Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 768 16/8/13

Well what a fucking day! Started out with alright weather which turned into wind and rain at the end of the day, also the whole day long had a ton of logging trucks and slow drivers, i mean i usually have them most days but not the amount i had today! one after the other just a constant flow of people that cannot drive for shit! Well under the speed limit etc. Car 1 Rego BRB833 was a Toyota Echo who was speeding up to 120, tailgating, cutting in and out of lanes with no indication and cut me off when he was trying to beat traffic absolute cock. Car 2 Rego FUY253 from All this guy for the second time has pissed me off, would speed off then slow down constantly, no indication when passing would just swerve out, one stage he was tailgating a truck and on yellow lines just swerved half into the oncoming lane to see if it was clear to pass, if a car was coming the other way no chance in hell and if this cock wasn't tailing then he would have been able to see to pass! Just a very impatient person... Also had someone from our work stuff things up big time by doing wrong processes etc which buggered my night up and finished after 7pm! So not happy overall but no one listens to my shit anyway so who cares haha, next week is another week with more days and more chances so bring it on! Be safe on the roads and I will see you all Monday for another round on the roads!

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