Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 50 27/5/2010

Wow the big 50 aye haha, what can i say another fucking shit day :S

the morning started with a slow driver in a caravan going 80kph and not letting anyone passed at all, so when i passed him and also another 4 cars aswell i told him nicely by pointing left to PULL THE FUCK OVER!!!! and so he did finally to let the 60,000 cars pass!! owell another person that didn't learn decency (spelling ?).

Also saw a crash in Kawerau outside the Mill, looked like a car tried to overtake just before a corner and someone came round the corner then the car tried to pull in and collected the car he was passing sending both of them spinning onto the grass then into something, maybe the fence etc so yeah another person from Kawerau who doesn't know how to drive, no suprises there.

Had an alright run back tonight though apart from a Linfox truck who didn't like me passing him so he sped up behind another truck in front of him when i was passing closing the gap, but of course i kept going and pulled in front of him with still a lot of room to go, he then tailgated me for a bit before backing off like he should have at the start bloody wanker.

Owell another day down another dollar, we will see how tomorrow will go.

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