Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 174 20/12/2010

Hmmmm well at least today wasn't really that bad haha.

Started out all good with some usual mongo's on the roads trying to go fast and failing miserably due to being stuck behind other cars and so on also people tailgating.

But then i came across a RMD (rorisons) truck who was passing another truck on the Matata straights and didn;t quite get his timing right as i had to pull over on the left to let this fucking cock pass and pull in, now this is the second time i have had the same company and most likely the same driver do this on the same straight aswell!!! shows what a good driver he is eh............ *cough*SHIT*cough*

Then was the ride home, this started with the courier turning up late due to campervans not pulling over!!! and going 80kph.

Then i had rain and heavy fog due to the humidity etc which caused chaos on the roads, also people not turning thier lights ON when low visibility is around etc

Well i am glad yet another day is down and dusted!!!

Let another one begin............

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