Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 213 22/2/2011

Fuck my days what a bloody day!!!

Had a ton of assholes on the roads!

Started out with the following:

Driver 1, CTC345 Toyota Prado, this lady was heading along the Matata straights and was wandering all over the place talkibng on her cell and writing stuff down, WTF pull over you whore!!

Driver 2, CKM898 Toyota, this wanker had no seatbelt on and was speeding etc also slammed on the brakes and did a U-turn right in front of me!!!

Driver 3, ETF749 Campervan, another old man with no idea how to drive at all!! 75 in a 100kph zone holding up heaps of traffic!!!

Driver 4, XJ9739 Black piece of shit, passed a car coming head on to me!!! in which i had to pull over!

Driver 5, finally DM353 a DPS Haulage truck ran the roundabout right in front of me and another vehicle so we had to slam on the brakes and wait for this fat fuck to slowly take off and move along like a fat snail that he was!!!

Apart from all that shit, today went crap haha also had a truck lose it's load right in front of me in the oncoming lane, also had a truck run over a huge bit of wood and flick it straight for me!!! and the usual roadworks etc which held me up all day long.

So yeah now feeling pretty second hand and ready for a sleep!!!

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