Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 84 19/7/2010

Far out there are some shit drivers out there :S

Headed out on the first run and had some fat ginger headed whore just about try to run a roundabout and if she did she would have been nailed straightin the drivers door so lucky she took a second look and slammed on her brakes otherwise well she would be sore :)

Then when i got into Whakatane i had more people pulling out in front of me and cars going slow everywhere then got to Edgecumbe and in Te Teko had some little piece of shit about 7 years old on his pushbike ride straight out in front of me when i was going 80kph round a bend, he saw me and then rode out slow, the thing i find funny about it is that if i hadn't been looking that well then he would have been killed and thats no skin off my nuts at all, but the reality i probably would have been killed too by his mongrel parents, so what i don't get is why don;t they care about thier kids untill osmeone does something to them ?? well don't let them play on the fucking road you shits!!!

Then rest of the day was alright just had some super slow maori lady pull out in front of me at Te Puke when i was going 100kph no bloody idea, then coming home at the end of the day had some idiot in a Audi rego ENS139 in frot of me and when i went to pass him he slammed on his brakes, i nearly went up the back of him but managed to avoid him then pass him and then he sped up behind me so i did it back, why not fucking shit.

Well that's my day, hope the next day is better!

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