Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 696 3/5/13

Well yet another hell of a day, not soo late coming home though just a late morning with lots of work on. Also had the assholes of the day. Car 1 Rego 18DGRE from Degree Air Con in Auckland who didn't know where the fuck he was going, tailgating cars and when he went to go straight and i was turning off he then came flying back over cutting me off cause he took the wrong turnoff! Dick....... Car 2 Rego CRH736 this elderly lady was sitting on 80 and as soon as anyone got near her she would hesitate and floor it over 120, she also passed on yellow lines and not indicating all the time etc Also lastly had another elderly lady with a car that has no legal Rego which was NU3738 she was all over the road nearly hitting cars that were passing her, driving in the median lane, nearly hit the start of a bridge and nearly hit the walls of the bridge as she was going up it, then stopped at a red light and when it went green she indicated to turn right and sat there till i held the horn down as there was a mile of traffic behind us, she tooted back then took off then stopped in the middle of the intersection and then slowly carried on at 30 in a 70 zone!!! Fucking elderly people need to get off the damn roads! So that was the day really, had some nice weather again which was the bonus but overall not a bad day! Take care over the weekend and have fun!

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