Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 381 21/1/11

So another week begins and yet the same stuff is happening on the roads.......

Morning started off late with roadworks all over the BOP and EBOP too this added to the day considerably, just wish they would actually do some work and stop repairing thier shitty jobs they did before hand. I am not knocking them all just the ones that can't work for shit and stand round all day long!

Anyway morning had a bit of sun which in the end turned into rain and all day had wind blowing me round etc.

Assholes were an old lady in a terrios who would sit between 65-80 going up and down holding up lines of traffic she had no idea what she was doing. rego was DKQ388

Also had some silly fuck in a Mazda 626 who was just erratic like tailgating and cutting cars off only to turn down the next road etc Rego was SC6424.

End of the day saw an older lady get blown over by the wind and broke her hip, wasn't pleasant at all! Hope she gets well soon!

So yeah eventful day really, take care and will see you again tomorrow.

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