Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 40 13/5/2010

Wow the big day 40!! gone pretty fast already i spose.

Well today, and i though the other days were bad!! not as bad as today had gone.

Started today getting to work and seeing that my car had been parked in the very far away car park, i was like wtf ?? no one uses my car at night and it had all the freight inside too.... got into work and one of the colleagues said, "I loaded the car for you due to the roadworks" i was like sweet as :D so said thanks and carried on my merry way, went to go down the driveway to goto my car and due to the road works they blocked the whole driveway off :S so had to walk round the block of the bulding to get to my car.

Finally got there, had to re-arrange the freight due to not being in the right places etc, then got in the car and went to turn on the phone and what do you know, NO PHONE!!! it was on charge back inside, so had to go back round the block get the phone by this time i was late as already, then got a call for an extra pickup which would take yet another 10 mins to do and still had to walk back to my car!!!

Left late as got to Fraser street lights to turn right at 15th ave and fuck my days was waiting 3 sets of lights and our arrow still didn't turn green WTF ??? so backed up avoided nudging the lady behind me and took off straight ahead, well guess what was holding up the lights an elderly lady sitting in her car like a Meerkat oblivious to what she was doing, she was only about 3 car lenghts from the sensor under the road where you are supposed to sit on top of with your car to make the lights turn green etc. Cracked a U-turn and got the green on the other side for me to go on and she was still there like a stunned mullet!!!

Owell maybe most old people should have thier licences taken off them ??

Anyway got into Whakatane after all that, had a near miss when some fuckhead wanted to try and fall asleep i guess and nearly hit me head on :S and the rain and shit carried on today on and off most of the way.

Did the run and on the way back had a Van going about 75kph in a 100kph zone holding up about 40-50ish cars, finally got past him just before Te Maunga then back to the depot where i once again had to unload the vehicle and battle the fuckin road works again!!!!! late lunch had to leave without having the full break once again to be on the road and make the times i am given to do.

Second run there and back were all good as the roadworks were finally done and looking good :)

Lets hope tomorrow is a better bloody day!!

Stress Free - YEAH RIGHT!!!

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