Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 164 6/12/2010

Today has to be one of the slowest days i have had specially with this hot weather!! it just dragged on and on.............

Also to add to the slow day i had tons of trucks all over the place, mostly container/cargo stuff like bulk loads and not many logging ones but there were a few this included a 6 truck train which i had to try and get passed one by one on the way out to Kawerau this arvo haha, talk about a mission some of them would speed up and block the gap so i couldn't get in which in my opinion is disgusting behaviour as could lead to a crash if someone was coming the other way etc.

Most of the day was filled with very slow drivers once again which just kept coming out of nowhere, one maori guy who was ugly as fuck he was going about 120+ on the highway passing lane then as soon as it finished he went down to a mere 80kph!! so once again if your going to go this slow go back to Kaikohe where your family has been imbred 100 times over and stay there!!!

Well i have had enough of today, been very slow with assholes on the roads etc and it's only going to get worse due to x-mas so take care on the roads and ill see ya again tomorrow for more fun and adventures!

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