Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 347 29/9/2011

Well had another ventful day with a few drama's on the roads with idiots and so on.

First and worst asshole of the day was some complete cockface who passed a truck on yellow lines coming head on to me!! i had to move right over to the left nearly off the road to avoid getting hit by this clown!! Rego was AGP978 and was a Nissan Maxima.

Then after my morning run all was going well untill i got into Tauranga when some shit in a Waikato university car Rego FHN965 was speeding along and also didn't indicate when he cut me right off!! Maybe needs to learn how to drive, wonder if they do driving lessons there ?

Then did the whole arvo run and all went pretty good till i started to leave to come home and had some guy in a family wagon Rego BDF656 who would block anyone from passing by either speeding up or moving onto the centreline.

and last but not least was some arrogant prick in his Audi Rego M0GZ, who sped up behind me and sat up my ass then i had to stop for a red light which he had a huge hissy fit and threw all his toys out of the cot about it. He then took off and was tailgating other cars and zipping in and out not indicating and being a cock!

So yeah that was the day once again, now for a sleep and groundhog day tomorrow ?

Take care and i will see you again tomorrow.

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