Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 314 5/8/2011

Fuck my days this morning was the busiest i have had i reckon!

Started out heading off and only got to Te Puke when the first "Cunt of the Day" came along rego CNK450 was some old hua of a lady who had a child 3-4 years old standing up on the back seat jumping round mother had absolutely no care in the world!!

Not long after i had a maori chap in his Camry who was sitting on 90kph then when i passed sped up to over 120!! finally got passed him and he sat up my ass for ages then slowed right down!!! Rego is WR8711

Then i had some cock in his Impreza rego CSG769 who tailgated me then sped off over 120 passing cars and me on a yellow line, i passed him later on when he was caught napping waiting to pass haha! Fool!

and if that wasn't enough had a Primera rego BCS760 who was tailgating other cars and trying to pass on a median and would speed up and slow down constantly etc.......

So yes that was the assholes but i had in the morning alone an extra pickup when i was running late, i also had an older lady who had done her hip in and just had an Xray but couldn't get in her car so i moved it for her into the carpark only to have some selfish maori guy hold his horn down at me for stopping as we all know he owns the road doesn't he ? so that the older lady could get in her car easier than in the angled parks she was in! so good deed for the day too :P

So yeah apart form that and a near head on with a petrol tanker headig out to Whakatane on the way home everything went alright i spose haha.

Well take care and i will see you all again Monday :)

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