Thursday, August 29, 2013
Day 773 23/8/13
Well a late edit for this day but computer shat itself so writing it now.
Only person to write about was some dick Rego GJG53 who was speeding up and over 120, blocking people from passing speeding up slowing down the usual shit from Whakatane to Te Puke.....
So yeah, back at work next week have fun and see you then. Sorry for the late reply, these things happen :P
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Day 772 22/8/13
Fucking hell it wasn't a bad day at all, had someone I was training today so taught them well but unsure if they picked up everything they needed to know, hope so!
Pretty laxed out day with the usual slow ones including the indians one got pulled over tonight along Cameron Road, also saw a Van in a ditch tonight on the coastline Rego YW6276...
Had the rain pouring down this morning and sun in the arvo but nothing else to comment on today as everything went pretty good so no complaints from me haha.
Well take care and sorry about the short post, got alot of shit to sort tonight including more work! Yay...... Busy busy, well see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Day 771 21/8/13
Yet another fucked up day, not really that bad just slow with the fucking elderly in Whakatane (Kope) who just putt along slow as all fuck as if every one doesn't mind the long wait as they carry on at 20kph...... GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD! Sigh......
Also had a bit of rain today too which turned the day into a bit of fun and the amount of cops on the roads was a bloody joke, saw around 13 in the BOP today alone!
So yeah eventful day really, very busy too with alot of stuff on but a busy day is a good day.
Have fun and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Day 770 20/8/13
Yet there are still some assholes causing shit on the roads....
Had a truck from some maori company Rego FUM706 Logtruck #416 who i have seen before in the Purple Argosy who was tailgating other vehicles very close it's not even a joke this wasn't just off and on it was constant from Otamarakau to Matata and out towards Kawerau, absolutely bullshit and it keeps happening over and over.
Car 2 Rego FGG645 White Mazda 2 was an elderly lady who ran a stop sign straight in front of me, i had to slam the brakes on and nearly went up the back of her, No fucking idea at all should have just plowed through her and taught her a lesson bloody old geeser!
Apart from them the day wasn't too bad, had a huge fuckup with the delivery of my vehicle this morning when it was getting serviced etc, no one picked it up so had to take time out to go down and get it with all the stock i had in the courtesy vehicle i had to then transfer it all back into mine! Not happy cost me a fair amount of time but that's life eh....
Well nothing else to say today, weather was awesome with the sun shining away, damn good driving weather haha.
Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Day 769 19/8/13
Another week begins and yet more idiots on the roads....
Had a couple of complete morons one who was too impatient to wait behind cars and had to pass then and there, over 120 etc and the others were tailgating close so same old shit different day eh.
Also had the slow ones taking over the road, and a maori lady verbally abusing staff at a company cause of her waiting times, sit down and shut the fuck up you lazy bitch!
Weather today wasn't too bad had showers off and on but nothing major, my poor vehicle was in getting a service and some repairs so will be back in action tomorrow!
Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Day 768 16/8/13
Well what a fucking day!
Started out with alright weather which turned into wind and rain at the end of the day, also the whole day long had a ton of logging trucks and slow drivers, i mean i usually have them most days but not the amount i had today! one after the other just a constant flow of people that cannot drive for shit! Well under the speed limit etc.
Car 1 Rego BRB833 was a Toyota Echo who was speeding up to 120, tailgating, cutting in and out of lanes with no indication and cut me off when he was trying to beat traffic absolute cock.
Car 2 Rego FUY253 from All this guy for the second time has pissed me off, would speed off then slow down constantly, no indication when passing would just swerve out, one stage he was tailgating a truck and on yellow lines just swerved half into the oncoming lane to see if it was clear to pass, if a car was coming the other way no chance in hell and if this cock wasn't tailing then he would have been able to see to pass! Just a very impatient person...
Also had someone from our work stuff things up big time by doing wrong processes etc which buggered my night up and finished after 7pm!
So not happy overall but no one listens to my shit anyway so who cares haha, next week is another week with more days and more chances so bring it on!
Be safe on the roads and I will see you all Monday for another round on the roads!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Day 767 15/8/13
So another day down and one more to go.
Have no complaints about anything apart from some drivers today, one of them Rego BZZ460 was under passing a huge amount of cars in a bus lane..... couldn't wait till it finished just down the road another 150 meters etc so floored it and passed them all dickhead...
Also had the very slow ones in Kope again today, nothing new there and the Mob in Kawerau were out in force today in their state houses, waiting for the alcs i think due to it being dole day and we are paying for it all eh!
Well nothing else to comment on today so take care and have a good night! See you all tomorrow for the final round of the week!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Day 766 14/8/13
Well another alright day on the roads, saw one asshole on the way home who decided it was good to pass a line of cars on a blind rise and yellow lines, he got past 2 cars then had to slam the brakes on and cut back in front of other traffic to avoid having a head on...... Impatient fucking cunt...
Apart from that the rest of the day wasn't too bad had the slow apes in Kope (Whakatane) which held things up alot but nothing new there, they seem to all think they own the roads until it's benefit day then it's a race and all us honkys are the slow ones.....
Take care and have a good night, see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Day 765 13/8/13
Tuesday..... So started alright managed to get past the bridge in Maungatapu before they closed it to pull the van with the deceased man in it out.
Then the rest of the day was pretty busy, had a little bit of stuff to deliver in the morning and all went well, still had a few slow people on the road the ones that like to speed up when it's clear to pass etc then slow down alot on corners or when cars are coming....
Idiot of the day was this girl in a Honda Rego ZN2493 who was going 90 in a 70 zone and 100 in a 80 zone, cutting in and out of traffic through the mount and Hewletts Road etc.
So yeah, not much else to write about again today sorry! :P
Well take care and see you all tomorrow!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Day 764 12/8/13
So another week begins and not really too bad i spose, the weather was a little windy and had a chill in the air but not that bad.
Had some morons on the road like this ragtop in Te Puke who backed straight out in front of me, pulled over to the left then when i went to pass him again he pulled out on me again then carried on at about 20kph!! Absolutely fucking bullshit driving, how in the world he got a licence is beyond me!
Nothing much else to really talk about to be honest, busy day but it went smoothly which is always good!
So with that, take care and I will see you all again tomorrow for another day on the roads :)
Friday, August 9, 2013
Day 763 9/8/13
Well another very busy day on the roads and it didn't take long for the first asshole of the day to come out and play!
Truck 1 Rego WA5170 once again this Watchorn truck was tailgating very close behind other vehicles out of Te Puke, he speeds over 100 and i see him doing this over and over! Logtruck #123, He never seems to learn at all..... And there was a Mike Lambert truck that rolled due to speeding through Athenree Gordge today too and got thrown out of the truck....
Link to the truck crash here
So yeah eventful day, weather was alright too but idiots were still driving slowly putting along taking their time..
Well have a good weekend and see you all Monday for another week of action and drama!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Day 762 8/8/13
So Thursday and what a day, yet more absolute fucking assholes all over the place i could just about make a Novel out of them!
Car 1 Rego EYL488 this Bighorn was going 120 along a passing lane, cut in front of me then slowed down due to a car ahead, i went into the right lane cause i was turning off, when i was coming up near him he cut me off to pass the one car then cut that car off and carried on! What a joke....
Car 2 Rego CJG959 this Mazda was going 80 then would speed up to 110 when it was clear to pass them, damn tourists
Car 3 Rego KN484 this old darkie pulled straight out on me when i was about to pass him and a truck, i was already passing and he did not look at all just pulled out! Just about cleaned the black cunt up!
Car 4 Rego ZJ7747 these young boy racers were in the right lane I was in the left when i slowed down to get in their lane they slowed down when i sped up they did the same, i finally managed to get in front then they cut into the other lane sped up over the limit, cut me off then slammed the brakes on to avoid hitting the car in front!
So yeah eventful day, had a lot of freight etc today too which kept things busy as but weather was great so all good really.
Well i'm off for now, have a good one and take care!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Day 761 7/8/13
Why in the fucking world do elderly people still drive on the roads!
Had one guy today looked about 85+ Rego GBD172 Blue Ford Fiesta heading out of Whakatane and there was a tractor then a car and the old man then me, on the straight in a 100kph area we were going 30kph, no one was passing they had that much time it was a joke, i indicated for a bit then decided to pass just in case someone pulled out when i indicated etc as they do.... I was coming up beside the old man when out of the blue no indication at all just pulled over on me, if i had stayed straight i would have got hit and hit him too i had to brake and swerve into the grass and verge to avoid getting hit! I was holding the horn down but he carried on as if nothing happened at all. I called the police and he got pulled over around Pukehina, they called me back and said that the old man didn't even know what he had done, did not hear me took and I do have a loud horn and he didn't realise he just about caused a crash! Cut the cunts licence up and never allow him back in a car again!
Also had some guy tailing close and going over 120 Rego CWB803
Apart from that cock the rest of the day was fine, a few slow ones and some heading home tonight that didn't know how to keep to the speed limit as they were on 90 then up to 110 then down again, so un consistent it wasn't even funny.
Weather again was great just like a colder summer really, nice and warm and great for driving!
So another day down and 2 more to come, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Day 760 6/8/13
Well a pretty tame day today, had a fair few trucks on the road again which is weird im guessing start of the month ?
Anyways had one idiot Rego PENZI who i see alot they live by Murphys Park out of Matata and once again, speeding, passing on double yellow lines, swerving into the oncoming lane and not indicating when passing etc....
The rest of the day was good, a little bit of rain in the morning but sun for the rest of the day, heard spring is starting early so all good with that!
Once again nothing much else to talk about, very busy morning but keeps ya going ;)
See you all tomorrow!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Day 759 5/8/13
Fucking hell for a Monday it's been a right cunt of a day. Excuse my french!
A long day and assholes all came out at night!
Car 1 Rego FMD316 this lady in a white Corolla was speeding over 120, tailgating every car she came up behind and was weaving around within her lane from Whakatane to Te Puke
Car 2 Rego BQT673 was some little shit in a crappy Rover who was racing a Subaru along Hewletts Road going at least 100 in the 70 zone and cutting in and out of lanes etc
Car 3 Rego CKH846 not long after the car above this lady with a young newborn child in the back was in the left lane floored it with her turnoff just meters ahead, she then cut into the right lane then passed the car she was behind before cutting the car off and slamming her brakes on forcing the car behind that she had just passed to brake hard to avoid going into her! Absolutely no fucking idea at all.....
So yeah a few wankers taking over tonight eh! The rest of the day was alright i guess not much else happening just a ton of work which has pushed my day past 7 tonight so another long day but still alive so that's the main thing eh ? haha.
Take care on the roads out there and I will see you all tomorrow for more craziness on the road!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Day 758 2/8/13
Where the hell do i start today!
Saw the aftermath of a T Bone at high speed with a lady that pulled straight out in front of a car in a 100kph zone! When i went past they were cutting her out of the car as she was making moaning noises as you probably would after being hit in the side by not looking!
Had 2 assholes today, one i can't think of the Reg but he was all over the road txting, nearly hit 2 cars head on as he crossed the centreline, went to pass before a corner and slammed the brakes on nearly went into the back of the car he was passing....
Car 2 Rego GUE357 was some old cunt going 50 in a 100 zone and not letting anyone past, i passed on a turning median due to the volume of traffic wanting to get past only to be tooted at by the old geezer! Should of popped him in the fuckin chin, learn how to drive a car at the right speed limit you manky old cunt!
Weather held up from the "Heavy Rain" the forcast said on 3 News...... Fail!
All day long was pretty busy and there was a ton of trucks on the roads today, had a few good ones let me pass flicking the indicators etc so all good there.
Well take care over the wet weekend and see you all Monday for another round on the roads of chaos and mayhem!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Day 757 1/8/13
Fucking hell, there are some businesses out there that have people employed by them that cannot do the most simple of tasks!
For example,, for the second time the same bus has caused shit with me and I am not happy at all!
Today in Whakatane one of their buses Rego GUM253 #102 was coming up to a roundabout to my left, i was already at the roundabout in question and was going to turn right, i had gone through and was about to turn when the bus driver who was looking straight at me just rolled straight on through! I slammed on the brakes and stopped by his front wheel! I had to sit there and wait for the whole bus and the tiny ass trailer to carry on! What the fuck is wrong with this person, supposed to offer a professional service carrying passengers but to drive like a cunt and for the second time! Last time he was going about 110 with trailer and passengers out in Kawerau and would try and speed up and block people if they tried to pass.....
Apart from this dick head the rest of the day was all right really, weather was a bit off and on with not much coming down as the news said etc but they never can get it right eh haha.
So with that off my mind I will say have a good fucking night haha, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
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