whaka's and Awakeri where the road mongrels still havnt fixed the mess they started doing so got the car covered in shit once again.

After that headed back and had some little miss slut bitch who strated tailgating me then passed me then slowed down then went all over the road i was like WTF are you up to ?? found out when i saw her TXTING :S no idea what so ever, crossing the centre line and back and then back to the centre back and forward, so i thought fuck this passed the little blonde slut in the Self Indulgence Rav 4, look what your doing you WHORE!!!

owell apart from that had a pretty busy day running round like a rabid rabbit on heat so yeah, got back nice and early for once so that wasnt too bad :)

See you tomorrow for more fun and drama.....

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 51 28/5/2010

More fuckers on the roads today :S

headed off into the wild weather and rain from TGA all the way to Whakatane, had a few trucks which were a whore to pass in the rain :S had some old person swerving all over the road too but apart from that wasn't too bad.

Most of the morning run was all good, went back had lunch left again and fuck my days, had to be more idiots on the roads, started in Pikowai where one of the Downer Works EDI road works trucks just pulled straight out in front of me when i was going 100kph, had to slam on the brakes to avoid going right up his shitter!! Kept going past that cunt of a person and got to Kawerau and shit sake had 2 cars, one of them being a Mongrel Mob Isuzu Mu just fly through a giveway sign straight in front of me, obviously to him it means i have to giveway to him not the other way round WTF ?? then had some little shit on a bike with red bandana wrapped over his face, he must of smelt pretty bad eh ?? then leaving Kawerau just by the Mill had some toss pot too busy wanking away to even notice he ran a red light and i just about went straight through the back of his car :S then took off at about 130kph.

So that was my day of fun and adventures, hope i have a good rest and back into it on Monday. Yay for me.............. NOT owell take care and have fun :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 50 27/5/2010

Wow the big 50 aye haha, what can i say another fucking shit day :S

the morning started with a slow driver in a caravan going 80kph and not letting anyone passed at all, so when i passed him and also another 4 cars aswell i told him nicely by pointing left to PULL THE FUCK OVER!!!! and so he did finally to let the 60,000 cars pass!! owell another person that didn't learn decency (spelling ?).

Also saw a crash in Kawerau outside the Mill, looked like a car tried to overtake just before a corner and someone came round the corner then the car tried to pull in and collected the car he was passing sending both of them spinning onto the grass then into something, maybe the fence etc so yeah another person from Kawerau who doesn't know how to drive, no suprises there.

Had an alright run back tonight though apart from a Linfox truck who didn't like me passing him so he sped up behind another truck in front of him when i was passing closing the gap, but of course i kept going and pulled in front of him with still a lot of room to go, he then tailgated me for a bit before backing off like he should have at the start bloody wanker.

Owell another day down another dollar, we will see how tomorrow will go.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 49 26/5/2010

Hahahaha what a bloody day, this morning started out all good till i started to come back home LOL, had some slow ass Turban cruisader going 75kph in a 100 ZONE!!! he sped up when i wanted to pass him on the passing lane then slowed back down WTF ?? go back to your country you shit head.

owell had a good rest of the day untill i was leaving Whakatane, left late due to courier once again then had 2 idiots one working for some maori company called Te Whare Awanuiarangi or some crap, who decided tailgating was awesome so kept doing it and speeding :S then had a guy from Forman Commercial Interiors who was also tailgating and passed me on double yellows, so i though fuck had enough of this, reported the last guy and a Police unit got sent out and pulled him over, he got done for speeding, that will teach you fucking cunt :D

Well that's about all, got back late again but owell had some fun on the roads of mayhem lmao, See ya tomorrow for more drama's and FUN!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 48 25/5/2010

Hmmmm, well today went alright, not too many drama's but still had some!!

Started and was heading out by the Rangiuru Freezing works when come cunt in his Ford Falcon old as, started to swerve back and forward over the lane and tried to pass the car behind me on the inside then on the outside and with cars coming head on :S he then finally got passed him and me both at the same time and shot off like the speed of sound only to turn into the next driveway just up the road. Claps clap for the handicap you fucking wanker.

then had some jackass in a Merc do the same in a way but every time he sped up and passed someone in front of me then i would catch him then he would slow down till i went to pass then he would speed up again and so on, me confused then a retard with ADD :S

owell, then had rain off and on but only lightly, then had the courier turn up fucking late as again so left late then heading just outta Whakatane when i got stuck with a Detour due to a fucking truck driver for Eagle Trucking who decided it would be good to speed in the rain im guessing and tip the truck into the ditch :S (view on 3 news) so yeah for his shitty driving i then got detoured another 10 mins out of my way round the back of Thornton back onto the same road and carried on when i got back finally at 6:15pm i was pretty fucked so look forward to some sleep!!!

See you tomorrow for more fun on the roads.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 47 24/5/2010

What a day haha rain rain and more fucking rain lmao.

Started off soaking wet from the heavy rain throughout the BOP and some other areas, also very very slow drivers and bloody trucks!!!! couldn't get passed them cause of the overspray :( so was a bit late in the morning due to that but still had a blast of a day passing the slow as cars in the rain.

Always loved driving in the rain i dunno why just can handle it great without crashing!!!

Had a few whores today who like to pull out in front of me but apart from that oh and being more wet than a prostitute on a busy night all went good.

Well that was the run :)

Take care and ill see you again tomorrow :D

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 46 21/5/2010

Yet another slow day, had a few people going soo damn slow today it wasn't even funny, also had a little baby turd run out in front of my car in Te Teko in the 100kph zone, i missed her by about 2 metres :S stupid little shit.

Got back early and still had the same girls at work not happy even though i was early wtf?? i come late not happy early not happy well i give up not going to please the prissy queens again.

Also had a fair bit of rain on the way home today which made the run back a very very slow one at that but apart from that nothing major on the roads today except some uneducated road watchers doing some work on the road between Awakeri and Whakatane closing downthe lane they fucked up when widening the road causing it to crack down the middle like an earthquake so now they gotta spend our money again to repair the fucking thing!!! Get a education and make it properly you lazy shits.

Owell that's my rant over, finally friday :D have fun till Monday :S Cyu

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 45 20/5/2010

What a slow day :( had yet more cars pulling in front of me and so on also had one hell of alot of rain on the way home on the last run back, had a few nice people on the run today though :D thank god for that, one guy opened a door for me haha only cause i had an armfull of stuff :) and i opened a door for a lady who said you can let it go but i kept it open anyway lol.

Got back late agian tonight due to courier turing up late once again :S didn't turn up till 4:50pm so i didn't get back till about 6:15pm so yeah another day another doller.

See you tomorrow for yet another day, Thank god its gonna be Friday!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 44 19/5/2010

Pretty good day today, nice weather and hardly any fuckwits on the roads :D all i had today was a massive oversized truck on the Matata straights which took up 1 1/2 lanes haha he was hauling a giant Vat for the Fontera factory in Edgecumbe, it was installed in the afternoon sometime round 3:30pm.

Also had some Black Power (blue) around Whakatane near the courthouse all waiting for the guy who bullied the 4 year old for wearing red, what lowlifes nothing better to do that pick on a 4 year old and take our money whilst drinking and smoking weed.

Owell that's about all today, take care :)

Day 43 18/5/2010

Slow as bloody hell today and more drama then i can poke a stick at.

Left late due to tlaking to the boss about issues etc.......

Headed on my merry way and all the way to Whakatane just about every car that could pull out in frot of me did, even had some slutty 60 year old whore in her rich man's Audi tailgating me and going all over the road trying to pass then decided lets pass on a corner wtf ???

Anyway, had a truck nearly hit me head on and cross the centre line, had another MX5 drama like the other day, same roundabout and story but with a van today and he was half way down my car when he decided to pull over into my lane forcing me inot the centre of the road and onto the middle median concrete thing :S

Owell, more shit, had some rain too, also saw some poor kid that had to get flown in the Helicopter due to Severed hand :( hope he gets better and can use it again.

Second run went all good, started late but made up time which is great and the courier turned up nice and early about 4:30ish so i could leave then and head back to TGA got back on time tonight, had extra stuff to deliver which made the final destination girls angus as haha, owell not my fault i can't help that!!

Lets see what tomorrow has in store.........

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 42 17/5/2010

Started today pretty good, had a loan car as mine's in the workshop getting new tyres and some stuff repaired.

Today was probably one of the best days i have had except being soaked in Whakatane in the morning, alot of rain haha, owell cooled me down :P was a very smooth run all day long and the courier at the end of the day came before i even turned up!!! for once got back bloody early and i was loving it!!!

Well that's about all today, no drama's at all just what a day should be like!!

See ya next time :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 41 14/5/2010

Well well well, another day down and the end of the week yippie!!!!

Ha some drama's on the roads today, not in this order just trying to remember what happened that's all haha.

Had a fucking idiot cut in a gap round a roundabout which was as small as his penis, he cut me off when ripping into my lane and actually hit my front bumper and ripped off couldn't find the cunt after that, owell got his plate and reported him :D

and had a fuckface in a Ute pull in front of me at a roundbaout, he thought he could get in front of me which he did only cause i had to slam on the brakes to avoid going straight into his door and probably injuring the cunt easy but owell.

That's is about all that happened today, not much but yeah, there is probably more but i cannot think at all, need a bloody feed starving as lmao.

Thank god it's Friday!!!

See you Monday for another round of dodgems!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 40 13/5/2010

Wow the big day 40!! gone pretty fast already i spose.

Well today, and i though the other days were bad!! not as bad as today had gone.

Started today getting to work and seeing that my car had been parked in the very far away car park, i was like wtf ?? no one uses my car at night and it had all the freight inside too.... got into work and one of the colleagues said, "I loaded the car for you due to the roadworks" i was like sweet as :D so said thanks and carried on my merry way, went to go down the driveway to goto my car and due to the road works they blocked the whole driveway off :S so had to walk round the block of the bulding to get to my car.

Finally got there, had to re-arrange the freight due to not being in the right places etc, then got in the car and went to turn on the phone and what do you know, NO PHONE!!! it was on charge back inside, so had to go back round the block get the phone by this time i was late as already, then got a call for an extra pickup which would take yet another 10 mins to do and still had to walk back to my car!!!

Left late as got to Fraser street lights to turn right at 15th ave and fuck my days was waiting 3 sets of lights and our arrow still didn't turn green WTF ??? so backed up avoided nudging the lady behind me and took off straight ahead, well guess what was holding up the lights an elderly lady sitting in her car like a Meerkat oblivious to what she was doing, she was only about 3 car lenghts from the sensor under the road where you are supposed to sit on top of with your car to make the lights turn green etc. Cracked a U-turn and got the green on the other side for me to go on and she was still there like a stunned mullet!!!

Owell maybe most old people should have thier licences taken off them ??

Anyway got into Whakatane after all that, had a near miss when some fuckhead wanted to try and fall asleep i guess and nearly hit me head on :S and the rain and shit carried on today on and off most of the way.

Did the run and on the way back had a Van going about 75kph in a 100kph zone holding up about 40-50ish cars, finally got past him just before Te Maunga then back to the depot where i once again had to unload the vehicle and battle the fuckin road works again!!!!! late lunch had to leave without having the full break once again to be on the road and make the times i am given to do.

Second run there and back were all good as the roadworks were finally done and looking good :)

Lets hope tomorrow is a better bloody day!!

Stress Free - YEAH RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 39 12/5/2010

Well today was interesting that's for sure, started out shit had Higgins re-sealing our driveway, just to make it easier we have a one way driveway with a very small coulder sack thing as the main entrance is now blocked permanantly by construction work so anyway their Bobcat that rips up the tarmac is going 1-2kph up hill on our driveway which is not wide enough for both of us to fit up at once so we have to be "Patient" says the boss, yeah when you have deadlines that's great news!! i had to wait 10 mins for this idiot that dropped out of school the same day he went in at 5 to work at Higgins just like his dad etc.

now some of you might say 10 mins oh who cares, well in 5 mins i can make alot of pace along my course for the day, and alot of cars can pass me in that time including trucks which i then have to pass again so 10 is a hell of a long time to be sitting doing nothing.

Anyways got to Whakatane late again, saw a burnt out car in the morning on Thornton Road, got blown with the wind all the way to Whakatane and all day for that matter and also with the rain it made things interesting to say the least!!

The nice weather brought out all the assholes in Whakatane and Kawerau trying to drift thier cars round places you can't drift anyway, one guy in a mercedes learnt the hard way when his wheel nuts wern't on properly and the right rear wheel just about fell off and then had to pull over with no tools to fix it haha.

Finally for once the courier at the end of the day came earlier so that made me get back early for once in a blue moon!! Lets hope he does the same tonight eh ??

Till next time Stay Safe :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 38 11/5/2010

Well didn't goto work yesterday had the flu :(

Today was going alright till i just got out of Tauranga then just about every 10th car pulled out straight in front of me....... had a newish V6 Ford Falcon try and cut me off then he just got shutdown when he got stuck in traffic when he tried to pass me and jumped in the wrong lane with more traffic in it and i just went sailing past haha, then had some old fogey rip past me in his late model BMW on a median and double yellows :S if only he was driving a shitty honda civic eh.

Had the same things happen most of the day with people causing havoc and all sorts etc, just about witnessed another 2 crashes today too when people shooting out in Whakatane at roundabouts due to the law there for the citizens is thier own law.

Got back late again due to courier *sigh* owell that's life i guess.

Untill next time cyu round.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 37 7/5/2010

Yet another slow day in Courier Land :S had yet more people pulling out in front of me and so on, just the usual, had a idiot today when everytime i went to pass him he would either speed up or sit on the centre line blocking me from viewing ahead :(

Also had a good guy in a RFH Logging truck who flicked his indicator to let me pass, not many trucks do this anymore and he also pulled over a bit which was awesome to see.

Was late again tonight due to Courier arriving late meeting me, and traffic in Te Puke was once again backed up like a constipated man's colon.

Owell good to be friday, i am over this week.

See you next time :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 36 6/5/2010

Today started pretty late, had some drama's with people walking in at work today which i helped out and got put back late as by doing so, then had slow as drivers all over the place today including a Jayco company vehicle towing one of thier Caravan's and just about loosing it all over the road by going too fast and swerving on the motorway lmao idiot.

also had a Brunel Construction car rip out in front of me the later on start to talk on his phone whilst driving which made him go bloody slow due to not being able to drive while holding his phone fucktard.

and also had a car When heading along the State Highway 2, 29 from Truman Lane towards maungatapu this driver just shot past me at about 130kph with no regards to safety of others at all.

Then also had a giant black fuck who in Whakatane ripped right in front of me from his lane into mine to try and block me from passing him so he could pass instead. Yeah go back to your Ngapuhi G-Rydz hole in the septic tank you shit and stop taking money out of my pocket!!!!

Owell see what tomorrow brings :S

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 35 5/5/2010

Bloody hell what a day!!!

Started shit as hell with all the idiots in the world coming out to play, had just about every car that could pull in front of me and all the nana's too going between 70-80kph in 100kph zones!!! so that made me late all morning, i got back just on 1pm for lunch then about 1:50pm i went to track down something i had to take to Whakatane and do you think anyone knew anything about it ?? NO so i spent about 15 mins sourcing this invisible package to take there, left late and got to Rangiuru Affco Freezing works where there was a head on collision between a Toyota Hilux and a Nissan Terrano ?? a fuck load of blood and mess everywhere i think someone tried to pass on the double yellows and didn't quite make it at all, all services were there attending trying to get out the body of the man in the Hilux, he didn't look to healthy keep a look out on the news for details i spose, finally got past there in about 45 mins!!! :S and had the most shit run ever, was late as a dry whore and then did the run and left to come back when i got stuck in more traffic in Te Puke once again!! didn't get back till about 6:30ish then had to go get an urgent package which bumped my finish time to 7pm :O owell lifes a bitch eh ??

Stay safe on the roads!!!

Untill next time Cyu

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 34 4/5/2010

Today was probably one of the longest haha, didn't finish till 6:30 :(

Not much at all if any to report about today, had a smooth as drive on both runs without any drama's so what more could i ask for ?? Oh and i got to drive a 2010 Toyota Highlander for the first part of the day :D yay haha

Well i got held up on the very last run hom, the other courier didn't make it to the area untill 5:05pm when he should have been there at 4:30pm :( owell had a very slow run back in the pitch black night haha, Oh and if you want a courier to deliver your stuff do not choose PBT as one of them rolled thier van just out of Whakatane going too fast round a corner.

Untill next time take care :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 33 3/5/2010

Another day another fucking drongo on the roads!!!

Started ok i spose, had a bit of a cruisy run there today then wasn't till i got to Whakataniwha when all the shit happened.

Not all of this happened in this order im trying to remember it all haha, had some fat whore on the way home rip straight outin front of me [WRITE 1] and also had some complete sackless wonder shoot past me on a blind bend on the Matata straights at about 130kph, what a complete fuckwit, also had some numnuts flick me the fingers after i "Merged" in front of him from a 2 lane highway into 1.

So yeah all up a pretty fucked up day eh, owell still have the rest of the week to go!!!!

Cya tomorrow for more cunts on the road :)