Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 82 15/7/2010

Sigh another shit day due to shit drivers with shitty looking faces!!!

Started driving towards Matata when some old whore in her crap car was driving along like a snail and when i went to pass her she hoofs it up to about 120kph then slows back down and i catch her again and she did this all the way to Whakatane when we get into the Hub she jumps into the left lane i went in the right just baout to pass her and guess what........... She pulls straight over towards my car so had to slam on the brakes to avoid her, so i jump into the left lane pass her and shes about 2mm away from the steering wheel bloody Meerkat racer!!!!

Then not long after had some fuckhead that was parked on the grass just pull straight off in front of me onto the road where i slammed on the brakes again as she didn't even look to avoid her and went into the median, held the horn down and she looks at me as if i was in the wrong WTF ??? Learn how to drive you old whore jeez.

Then if that wasn't enough in Kawerau had some maori in a van run a stop sign and shoot out right in front of me only to go about 30kph!!!! then pass a car later on a yellow line...... omg fucking lowlife with rego (EMM849) no Warrant or RUC on the vehicle at all so no bloody idea, another benefit roller.

Please let tomorrow be a bit better then today for fuck sake!!

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