Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 845 31/12/13

Well the last day of 2013 and fucking hell there are some absolute assholes on the roads! Car 1 Rego DAL961 this truckie was coming straight for us in our lane as he crossed over and was half way in he then looked up and swerved straight back over nearly going on the grass before swerving back again! Absolute fucking idiot nearly hit the car in front of me! Car 2 Rego FPE270 a Nissan Xtrail this young kid and his mum were in the left lane and I was in the right lane as we came up to a roundabout heading out of Whakatane and he did not look and cut the roundabout and in doing so just about smashed into the side of my car forcing me up onto the roundabout! Held the horn down didn't really give a shit eh no care in the world.... Also had very slow absolute fucking morons all day long, taking their time looking around at the scenery and mucking about with a huge line of cars banked up behind not pulling over fuckin ignorant cunts! Also the ones who go slow then speed up when you try to pass or it's clear to pass etc so yeah, pretty over this week... Take care, have a good New Year and see you all Friday!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 844 30/12/13

Back again for another mad week on the tarmac of fury... Still battling with the slow holiday makers taking over the road and randoms driving everywhere taking their time etc. Car 1 Rego WX7771 this White Nissan flew up behind me and rode my ass off and on before taking off at around 120 from Matata to Te Puke Car 2 Rego FBY572 a young guy in a Black BMW from Pongakawa to Whakatane again flew up behind me going well over the limit, tailgated me for a while off and on, weaving all over the road trying to pass as soon as he could etc before flying off in the distance again at speed.... Along with them the usual slow ones were all out in force including tonight following behind a lady in a Rav who would go slow as on the open road but any passing lanes would take off over the limit etc and slow right down and fuck around when you couldn't pass! Absolute fucking muppets don't know how they get a licence at all! Owell, sun was out again for most of the day with a bit of rain coming home tonight so not bad at all, take care again and see you all tomorrow for the last day before a couple of days rest then into it again Friday!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 843 27/12/13

What can i say, this post is a day late due to having such a shit day it was soo full on couldn't be fucked writing it haha. Started out with a ton of slow traffic heading out of TGA in the morning, got to Te Puke and got stuck behind the asshole of the day, Rego WU8807 this guy was sitting on 60-70kph holding up a ton of traffic and not giving a shit at all, typical maori guy arm out the window etc.... Through Te Puke he ran straight through a roundabout cutting a car off nearly hitting it, then out of Te Puke he was slow once again. I also saw the same car in Kawerau later in the day running a red light which had been red for a while till he came rolling up to it and ran through as if it was green..... Had more slow drivers heading to Whakatane in the morning and the whole day really, also got stuck in the aftermath of a 4 car pileup in Whakatane don't know how the hell that happened but fucked my morning up then more traffic back to Te Puke slow again, coming back again Kiwirail caught some bush on fire along the coast and had to wait for fire service to put it out etc so another wait pushing my already late day back more, then more slow traffic and lack of parking anywhere made it later and it carried on like that over and over and did not get any better. Weather was alright with a bit of sun sitting around the 22 degree mark so not too bad. Well that is all, take care and see you all Monday for another round on the roads!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 842 24/12/13

Well fuck me sideways what a hell of a day. The slow motherfuckers were still out there in force fucking my day up big time as they putted along taking their time, including an ambo #502 i think, from Matata to Te Puke going 70kph...... A line of about 25+ cars banked up behind and no care in the world... Car 1 Rego ZO5425 a grey Primera from Te Maunga to Te Puke this black fuck sped well over the limit, flew up behind me tailgated my ringpiece very closely weaving all over the road, passed me and 2 others with oncoming traffic only just got in, did the same again out of Te Puke, in Te Puke itself he was going around 70-80 in a 50 zone, cutting in and out of lanes no indication at all racing etc.... Car 2 Rego BRL440 this dick in a Mitsi from Te Puke to Matata would sit on around 70 then when clear and we wanted to pass he would take off around 110 etc, corners he would slam the brakes on and down to 70 if he went faster, then take off on straights again the whole way... Car 3 Rego FGU311 another cock in a Holden, 80kph then take off over 110, went to pass a small truck on a blind corner got 3/4 of the way out and swerved back in due to nearly having a head on.... Also end of the day in TGA had a Pt cruiser Rego PTT022 or something speed up and run straight through a roundabout in front of me cutting me off then had to slow right down to take the turn.... Thanks to Cafe Bravo for that! Absolute dickhead... So yes, also had a very busy day with no parks to run in to stores etc as they were all full which made the day very full on and taking it's toll for sure! Fuck the rest i'm off for a couple of days, take care and see you all Friday!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 841 23/12/13

So it's the last couple of days before Xmas and the traffic has only got worse.... From the slow people that don't normally drive these roads to the elderly and plain stupid they were all out in force today not giving a shit that others had to work, one stage had a line of about 10 cars all sitting behind the slow one at the front which was going 70kph, and not one person was passing, they all wanted to tailgate each other and not let anyone pass but they wouldn't pass themself.... Fucking hell learn how to drive and show some respect and courtesy to others using the road! Same thing with roundabouts, when it's all banked up don't stop in the middle of the roundabout and block the flow of traffic from another direction, let them in for fuck sake your stopped it's not going to do anything to your day to help out is it ? NO! don't be a asshole and park in the middle of the lane to wait, thick as fucking shit head..... So yes as you can see i do not take kindly to thick fucks who have no clue how to be courteous on the road so I rant on here haha. Well only one asshole to complain about today, Rego DZR535 this guy in a Subaru from Te Maunga to Hewletts Road in a 70kph area flew past me going at least 90+ easy, very impatient dickhead that's for sure. Nothing much else to say really so take care and see you all again tomorrow then I get a couple of days off before going back to work Friday.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 840 20/12/13

Yet another tough day on the roads. Had the same amount if not more out on the roads going way too bloody slow and not having any courtesy at all... Had one person today Rego CYE177 in a Blast n Paint truck who lost a meter long piece of wood off the trailer which bounced and nearly went through the window of the car in front of me, he swerved and then it bounced and flicked up again and nearly hit the front of my car!..... Weather was a bit colder than it has been but still a nice and warm day, the friends of the kid that was pulled out of the water yesterday were out in force today along the bridge into Whakatane taping up streamers etc all along the fence which held traffic right up again due to everyone stopping and slowing to look at it all..... Probably not the best time to do it during the busy part of the day but they are only kids i guess. Nothing much else to say again today, a bit emotional for me got a ton of shit going through the head but owel it happens eh... Take care over the weekend and see you monday!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 839 19/12/13

Got to admit today was one of the worst days on the roads. Headed into Whakatane this morning and what a joke, the poor 13 year old boy that fell into the river was being searched for and managed to be found and recovered but all the cars going into whakatane were sticky beaking along the bridge slowing everything down and in turn took me 45 mins to get through The Hub and into Whakatane pushing my whole day out, not to mention got stuck in that again at lunch time too! Alot of idiots were taking a shortcut through the Hubs carpark but in turn it pushes anyone in the right lane coming through The Hub right back as they all have to give way to the idiots cutting through..... Had one asshole on the roads today, this morning was a car from Wells, Rego CQU114 this guy was in a bit of a rush as he tailgated, flew past cars with no indication and was speeding over 110 only to get just down the road..... Clap clap bro, this was from Kawerau to Edgecumbe. The rest of the day was filled with the usual slow holiday makers and people taking their time everywhere which didn't help anything, pull the fuck over and let people pass! Also sun was out and got to 26 which is nice and warm to say the least haha. Well enough about that shit, have a good night and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 838 17/12/13

Hahahahaha what a fucking day...... Had the nice weather again with mostly a 25 degree day but still the holiday makers were out in force causing more shit all over the roads once again. Car 1 Rego CCP575 this black tart from Kawerau in her Merc i was following from Whakatane to Kawerau, she had her seat leant soo far back and down that she was literally holding herself up with the steering wheel trying to look over the top to see...... She was also weaving all over the road and centreline multiple times, going slow as then taking off when you try and pass her etc. Car 2 Rego ECM120 this muppet in a old Toyota Dyna passed a vehicle on a corner with me coming around the other side and he only just got in as i went past! Just by Bennett Rd on Thornton.. Car 3 now this guy has to be a real idiot, heading home tonight coming along Maunganui Rd next to the flyover this guy in the left lane swerved straight over into the right lane but the thing is, there was a van in the other lane...... SMASH! straight into the side with a fair bit of damage all over the front of the ute that caused it Rego GCJ8 and the PBT courier van too that was just driving along.... So yes alot of incidents that could be avoided easily enough but people take risks which don't work out for them either! Fuck it haha, im outta here now take care and see you all Thursday!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 837 16/12/13

Where the fucking hell do I start......... Carried on from the weekend, had a friend pass away with cancer and having to deal with that whilst working is not the best but I am doing it, had a rough day and with the absolute fucking muppets on the road does not help at all, specially when the majority of them do the following. Tailgate, Speed up and slow down constantly, speed up when you try to pass, sit on a speed which is around 20-30kph+ under the speed limit, wander all over the road, swerve into the oncoming lane when tailgating vehicles, passing traffic with oncoming cars etc.... So yes just a slight few dickheads on the roads today that did all of the previous! Car 1 and the only one i could be assed writing about today was, Rego GTD293 this Skoda from Matata to Te Puke today was sitting on around 90kph, caught up to him and he took off over 110 etc, every truck he came up behind he would tailgate very close and in doing so could not see to pass so would just swerve into the oncoming lane regardless weather there were cars coming or so on, he was speeding off then slowing down constantly and when stuck behind a truck at one point he couldn't see so I passed he then came flying up behind me and tailgated me very close too! So yeah, assholes everywhere but at least the sun was out in force... Got up to around 26 degrees today so not a bad day at all. Take care and watch the holiday makers taking their time on the roads eh!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 836 13/12/13

Friday it is finally here! And by fucking god it was a complete shitter of a day! Started off being hauled into the office with a complaint against me from yesterday driving on the roads, the caller said in his words he was sitting on 100 and i came up and flew past at speed, tailgated some other cars then took off leaving them all behind...... Ok if you want to lie through your teeth that's fine just don't fuck around and do it about me! First off is someone is sitting on 100 I will not pass them, UNLESS! They are one of those inconsiderate fucking pricks who are soo inconsistent they travel from 80 to 100 then down and up and down etc which is most likely what this dickhead was doing as I have had a fair few of them this week alone! Also the tailgating ? I may get close at stages specially if you are one of these assholes as mentioned before as if you keep slowing down all the time expect me to get closer before i pass just like most people on the roads, In a company vehicle with signage all over it I am not going to drive like a tosser am I ? No! So don't fucking bullshit me cause you can't drive properly..... Also for the comment "I will ring the police next time" Fuck i wish you do so then i can tell the cop what a cunt you are! :D Enjoy your Christmas you prick hope he gets you some driver training! As for the assholes of the day... Car 1 Rego it was actually BQF937 but comes back as a different car so false plates is always a good start eh! This cuzzie was passing trucks and all sorts on double yellow lines, very impatient and speeding also tailgating very close too. Car 2 was a Watchorn Truck Rego CGY627 this guy in Matata ran through a Give Way right in front of me, couldn't be fucked waiting a couple of cars which all passed anyway the common rule for these cowboys "Might Is Right" worked again today...... So yes, more idiots and tons more traffic on the roads specially in the towns make it for a absolute shit day for driving but Xmas it is and people will come.... Well take care over the weekend and see you all Monday!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 835 12/12/13

One day closer to Friday and thank fuck for that! The idiots on the roads just keep getting better.... Car 1 of the day Rego FJP962 I followed this lady into Te Puke this morning, she sat on 40 in a right lane through Te Puke with cars lined up wanting to pass, we managed to get me and a few others passed and carried on, she dissappeared into the distance behind. Later on heading towards Otamarakau she was all of a sudden flying up behind me and would have been going well over 120 to have caught me in such a short distance! Then proceeded to tailgate me as she weaved all over the lane trying to pass, after about 10 mins of her riding my ass she decided to pass me and the other car in front of me even though we were sitting on about 103kph, she took off again about 120 and left us, I then caught her in Matata as she slowed right down again...... Once again under the speed limit, then not long after she was off again heading towards Kawerau, off and on the whole way she would be about 1/2 a Km ahead then right in front of me, over 120 then down to 90 etc time and time again..... No fucking clue in the world then i got stuck behind her going 90 all the way to Kawerau! So yes the only idiot on the road really, apart from that the weather was hot as got up to 25 degrees! Nice as and good summer weather. Nothing else to say really, busy as day on the roads and in town with the christmas traffic but as to be expected! Take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 834 11/12/13

Yet another manic day driving round the BOP.... Cars of the day, Car 1 Rego WW24 this was a Williams & Wilshire truck who was impatient as all hell, tailgating a car and trailer and coming towards me decided to start passing it before i had even gone past! Had to swerve out of the way he carried on with his "Might is Right" motto and continued on speeding towards Awakeri.... Car 2 Rego RH3159 another impatient person sped up behind me well over 120 easy then flew past etc.... No clue, from Pongakawa to Matata Also had a shit load of work to deal with today which never helps and a person down which again doesn't help but owell get that from time to time i guess. Those fucking indians out of Te Puke were at it again tonight there were about 4-5 of them in a row, all behind a tractor which was right over to the left of the lane, easy as to pass but they sat there with a line of about 20+ cars lined up and no cars coming the other way, still did not pass!! Absolute fucking muppets.... Well over it today, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow.....

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 833 10/12/13

Another day and no it didn't get any better haha. Idiots of the day are! Car 1 Rego FKB209 this Honda from was a bit impatient speeding over 120, tailgating cars and passing stupidly like passing a truck with another truck coming towards them and only just getting in! Car 2 Rego AQR947 this young cuzzie in the pulsar from Whakatane to Te Puke was speeding over 120, tailgating, passing on every double yellow and single yellow line he could, no care at all in the world and a fucking asshole! Car 3 Rego JCKFR8 as you could probably tell from the plate Jock Freight company once again this dickhead which i have seen a huge amount of times along Hewletts Road towards Tauranga would speed well over the speed limit, tailgate and cut in and out of lanes to pass anyone he can with no indication at all..... So yes, eventful to say the least and the traffic on the roads is a nightmare and only going to get worse too eh! Also had a near head on coming over a bridge tonight some cunt txting in his ute came straight for me, luckily he looked up and swerved back just in time. Not nice to see coming straight for you! Well that is all, over today completely so bring on tomorrow!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 832 9/12/13

Well Monday has finished and a day from hell is a good word for it! Started out and was heading along from Maungatapu to Paengaroa following a Marsh Transport truck Rego EWH470 who was speeding up and over 100, tailing another car closely and wandering over the road etc, same truck i saw the other weekend doing the same thing to me and my family! Headed out past that and was getting to the coast when i was following another truck spraying the windscreen with crap so went to use the wipers only to have no wiper fluid as the weekend worker used it all up and I only just filled the fucking thing up! So had to amend that problem and carry on, late run through and busy as all hell too! Later in the arvo saw a Mongrel Mob guy shaking the living daylights out of his kid yelling shut the fuck up you cunt etc then threw the kid in the back of the car and slammed the door.... Rego was YG8466, this was in edgecumbe. Also had some fucking muppets tell me that i couldn't park in a certain place cause they couldn't get their vehicles around me, ive been parking there for over a year and no problems at all, i stood back and had a look at the area you could get a transit van and trailer around there...... No clue how to drive a fucking car at all! So with all that shit the traffic is building up with Xmas getting closer too so that should make it all awesome...........Not... Well take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 831 4/12/13

Yet another great day filled with absolute fucking muppets all day long, the weather brought the rest of the dicks out but the whole morning was the yearly holiday makers coming out, taking over the town so couldn't park anywhere to deliver etc the usual crap. Had 2 idiots of the day. Car 1 Rego EAK181 was a Exceed Maintenance van who when i was travelling along at 100 just decided to pull straight out in front of me at the picnic area at Otamarakau when there was no cars behind me at all, to top it off he only managed to get up to a max speed of 80! Had to brake hard to avoid going into the back of this dickhead.... Car 2 Rego FHS126 this old man was all over the place, no indication and when coming along up to some roadworks with the traffic lights which were red he ran straight through them....... Hahahahaha yeah didn't work out for him, all the other trucks and traffic came through the other side and he had to pull over off the road to let them all pass, looked like an absolute cock even the roadworkers were laughing at him haha. So yes, very busy and eventful day to say the least! Got the next 2 days off plus weekend so take care to all and see you all Monday as I don't have anything else to say :) See you all then!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 830 3/12/13

Well a bit over today really, most of the day went pretty good till the run back after lunch when some absolute cunt of a person Rego CLG961 in a Holden Adventra decided it was a great idea to pass a truck and trailer right before a corner which i was coming around! They were only just getting in and still had their wheels in my lane when i went past them. Absolute fucking moron and couldn't wait about 100 meters till the steep Otamarakau hill where most trucks pull over and could have cost me my life quite easy! Apart from that dick the rest of the traffic was well behaved, saw an old man well after it happened looks like he misjudged a kerb and fell onto his hip on the road and was laying there with a crowd of people helping him keep calm etc. Weather on the other hand was alright till i got home then rained haha, but all good. So no complaints from me besides the one driver, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Day 829 2/12/13

So another week begins, Monday all over again as if i had just wound the clock back and started all over again haha. Today, so how did it go your thinking ? Not too bad i guess, a little emotional shit through my head once again but all good overall, weather was awesome with a high of 23 in my vehicle anyway it wasn't too muggy or anything so pretty good to work in. Had the usual few slower ones holding people up but no idiots worth reporting about today which is a bonus for once! Well on that note there is nothing left to talk about, so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow ;)