Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 845 31/12/13

Well the last day of 2013 and fucking hell there are some absolute assholes on the roads! Car 1 Rego DAL961 this truckie was coming straight for us in our lane as he crossed over and was half way in he then looked up and swerved straight back over nearly going on the grass before swerving back again! Absolute fucking idiot nearly hit the car in front of me! Car 2 Rego FPE270 a Nissan Xtrail this young kid and his mum were in the left lane and I was in the right lane as we came up to a roundabout heading out of Whakatane and he did not look and cut the roundabout and in doing so just about smashed into the side of my car forcing me up onto the roundabout! Held the horn down didn't really give a shit eh no care in the world.... Also had very slow absolute fucking morons all day long, taking their time looking around at the scenery and mucking about with a huge line of cars banked up behind not pulling over fuckin ignorant cunts! Also the ones who go slow then speed up when you try to pass or it's clear to pass etc so yeah, pretty over this week... Take care, have a good New Year and see you all Friday!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 844 30/12/13

Back again for another mad week on the tarmac of fury... Still battling with the slow holiday makers taking over the road and randoms driving everywhere taking their time etc. Car 1 Rego WX7771 this White Nissan flew up behind me and rode my ass off and on before taking off at around 120 from Matata to Te Puke Car 2 Rego FBY572 a young guy in a Black BMW from Pongakawa to Whakatane again flew up behind me going well over the limit, tailgated me for a while off and on, weaving all over the road trying to pass as soon as he could etc before flying off in the distance again at speed.... Along with them the usual slow ones were all out in force including tonight following behind a lady in a Rav who would go slow as on the open road but any passing lanes would take off over the limit etc and slow right down and fuck around when you couldn't pass! Absolute fucking muppets don't know how they get a licence at all! Owell, sun was out again for most of the day with a bit of rain coming home tonight so not bad at all, take care again and see you all tomorrow for the last day before a couple of days rest then into it again Friday!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 843 27/12/13

What can i say, this post is a day late due to having such a shit day it was soo full on couldn't be fucked writing it haha. Started out with a ton of slow traffic heading out of TGA in the morning, got to Te Puke and got stuck behind the asshole of the day, Rego WU8807 this guy was sitting on 60-70kph holding up a ton of traffic and not giving a shit at all, typical maori guy arm out the window etc.... Through Te Puke he ran straight through a roundabout cutting a car off nearly hitting it, then out of Te Puke he was slow once again. I also saw the same car in Kawerau later in the day running a red light which had been red for a while till he came rolling up to it and ran through as if it was green..... Had more slow drivers heading to Whakatane in the morning and the whole day really, also got stuck in the aftermath of a 4 car pileup in Whakatane don't know how the hell that happened but fucked my morning up then more traffic back to Te Puke slow again, coming back again Kiwirail caught some bush on fire along the coast and had to wait for fire service to put it out etc so another wait pushing my already late day back more, then more slow traffic and lack of parking anywhere made it later and it carried on like that over and over and did not get any better. Weather was alright with a bit of sun sitting around the 22 degree mark so not too bad. Well that is all, take care and see you all Monday for another round on the roads!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 842 24/12/13

Well fuck me sideways what a hell of a day. The slow motherfuckers were still out there in force fucking my day up big time as they putted along taking their time, including an ambo #502 i think, from Matata to Te Puke going 70kph...... A line of about 25+ cars banked up behind and no care in the world... Car 1 Rego ZO5425 a grey Primera from Te Maunga to Te Puke this black fuck sped well over the limit, flew up behind me tailgated my ringpiece very closely weaving all over the road, passed me and 2 others with oncoming traffic only just got in, did the same again out of Te Puke, in Te Puke itself he was going around 70-80 in a 50 zone, cutting in and out of lanes no indication at all racing etc.... Car 2 Rego BRL440 this dick in a Mitsi from Te Puke to Matata would sit on around 70 then when clear and we wanted to pass he would take off around 110 etc, corners he would slam the brakes on and down to 70 if he went faster, then take off on straights again the whole way... Car 3 Rego FGU311 another cock in a Holden, 80kph then take off over 110, went to pass a small truck on a blind corner got 3/4 of the way out and swerved back in due to nearly having a head on.... Also end of the day in TGA had a Pt cruiser Rego PTT022 or something speed up and run straight through a roundabout in front of me cutting me off then had to slow right down to take the turn.... Thanks to Cafe Bravo for that! Absolute dickhead... So yes, also had a very busy day with no parks to run in to stores etc as they were all full which made the day very full on and taking it's toll for sure! Fuck the rest i'm off for a couple of days, take care and see you all Friday!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 841 23/12/13

So it's the last couple of days before Xmas and the traffic has only got worse.... From the slow people that don't normally drive these roads to the elderly and plain stupid they were all out in force today not giving a shit that others had to work, one stage had a line of about 10 cars all sitting behind the slow one at the front which was going 70kph, and not one person was passing, they all wanted to tailgate each other and not let anyone pass but they wouldn't pass themself.... Fucking hell learn how to drive and show some respect and courtesy to others using the road! Same thing with roundabouts, when it's all banked up don't stop in the middle of the roundabout and block the flow of traffic from another direction, let them in for fuck sake your stopped it's not going to do anything to your day to help out is it ? NO! don't be a asshole and park in the middle of the lane to wait, thick as fucking shit head..... So yes as you can see i do not take kindly to thick fucks who have no clue how to be courteous on the road so I rant on here haha. Well only one asshole to complain about today, Rego DZR535 this guy in a Subaru from Te Maunga to Hewletts Road in a 70kph area flew past me going at least 90+ easy, very impatient dickhead that's for sure. Nothing much else to say really so take care and see you all again tomorrow then I get a couple of days off before going back to work Friday.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 840 20/12/13

Yet another tough day on the roads. Had the same amount if not more out on the roads going way too bloody slow and not having any courtesy at all... Had one person today Rego CYE177 in a Blast n Paint truck who lost a meter long piece of wood off the trailer which bounced and nearly went through the window of the car in front of me, he swerved and then it bounced and flicked up again and nearly hit the front of my car!..... Weather was a bit colder than it has been but still a nice and warm day, the friends of the kid that was pulled out of the water yesterday were out in force today along the bridge into Whakatane taping up streamers etc all along the fence which held traffic right up again due to everyone stopping and slowing to look at it all..... Probably not the best time to do it during the busy part of the day but they are only kids i guess. Nothing much else to say again today, a bit emotional for me got a ton of shit going through the head but owel it happens eh... Take care over the weekend and see you monday!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 839 19/12/13

Got to admit today was one of the worst days on the roads. Headed into Whakatane this morning and what a joke, the poor 13 year old boy that fell into the river was being searched for and managed to be found and recovered but all the cars going into whakatane were sticky beaking along the bridge slowing everything down and in turn took me 45 mins to get through The Hub and into Whakatane pushing my whole day out, not to mention got stuck in that again at lunch time too! Alot of idiots were taking a shortcut through the Hubs carpark but in turn it pushes anyone in the right lane coming through The Hub right back as they all have to give way to the idiots cutting through..... Had one asshole on the roads today, this morning was a car from Wells, Rego CQU114 this guy was in a bit of a rush as he tailgated, flew past cars with no indication and was speeding over 110 only to get just down the road..... Clap clap bro, this was from Kawerau to Edgecumbe. The rest of the day was filled with the usual slow holiday makers and people taking their time everywhere which didn't help anything, pull the fuck over and let people pass! Also sun was out and got to 26 which is nice and warm to say the least haha. Well enough about that shit, have a good night and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 838 17/12/13

Hahahahaha what a fucking day...... Had the nice weather again with mostly a 25 degree day but still the holiday makers were out in force causing more shit all over the roads once again. Car 1 Rego CCP575 this black tart from Kawerau in her Merc i was following from Whakatane to Kawerau, she had her seat leant soo far back and down that she was literally holding herself up with the steering wheel trying to look over the top to see...... She was also weaving all over the road and centreline multiple times, going slow as then taking off when you try and pass her etc. Car 2 Rego ECM120 this muppet in a old Toyota Dyna passed a vehicle on a corner with me coming around the other side and he only just got in as i went past! Just by Bennett Rd on Thornton.. Car 3 now this guy has to be a real idiot, heading home tonight coming along Maunganui Rd next to the flyover this guy in the left lane swerved straight over into the right lane but the thing is, there was a van in the other lane...... SMASH! straight into the side with a fair bit of damage all over the front of the ute that caused it Rego GCJ8 and the PBT courier van too that was just driving along.... So yes alot of incidents that could be avoided easily enough but people take risks which don't work out for them either! Fuck it haha, im outta here now take care and see you all Thursday!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 837 16/12/13

Where the fucking hell do I start......... Carried on from the weekend, had a friend pass away with cancer and having to deal with that whilst working is not the best but I am doing it, had a rough day and with the absolute fucking muppets on the road does not help at all, specially when the majority of them do the following. Tailgate, Speed up and slow down constantly, speed up when you try to pass, sit on a speed which is around 20-30kph+ under the speed limit, wander all over the road, swerve into the oncoming lane when tailgating vehicles, passing traffic with oncoming cars etc.... So yes just a slight few dickheads on the roads today that did all of the previous! Car 1 and the only one i could be assed writing about today was, Rego GTD293 this Skoda from Matata to Te Puke today was sitting on around 90kph, caught up to him and he took off over 110 etc, every truck he came up behind he would tailgate very close and in doing so could not see to pass so would just swerve into the oncoming lane regardless weather there were cars coming or so on, he was speeding off then slowing down constantly and when stuck behind a truck at one point he couldn't see so I passed he then came flying up behind me and tailgated me very close too! So yeah, assholes everywhere but at least the sun was out in force... Got up to around 26 degrees today so not a bad day at all. Take care and watch the holiday makers taking their time on the roads eh!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 836 13/12/13

Friday it is finally here! And by fucking god it was a complete shitter of a day! Started off being hauled into the office with a complaint against me from yesterday driving on the roads, the caller said in his words he was sitting on 100 and i came up and flew past at speed, tailgated some other cars then took off leaving them all behind...... Ok if you want to lie through your teeth that's fine just don't fuck around and do it about me! First off is someone is sitting on 100 I will not pass them, UNLESS! They are one of those inconsiderate fucking pricks who are soo inconsistent they travel from 80 to 100 then down and up and down etc which is most likely what this dickhead was doing as I have had a fair few of them this week alone! Also the tailgating ? I may get close at stages specially if you are one of these assholes as mentioned before as if you keep slowing down all the time expect me to get closer before i pass just like most people on the roads, In a company vehicle with signage all over it I am not going to drive like a tosser am I ? No! So don't fucking bullshit me cause you can't drive properly..... Also for the comment "I will ring the police next time" Fuck i wish you do so then i can tell the cop what a cunt you are! :D Enjoy your Christmas you prick hope he gets you some driver training! As for the assholes of the day... Car 1 Rego it was actually BQF937 but comes back as a different car so false plates is always a good start eh! This cuzzie was passing trucks and all sorts on double yellow lines, very impatient and speeding also tailgating very close too. Car 2 was a Watchorn Truck Rego CGY627 this guy in Matata ran through a Give Way right in front of me, couldn't be fucked waiting a couple of cars which all passed anyway the common rule for these cowboys "Might Is Right" worked again today...... So yes, more idiots and tons more traffic on the roads specially in the towns make it for a absolute shit day for driving but Xmas it is and people will come.... Well take care over the weekend and see you all Monday!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 835 12/12/13

One day closer to Friday and thank fuck for that! The idiots on the roads just keep getting better.... Car 1 of the day Rego FJP962 I followed this lady into Te Puke this morning, she sat on 40 in a right lane through Te Puke with cars lined up wanting to pass, we managed to get me and a few others passed and carried on, she dissappeared into the distance behind. Later on heading towards Otamarakau she was all of a sudden flying up behind me and would have been going well over 120 to have caught me in such a short distance! Then proceeded to tailgate me as she weaved all over the lane trying to pass, after about 10 mins of her riding my ass she decided to pass me and the other car in front of me even though we were sitting on about 103kph, she took off again about 120 and left us, I then caught her in Matata as she slowed right down again...... Once again under the speed limit, then not long after she was off again heading towards Kawerau, off and on the whole way she would be about 1/2 a Km ahead then right in front of me, over 120 then down to 90 etc time and time again..... No fucking clue in the world then i got stuck behind her going 90 all the way to Kawerau! So yes the only idiot on the road really, apart from that the weather was hot as got up to 25 degrees! Nice as and good summer weather. Nothing else to say really, busy as day on the roads and in town with the christmas traffic but as to be expected! Take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 834 11/12/13

Yet another manic day driving round the BOP.... Cars of the day, Car 1 Rego WW24 this was a Williams & Wilshire truck who was impatient as all hell, tailgating a car and trailer and coming towards me decided to start passing it before i had even gone past! Had to swerve out of the way he carried on with his "Might is Right" motto and continued on speeding towards Awakeri.... Car 2 Rego RH3159 another impatient person sped up behind me well over 120 easy then flew past etc.... No clue, from Pongakawa to Matata Also had a shit load of work to deal with today which never helps and a person down which again doesn't help but owell get that from time to time i guess. Those fucking indians out of Te Puke were at it again tonight there were about 4-5 of them in a row, all behind a tractor which was right over to the left of the lane, easy as to pass but they sat there with a line of about 20+ cars lined up and no cars coming the other way, still did not pass!! Absolute fucking muppets.... Well over it today, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow.....

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 833 10/12/13

Another day and no it didn't get any better haha. Idiots of the day are! Car 1 Rego FKB209 this Honda from was a bit impatient speeding over 120, tailgating cars and passing stupidly like passing a truck with another truck coming towards them and only just getting in! Car 2 Rego AQR947 this young cuzzie in the pulsar from Whakatane to Te Puke was speeding over 120, tailgating, passing on every double yellow and single yellow line he could, no care at all in the world and a fucking asshole! Car 3 Rego JCKFR8 as you could probably tell from the plate Jock Freight company once again this dickhead which i have seen a huge amount of times along Hewletts Road towards Tauranga would speed well over the speed limit, tailgate and cut in and out of lanes to pass anyone he can with no indication at all..... So yes, eventful to say the least and the traffic on the roads is a nightmare and only going to get worse too eh! Also had a near head on coming over a bridge tonight some cunt txting in his ute came straight for me, luckily he looked up and swerved back just in time. Not nice to see coming straight for you! Well that is all, over today completely so bring on tomorrow!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 832 9/12/13

Well Monday has finished and a day from hell is a good word for it! Started out and was heading along from Maungatapu to Paengaroa following a Marsh Transport truck Rego EWH470 who was speeding up and over 100, tailing another car closely and wandering over the road etc, same truck i saw the other weekend doing the same thing to me and my family! Headed out past that and was getting to the coast when i was following another truck spraying the windscreen with crap so went to use the wipers only to have no wiper fluid as the weekend worker used it all up and I only just filled the fucking thing up! So had to amend that problem and carry on, late run through and busy as all hell too! Later in the arvo saw a Mongrel Mob guy shaking the living daylights out of his kid yelling shut the fuck up you cunt etc then threw the kid in the back of the car and slammed the door.... Rego was YG8466, this was in edgecumbe. Also had some fucking muppets tell me that i couldn't park in a certain place cause they couldn't get their vehicles around me, ive been parking there for over a year and no problems at all, i stood back and had a look at the area you could get a transit van and trailer around there...... No clue how to drive a fucking car at all! So with all that shit the traffic is building up with Xmas getting closer too so that should make it all awesome...........Not... Well take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 831 4/12/13

Yet another great day filled with absolute fucking muppets all day long, the weather brought the rest of the dicks out but the whole morning was the yearly holiday makers coming out, taking over the town so couldn't park anywhere to deliver etc the usual crap. Had 2 idiots of the day. Car 1 Rego EAK181 was a Exceed Maintenance van who when i was travelling along at 100 just decided to pull straight out in front of me at the picnic area at Otamarakau when there was no cars behind me at all, to top it off he only managed to get up to a max speed of 80! Had to brake hard to avoid going into the back of this dickhead.... Car 2 Rego FHS126 this old man was all over the place, no indication and when coming along up to some roadworks with the traffic lights which were red he ran straight through them....... Hahahahaha yeah didn't work out for him, all the other trucks and traffic came through the other side and he had to pull over off the road to let them all pass, looked like an absolute cock even the roadworkers were laughing at him haha. So yes, very busy and eventful day to say the least! Got the next 2 days off plus weekend so take care to all and see you all Monday as I don't have anything else to say :) See you all then!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 830 3/12/13

Well a bit over today really, most of the day went pretty good till the run back after lunch when some absolute cunt of a person Rego CLG961 in a Holden Adventra decided it was a great idea to pass a truck and trailer right before a corner which i was coming around! They were only just getting in and still had their wheels in my lane when i went past them. Absolute fucking moron and couldn't wait about 100 meters till the steep Otamarakau hill where most trucks pull over and could have cost me my life quite easy! Apart from that dick the rest of the traffic was well behaved, saw an old man well after it happened looks like he misjudged a kerb and fell onto his hip on the road and was laying there with a crowd of people helping him keep calm etc. Weather on the other hand was alright till i got home then rained haha, but all good. So no complaints from me besides the one driver, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Day 829 2/12/13

So another week begins, Monday all over again as if i had just wound the clock back and started all over again haha. Today, so how did it go your thinking ? Not too bad i guess, a little emotional shit through my head once again but all good overall, weather was awesome with a high of 23 in my vehicle anyway it wasn't too muggy or anything so pretty good to work in. Had the usual few slower ones holding people up but no idiots worth reporting about today which is a bonus for once! Well on that note there is nothing left to talk about, so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow ;)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 828 29/11/13

Soo glad it's Friday, some absolute dickheads on the roads specially tonight! Had a truck today a big Pak N Save one from Weatherall Transport, trailer Rego T346K who was sitting on 100, tailgating another truck so no one could pass, wandering over the road, going up Otamarakau hill he kept on the centreline rather than do what every other truck does and keep left, the same truckie does this over and over and over he is a fucking cunt and needs a bloody smack in the face! this was from Matata to Te Puke Also had a car from Barton & McGill pool and billiards etc, from Whakatane to Te Puke tonight he was speeding then next minute he was on 90 then all over the road and would want to race off etc, absolute dick! Apart from them had the usual slow drivers all day, the weather on the other hand was nice and warm so no complaints there! Well bring on the weekend, need to relax! Take care on the roads and see you Monday!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 827 28/11/13

So first day back this week, well 2nd but only did half a day Tuesday as ive been crook as a dog! Not eating etc so yeah full on today for sure. No cars to report today at all which is fucking great! Gotta love it when a day goes to plan, the weather was a bit off and on with a sprinkling of rain here and there throughout the day. Busy day with alot of stock to transport again due to the others covering my run couldn't be assed taking it so left it all for me...... Well it's friday tomorrow and bring it on, can't wait to get the rest of the week done with so i can rest up again and get over this bullshit! Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 826 22/11/13

Well fuck me sideways another week is done and dusted! Only had one major asswipe on the road, Rego CSW320 this old man flew up behind me out of Kawerau and me the car in front and the truck ahead of that were all waiting to pass a tractor ahead, this old man when we all went to start passing cut us all off passed on a median then in the other lane as we were passing! He cut a car off then took off over 120, passed another truck and cut that one off as there wasn't enough room to pass, then again took off over 120..... No patience at all dickhead! Other than that, nice as weather which was hot. Also had a busy productive day with alot of stuff to get sorted. Nothing else to talk about really so take care over the weekend and see you all Monday!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 825 21/11/13

Where do i fucking start, another emotional day! Had a good work mate hand in his resignation papers after nearly 10 years, he was there when i started and always been a good mate and im nearing 7 years so will be sad to see the guy go... Anyway back into the dicks of the day. The first one would have to of had the idiot of the year trophy, a truck from RMD (Rorisons Mineral Developments) went from Domain Road near Papamoa to the Affco freezing works out past Te Puke all with his load of a clay mix or similar spilling out all over the road, coating the whole road in shit and small rock boulders made of the clay, damaged a couple of cars and police finally caught him Rego started with DPP... Also the roadworkers were out clearing the shit and sweeping etc, would of had at least 10 grands worth of cleanup easy! The only other dick was some little cunt flap in a gold ute Rego GJY554 this kid with a green stickered ute came flying up behind me in Matata going well over the speed limit, sat up my ass for a bit and when i passed a car and truck with a oncoming car further down the way (plenty of time to pass) he decided rather than wait the one car he would pass to! So he sat right up my asshole and nearly hit the back of my vehicle when i was pulling back in! He then took off not long after going at least 120, didn't take long before he got pulled over.... This was from Matata to Pongakawa Other than that, the day was alright had a little rain in the morning but the rest of the day was muggy and hot as! So that is all i can be assed writing tonight, take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 824 20/11/13

Well another fucked day with the shit drivers on the roads, so lets get straight to that eh. Car 1 Rego M0ANA1 This elderly man pulled straight out in front of me without looking from the New World carpark on Islington St i had to brake hard to avoid going into him, he carried on to State Highway 34 where he took off very slowly until a small truck pulled out along the way that is when he got erratic and started tailgating closely wandering over the road, not far along the Tasman Mill he passed the truck when the other vehicles in front were slowing down so the vehicle he just passed had to slam the brakes on after being cut off by the elderly man cause he passed then was hard on the brakes.... He carried on tailgating other cars till he turned off onto SH2.. Car 2 Rego GRF268 this silly bitch from MTF Finance was very impatient she came flying up behind me through Matata today in the roadworks! a 30kph area and she was going at least 70-80! Then tailgated me for a while before taking off speeding and sitting on 120.... Car 3 Rego ENN823 another lady in a van this time, she was speeding up behind, tailgated me and was all over the road and trying hard to pass just another impatient person... from Whakatane to Te Teko. Other than those fuckwits the day was good, nice hot weather and a busy day too which is all good, not too busy though just right haha. Nothing else to comment on today so take care and see you all tomorrow

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 823 19/11/13

Well first day back this week as i was crook as yesterday but back with half energy to carry on haha. What a day to come back to though! had a gloomy look most of the morning before the rain set in all day, then heading home had heavy rain and thunder which struck a tree less than 100 meters away from me, fucking loud and gave me one hell of a fright! battled the rain and the idiots on the roads too.... Car 1 Rego FAP203 was some old cunt in a Toyota, from Whakatane to Te Puke travelling from 60-80kph and a line of 15+ cars banked up behind not once did he keep left or move over, he had a truck behind him so no one could pass as the truck was up his ass trying to pass but every time it was a clear straight the old man would speed up! Absolute fucking bullshit and inconciderite dickhead... Apart from that the day was busy and packed with stock but another productive day so all good. Well bring on tomorrow, be safe and have fun!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 822 15/11/13

Last day of the week and fucking hell I am glad it's over! Today with the idiots all over the road was a complete joke, the amount of people driving that just plain cannot drive is beyond me! Car 1 Rego GUZ845 was a Hyundai from the Kawerau World Rafting Champs and came flying up behind me along the coastline, well over 120 up my backside, tailgated me off and on trying to get past, when we turned off and there were no more cars out the back off the main roads this dick took off no indication flying past then sat on about 130 leaving me behind, absolute cunt of a person... Car 2 Rego HBU298 this guy ran straight through a roundabout in front of me into Whakatane, didn't look and if i had carried on I would have gone into his front wheel or bonnet that is how late he pulled out! I held the horn down so he did wake up a bit after that! Car 3 Rego FFT632 I think i have seen this girl in the mazda before, anyway she was either txting or looking for something in a bag on the floor as she wandered all over the road and crossed the centreline etc, tailgated me then dropped back over 100 meters then back up behind and wandering etc this was from Whakatane to Kawerau turnoff... Apart from that the day was very busy, slow driver mostly on the trip home tonight and another late night....... Bring on the weekend eh! Drive safe and remember, Don't drive like a cunt!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 821 14/11/13

Thursday is now down and glad it's Friday tomorrow, this week has been a long one to say the least! Another late night tonight and it's apparently going to be the same for a while with a staff member at one company i goto leaving and not being replaced so will have alot more work to deal with etc.... Only one idiot today, Rego BHS954 this young maori tart in im guessing her parents Prado from Awakeri to Kawerau came flying up behind me at speed, was wandering over the lane tailing off and on before passing me and another car, had to pull in the tailgated the car in front before taking off 120+ etc..... Weather again was quite nice so no complaints there and the other drivers on the roads were pretty well behaved, a few very slow ones but I wasn't behind them for long so can't be assed writing about them haha. Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 820 13/11/13

Where the hell do i start, another full on day with another ton of stuff to unload this morning. Also the idiots all came out to play today! Truck 1 Rego CTB226 this truck from Booths Transport would speed up to 110 when people tried to pass the fucker, absolute cunt of a driver! this was from Matata to Whakatane Car 2 Rego DJQ123 this young shit in a Ford ute was drifting round corners out of Whakatane and took off over 120 and sat on that speed. Car 3 Rego FWN111 another speeder, over 120 again and passed with oncoming cars near Pongakawa Car 4 Rego ZQ2329 this little curry muncher was sitting on 65-70kph and every single fucking corner or any bridge he would slam the brakes on and down to 50kph we would all go, a ton of traffic banked up due to his absolutely bullshit driving skills that he didn't have! From Te Puke to Domain Rd. So yes full of idiots most of the day, can't really complain about anything else though, nice weather and the rest of the day was smooth sailing and all hassle free so bring on tomorrow, Oh forgot to mention, nearly got hit by a car head on going over a bridge tonight, guy was looking the other way pointing at something and crossed the centreline, i was nearly scraping the guard rail on my side to avoid being hit by a cunt in a prius!... Well take care and see you all tomorrow, another day another round!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 819 12/11/13

Well fuck me sideways! Had the day from fucking hell excuse the language but I don't really care at the moment. Started out i had over 100kg of stock to take to a place and power cut when i had loaded everything onto a trolley to take up 2 flights of stairs so everything came off the trolley and i had to run all of that shit up! so was pretty stuffed for the rest of the day to be honest, also had a very late night with a ton of extra work come through late in the arvo meant for a late night (7:30) but with all the negative came a good positive i think haha, work got me a new vehicle to drive so pretty happy about that considering the other 2 i had driven, the first one had done over 500,000km's nearly all by me and the other one i was driving had done 455,000km's again nearly all done by me so with a new vehicle made for a little better day although it was hard work haha. No assholes today just a couple of slow ones but a pretty tame day which was great, nice weather which wasn't too hot either! Well take care to all and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 818 11/11/13

So back into it after a bloody hot weekend and far out what a hot day too! Got up to 28 in Tauranga i heard so would hate to think what it was when i was in Kawerau haha. Roads were also busy at times which is weird but then summer heat might be bringing people to Whakatane as it's pretty nice weather there. Had one real nice camper today, normally they go slow and sit on the centreline when you try and pass and all the other shit to stop you from overtaking, but not today a lady that had a Escape camper rental was travelling out of Matata this arvo and i was behind her for no longer than 30-40 seconds and when the oncoming traffic cleared she moved left and flicked her indicator to let me pass so I did then gave her a friendly toot and a wave and she did the same, this is how New Zealand should be driving! Show a bit of courtesy and receive it back which is something very simple to do but hardly anyone does it and why not ? Anyway thank you to that driver not that they will read this but yeah..... Good to see even some tourists have some idea how to drive which is great! No drivers to report today even though there were a few slower ones and so on it was relatively tame so no issues there. Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 817 8/11/13

Thank fuck it's friday, really had enough of this week. Bad weather, shit drivers and long days along with lots of work.... Only had one idiot today from Contemporary Classics furniture in the Mount Rego BKC526 this van would sit on 90 then take off when you were close over 110 then back down, also wandering a bit over the road... So yes, anyway morning started off with a bit of rain which then turned out to be a very hot and nice day to drive in, still was very busy though. Also saw the aftermath of an accident between a Black Legnum and a RMD Truck around Pikowai tonight, from what i overheard the car driver came flying round the bend into the roadwork area and slid one way then the other and the drivers side of the car hit the drivers side of the truck, he then spun back round 180 then backed the car into the bank, damage was all right sided on both vehicles, truckie was alright don't know about the other idiot... Well take care and see you all Monday!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 816 7/11/13

Another day battling the weather and drivers, this time i am appauled at the level of bullshit coming from the so called professional truck drivers! Had one car today that was, Rego GRU195 this guy was tailing me down 15th ave and onto SH29 then took off speeding etc Truck 1 Rego FAY701 this truck from Trevor Masters LTD once again get alot from this company speeding, this person in general was no different, over 110 and pulled straight out into the oncoming lane with 3/4 of the truck then had to swerve back in due to traffic etc... around the Hauone area towards Matata Truck 2 Rego FCF805 another 110kph+ truckie, passing with no indication either and he was sitting on the 110 not just for a little bit either! and who said trucks were supposedly limited to 90 ? Tui ad! this guy did it from Matata to Te Teko. Apart from them the day was very long with a missed call in the end of the day which i had to turn back around and collect as it was a urgent parcel was misplaced so they didn't see it till the last minute but all good. Rain hindered the days driving due to bringing the idiots out to play but owell another day tomorrow eh!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 815 6/11/13

So another great fucking day on the roads, once again emotional bullshit going through my head which i don't need but no one to talk to or no one cares so whatever eh! Only one cunt worth reporting today, Rego EAE523 this dick in a Ford Territory from Whakatane to Te Puke was sitting on around 85-90kph and when you got up behind he would take off over 110 etc, he passed with no indication and after time and time again of him taking off when you got near around the Pikowai area he floored it passed a line of cars and took off going at least 130 etc and sat on around that for the whole last straight before Otamarakau! Absolute fucking muppet, hope he crashes and kills himself! So yes, apart from that the rest of the day had heavy rain from morning to late arvo! Had a great day running round and driving in this but all part of the territory i guess.... Take care to all and see you tomorrow.....

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 814 5/11/13

Yet another fucking great day............Not! Had rain pissing down most of the day in patches, got a bit wet but all part of it but with the rain came the assholes. Car 1 Rego GLZ643 was from Fert Co this 4x4 from Tauranga to Whakatane was driving very impatient, had to pass every car even if they were sitting over 100 etc, tailgating other cars and so on... Bike 1 Rego 74ZRU this young cock on a Red Kawasaki was cutting in and out of traffic at high speed from hewletts Road over Takitimu Drive going well over 120kph in a 80 zone! Also had the usual people cross the centreline, alot of road works starting up again and slow ones, oldies, cuzzies taking their time so yeah eventful really... Well take care on the wet roads and see you all tomorrow for hump day.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 813 4/11/13

Yet another week begins and yet people cannot drive properly! Had 2 assholes today a Bike and a company car Bike of the day Rego A7DZF this BMW just coming into Te Puke i was in a line of traffic and this cock passed me on a corner no indication before cutting me off then slowing down! Car 1 Rego EGY280 was a ute from G&S Kawerau this dick came flying up behind me would of been going over 120, sat up my backside tailgating me until i passed a truck when i had just pulled in he flew past going over 120! Also had one person (old man) ran through a roundabout in Whakatane today and just about ended up going through the side of his car fucking shit didn't look at all, got an earful of horn though! So yes, another fun day in the Eastern Bay with the idiots everywhere but tomorrow is another day eh! At least the sun was out haha. Take care and see you all tomorrow!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 812 1/11/13

Man there are some absolute fucking muppets on the roads! Saw this old lady today in kawerau park with the middle of her car on the line that separates the 2 car parks etc, so she was half in both, but not only that instead of driving up in the parks she park half sticking out...... Absolutely no idea at all! Anyway Car 1 Rego GGD162 was a police car travelling from Te Maunga to Whakatane, whilst following behind this guy he was sitting on 110+, tailgating other cars very close and passing stupidly too, he was in a rush and in no way should he have been driving like that at all! Car 2 Rego CBZ896 this sad cunt didn't manage to indicate fast enough and get in the right lane heading up Chapel St tonight, as i had already gone in that lane and was coming up the side he still had ages to go before the lane ended but cut right in behind me nearly hit the back of my car then sat right up my ass tailgating me within half a car length behind! So yeah, apart from that the day was very busy and full on! Had a shit day emotionally but owell another day down and still alive eh! Take care and see you all Monday for another round!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 811 31/10/13

Nearly Friday! Bring it on as today was a bit of a joke to be honest, there was a ton of traffic today don't know where they are all coming from! With the traffic came the idiots.... Car 1 Rego GYL130 this lady in her focus from Whakatane to Te Puke started off sitting around 85kph, i came up behind her and then passed after sitting behind for a little bit, she then thought it was a race as she sped right up and tailgated me off and on, was wandering all over the road trying to pass and every car i passed she would have to pass then and there too! She flew past me out of Matata and she sat on at least 120+! No indication when passing cars too. Car 2 Rego SW4077 this cuzzie bro with a car that looked like it should have been in the scrap yard was sitting on about 80 aswell and we all passed him out of Matata only to have him later on come flying up tailgating me weaving all over the road and centreline trying to get past! Fucking idiot! Car 3 Rego was actually a Bike 76ZUB was flying along Hewletts road going 90+ in a 70 area cutting in and out of traffic mostly riding in the bus lane..... So yeah, busy as day with all the shit going on plus the fuckheads on the roads that shouldn't be there made for a long and tiring day! Time to bust out a woody and relax now, take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 810 30/10/13

Well well well another day down and hump day it is! The weather for starters wasn't too bad to be honest, a little chilly at times with the wind but the sun when it was not covered by cloud was nice to drive in and made the day good. Now the drivers for the day...... Only had one major asshole, Rego FKP211 this corolla from Whakatane to Te Puke was speeding up to 120 and sitting on around 110 when he could, tailgating every car he came up behind, no indication at all when passing and he tried to pass 3 cars and a truck before a blind corner, didn't work as a car came around and the fuckwit had to swerve back in! Also after that carried on in a hurry being a right cunt..... So yeah, had a few other very slow ones tonight especially that didn't really know what to do on the roads, under 70 etc... Well nothing else to talk about that i can remember so take care and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 809 29/10/13

Back into it after the long weekend, feeling buggered as all hell but battled on and finished the day on time and with nice weather to end on! There were a few assholes on the roads but nothing major the ones worth talking about are. Had one lady this morning turning right at a intersection who was too busy doing her hair up and nearly hit a car head on turning the opposite way to her..... Car 1 Rego ESH168 was some fat cuzzie who was sitting below the speed limit and when i went to pass in the passing lane she floored it when i was beside her, i then merged in behind her as she was ahead, then not long after she slows down again! So i go and pass again and she speeds up and sits next to me before trying to underpass me then slowing right down again...... From Maungatapu to Te Maunga Car 2 Rego CML240 once again this subaru was tailgating and cutting in and out of traffic also speeding up to 100 in the 80 zone from Hewletts Rd to TGA. So yeah, also had a few slow ones but not too bad today really, the rain pissed down this morning making the start of the day shit but soon turned nice which was sweet as! Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for the hump day of the week!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 808 25/10/13

Well I can tell you all one thing, I am glad today is over! Fucking hell there are some absolutely fucking shit drivers during the holidays and I honestly do not know how the hell most of them get a licence at all! From people travelling at 60kph in 100 zones from speeding, tailgating, crossing over the centreline and nearly hitting me etc this carried on all day and most of this week! Car 1 Rego GTS642 this cock in a Red Holden towing a trailer was tailgating every car he was behind, speeding over 120 and driving aggressive too! from Te Puke towards Matata Car 2 Rego DUA825 this honda lady pulled straight out in front of me in a 100kph zone and sat in the middle of the road did not attempt to keep left, i had to slam the brakes on very hard to stop in time, nearly cleaned the bitch up as i couldn't pass due to oncoming traffic etc by the Thornton Rd intersection into Whakatane! So yeah, pretty over today to say the least so i am going to leave it at that. People on the roads really need to pull their fucking heads out of their asses it's beyond a joke, nearly got hit by a Wealleans truck that crossed the centreline today too! Travel safe!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 807 24/10/13

One day to go and bloody hell the holiday makers are taking over the roads again..... Very very fucking slow, people driving 30+ under the speed limit and some would speed up when it was a straight or somewhere that they would be passed, absolutely fucks me off big time, i mean come on i'm already stuck behind these bullshit drivers for long enough and they have to prolong the agony by speeding up then slowing down! Saw a cuzzie try and pull a U turn at a police stop out of Te Teko today, got caught! Shame ow! Car 1 of the day Rego BJQ443 was a white van looked like a electrician or something, he was speeding up to 120 and would tailgate very close behind anyone he came up behind absolute dickhead.... On another note the weather was great, sun shining good day for lunch outside so was all good. Well once again take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for the final day of the week!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 806 23/10/13

Yet another day down and hump day today but fucking hell it was one hell of a shit day for me, running round like a mad man with a head cold is not good and with no staff to cover me it was a day to grin and bare it once again! All day long battled with people speeding up and slowing down and only had one asshole worth commenting on. Truck 1 Rego EDC13 was a white smaller truck from the best roadwork company for complaints! Downer...... Sure put a Downer on my day that's for sure, this young prick was sitting on about 60-70kph in a 100 zone with a huge line banked up behind as he was talking on the phone, all over the road wandering back and forth and as soon as the passing lane came up, speeds up doesn't he! Absolute fucking dickhead! Apart from him it was just the usual slow ones and elderly too... Weather was great again with the sun beaming down with the hot heat of summer around the corner! So with that I will leave you all to it, take care and see you all tomorrow if i can survive the night.....

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 805 22/10/13

Well Tuesday is over and done, had a long day today and been relatively busy had a fair bit to take back tonight! As usual the idiots were out in force, had one lady parked on the strand in Whakatane in a angled parks and the middle of her car was on the line that separates the 2 parks etc, no fucking idea must have been taught how to drive by Stevie Wonder...... Car 1 Rego ZJ4443 this old man heading through The Hub in Whakatane this arvo was cutting in and out of lanes with no indication and coming up to the last roundabout as we were all stopping he tried to cut into the left lane to underpass us but there was a car next to him which he nearly hit and in the process nearly rear ended me and stopped half in each lane! Car 2 Rego FHC279 this stuck up whore from Whakatane to Te Puke was sitting on 90 and when anyone got near her she would take off specially on the straight! over 110 etc then slow down and floor it again and again, no fucking clue in the world and yes she was blonde too.... So yeah had a few others on the roads that shouldn't be there but they have rights too HAHAHAHA! Take care and see you all tomorrow!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 804 21/10/13

Another week has started and fucking hell what a day, the weather was great with no complaints there at all but with lack of sleep, a cold and alot of shit going round my head it did not make for a fun day! Short staffed means basically no one to cover my run so had to grin and bare it.... Assholes all over the roads today too! Car 1 Rego DWS54 a truck from Carters Building Supplies from Te Puke to Matata was speeding up to 110, also tailgating other cars very closely within a car length behind them! Not the first time i have seen the same truck doing this too... Car 2 Rego SJ6828 this fat whore came flying out of Te Puke over 120, right up behind me tailgating then flew past me on a median before the passing lane had started by Bell Rd then speeding off again 120 etc So yes, apart from the idiots the day was very busy and full on but with the sun it made it alot better specially when your driving with a head cold haha. Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow! Fingers crossed i'm feeling a little better!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 803 18/10/13

Well Friday is done and dusted and bloody hell it was a hot day! Sun was shining all day but didn't keep the idiots off the roads, it was as if they had suffered heat stroke and were driving like fucking muppets! Had multiple cars cross over the centreline, speeding, tailgating, slow as people all sorts... None worth reporting tonight though, just can't be assed really. Pretty emotional day for me, had alot of shit going through my head but kept chugging along as you do. Well with that I will say have a good weekend and travel safe to all!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 802 17/10/13

Well nearing the end of the week and the assholes were out in force today haha, Car 1 of the day Rego ETJ887 this lady in a corolla from Te Puke to Matata was speeding well over 120 at times, tailgating and overtaking on double yellow lines etc in a bit of a rush! Car 2 Rego DZA679 this cock in a Swift out of Whakatane in a 80kph area was sitting on 50 and i was waiting behind for the cunt to move into the left lane or hurry up but instead he just slammed his brakes on trying to get me to rear end him im guessing ? Absolute bullshit dangerous driving..... Car 3 Rego CML240 this black gangster in his subaru from Matata to Te Puke was speeding over 120, driving erratic all over the place and if someone came up behind him after he slowed down he would floor it and take off speeding over and over again! Apart from those 3 dicks the rest of the day was very busy, also filled with slow drivers and roadworks! Starting up again which is a joke but needs to be done, well some anyway. Nothing else to talk about so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow, bring on Friday!

Day 801 16/10/13

So another day down and what a day it was, started off heading towards the coast and once there came across a huge line of old classic cars heading towards Whakatane. They were all bloody well behaved and a great group of people! They left decent gaps between each set of cars and the groups etc so made for easy passing and got to view most of them as i passed which was great as I don't get to see many older cars on the roads travelling at work haha. The rest of the day is where is gets worse haha, the wind came out to play again and so did the rain around lunch and with the bad weather came the idiots again..... People speeding up when you try to pass them or moving onto the centreline to block you etc just stupid stuff that shouldn't be happening at all! Also a Log truck had an accident with a car at the Te Puke turnoff just past the golf course, unsure how it happened but logs were over the road and car was a bit damaged see the link below Well that is all, another late night so take care and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 800 15/10/13

Well back into it after a day off sorting shit out and choose a fucking shit day to come back haha. The wind was incredible! not to mention the rain to add to the chaos, from Te Puke to Whakatane this morning was horrid, stuck behind a truck with the wind pushing the work vehicle around like a box! Couldn't see anything either with the rain blowing round and the fucking idiots on the roads with no head lights on! Absolute assholes. No drivers to report on today as I couldn't really be fucked haha, there were a couple driving like muppets but the usual in Whakatane so nothing special there.... The sun managed to come out later in the day but the wind was still there, although it went down a little not much though! Another late night too with traffic and being busy at work but all is good. Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 799 11/10/13

So once again another week down and Friday is done and dusted! Didn't have too many assholes out there today, just a few pulling out in front of me and slowing down also the slow drivers so not much to say about them, had a couple of log trucks speeding up and over 105 too bloody cowboys... Apart from that the day went smoothly, morning was very busy but as to be expected at the end of the week haha. Well nothing else to say so take care on the roads and see you all next week for another round on the roads!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 798 10/10/13

Thursday today and the weather fined up a little but still a little nip in the air, was good for driving though which was all good! Had a couple of idiots today which made things fun. Car 1 Rego CQM614 a guy from Higgins towing a trailer was coming into Te Puke where the lanes split in two and he was in the right lane, i was in the left and about to come up the side when he just pulls straight over in front of me, no indication at all then slowed right down and fucked around like the muppet he was! Car 2 Rego DCL967 followed this guy from Whakatane to Te Puke and he was cutting over the centreline on corners, passed on double yellow lines, passed with oncoming traffic which he had to cut the car off he was passing to get in without being hit! also speeding up to 120 all with a kid in the back seat.... So yeah eventful, busy day and saw the aftermath of a crash on Hewletts Rd tonight too which made some delays for people. Well take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 797 9/10/13

So the weather turned shit today with heavy wind and a bit of rain which brought out a bit of traffic that can't drive in the wind haha, people were going all over the road not expecting it etc... Saw a truck today Rego FQH258 who was fully laden with logs heading into Kawerau Mill in the rain tailgating a ute who had a rubbish truck ahead so couldn't do much but sit there and the truck sat right up his ass within 3 car lenghts behind riding his ass and all it would take is for the rubbish truck to stop and the ute would have been flattened! Absolute bullshit from someone who should know how to be a professional driver in a truck! The rest of the day was alright i guess, long and tiring but good. Well take care and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 796 8/10/13

So for a Tuesday it went all right, it felt like a bloody long day that's for sure just seemed to drag on ? Could be to do with the daylight savings or the heat but who knows. Not many assholes on the roads causing shit today which is great just had a few slow people but like I always say they are always going to be there! The sun was out but not quite as hot as yesterday and with this storm coming soon it got chillier later in the day so waiting for it to hit, supposedly lightning etc. Well that is all really, so take care and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 795 7/10/13

Fucking hell it was a hot day! Started out nice with a bit of wind cooling the heat down but by 1 the wind dropped and the muggyness was hot as! Didn't have any idiots all day until I got into Tauranga tonight.... Car 1 Rego DJT335 this red Audi floored it and took off when the lights changed orange and she wasn't even near them and by the time she got there it was red but didn't stop her and she flew through! No idea at all... Car 2 Rego GLR519 this fat cunt in a Black Forester came flying up behind me from 15th ave cutting in and out of traffic sitting on at least 90 in a 50 zone!! all to go into TGA Hospital..... What a legend, sure he was in a rush for Maccas... So yeah, the other idiots were just slow but overall not too bad today which is good! Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 794 4/10/13

Friday and fucking glad it is! Today was busy as all hell, had a ton of stuff in the morning to deliver and the slow people on the roads were a absolute joke! Why in the hell can't they keep left or pull over or just go the speed limit that is what it is there for ? Anyway Car 1 of the day Rego EZA197 this ute from ISO Ltd was speeding up to 120, passing on double yellow lines, crossing the centreline and slowing down then speeding off again etc, no indication also when passing.... From Whakatane to Paengaroa Other than him it was just the slow people on the roads that held me up all day.... So yeah that is about all for today, take care and see you all Monday!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 793 3/10/13

It's Thursday and what a day from hell! From the word go it was full of shit the whole day long, I didn't manage to get far out of Tauranga before the first dickhead came out to play. Car 1 Rego FSG26, this elderly camper was sitting between 50-60kph from the mount to Te Puke with a line of more than 30 cars banked up and did not move over or let anyone pass at all! Car 2 Rego DLR812 this pack of cunts that work in the forestry were racing another 4x4 Rego BHZ531 from Whakatane to Rotorua and were speeding up to 120, tailgating cars, passing before corners and driving erratically etc, absolute disregard for anyones safety! Also had another car which i didn't get the rego for some reason but the police do now, this young kid was txting from Te Puke to the mount tonight and nearly had 6 crashes 4 of them near head ons and i mean bloody close, nearly hit cars he was passing and nearly T Boned a lady waiting at a roundabout to go straight through as he swerved for her then swerved back, over 100 in a 70 area all sorts of absolute bullshit! Rego started with OE and was a old Grey Sigma wagon.... So yeah a real cunt of a day but Friday tomorrow so bring it on! In need of a drink or more now, have a good night and safe travels on the roads!

Day 792 2/10/13

Far out what a day, the sun was bloody nice and it was a very long and tiring day which definitely makes you work hard specially when your driving all day! The idiots were still out in force had alot of slower ones, some campers out that just didn't seem to move over for traffic when travelling well under the limit, although i had one that did which was great and got a courtesy toot from me to say thanks! Nothing else to go on about today as everything went alright i guess haha. Bring on tomorrow and hope it's as nice as today was!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 791 1/10/13

So the first of October and still no change in the driving on the roads even with real nice summer style weather! Car 1 of the day Rego XD9893 a red hiace who was tailgating closely and speeding up to 120 not getting very far as he kept getting stuck behind traffic from Pongakawa to Kawerau Car 2 Rego BAB444 these Mongrel mob cuzzies passed a truck with oncoming traffic which had to slam the brakes on and move off the road to let these muppets pass, the truck even had to pull over and brake to let them in! All that and after the car went past there was no more traffic! Car 3 Rego BFR744 these fucking ragtops from Te Puke came out of the packhouses tailgating every car they were behind, speeding over 120 and were passing anywhere they could, yellow lines and double yellows also oncoming traffic they didn't give a shit and they never seem to! This was from Paengaroa to Te Puke Car 4 Rego 3744 was a trailer on a truck from North Fuels who was tailgating bloody close behind cars out of Te Puke to the Mount with a fuel tanker! What a fucking asshole.... So yeah as you can see eventful with assholes all around the place, on top of that I had the usual ones that didn't know where the hell they were driving left the right cutting over and stopping then slowing down taking off again. It was a fucking joke! Well the day is over and i'm still alive for another day which is good i think ? Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another day!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 790 30/9/13

So another day in mayhem on the roads with the heavy rain off and on all day long which brought out the absolute cunts! Car 1 Rego DJE210 this cock was tailgating me impatiently then in a 70kph area flew past me going at least 100 before cutting me off cause he wanted to get back into my lane! Then he took off tailgating more cars from Maungatapu to Te Puke Also saw the aftermath of a truck crash with the company BAM just at the exit of Matata this morning, looked like he might have fallen asleep and straight through some trees pushed the roof of the cab down and some side damage too, not a good way to go! Eventful day to say the least, cars driving weirdly when it rains all day just made it crazy. Well take care and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 789 27/9/13

Well it's Friday once again and fuck me the assholes were running rife today! The weather on the other hand was fucking awesome! Nice sun all day long and it was hot too. Anyways assholes of the day.... Car 1 Rego SX6034 this old man was sitting on 50kph in a 100 zone with a line of traffic banked up over 20+ cars and trucks and not once did he pull over or keep left even with trucks and cars passing... this happened from Otamarakau to Te Puke Car 2 Rego XH5367 another elderly person with their face soo close to the steering wheel it was just about touching! they were sitting on 60 in a 100 from Whakatane to Kawerau fucking around like a dead fish... Car 3 Rego FRY460 this Gunit cuzzie cunt in the family wagon from Whakatane to Matata with a young child in the passenger seat was tailgating very close behind me and others, speeding up to 120 and was passing on corners..... Yes all with a kid younger than 4 in the front seat! So eventful day with road works and busy workload all day which is all good keeps you going and a busy day makes it go faster so sweet as! Have a good weekend and see you all Monday for another round!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 788 26/9/13

Another day down and man what a nice day in the sun! There was a bit of wind blowing away but the sun was awesome to see out! There were a couple of assholes worth writing about once again Car 1 Rego GGS23 this lady was in a rush for something just like the next guy, she was speeding up to 120 and tailgating every car she was behind very close from Whakatane to Kawerau Car 2 Rego GEL306 this old man doing the same thing but would take off at speed and block you from passing by closing the gap and tailgating etc going over 120 too from Otamarakau to Paengaroa So yes, nothing much else to write about today as not much else happened really. Very busy day which is good, I like working for my money makes you feel good! Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 787 25/9/13

What the fuck is wrong with Tauranga drivers ? I will fill you in shortly. The weather in the morning was shit with the rain pissing down again, not as hard as last night but still there and the idiots took over the roads all day! Car 1 Rego DDB102 this guy was going over 120 and tailgating me etc Car 2 Rego ZJ9840 another cock on the roads, young person flying along over 120 again passing on medians etc Car 3 Rego TH756 this old cunt flew past me and another car in the left lane in a 70kph area going 100! and why ? Just so he could cut the car in front of me off and nearly crash into the median barrier to beat 2 cars and he got past by me later on when he was stuck in traffic by cutting in and out of lanes.... This was down Maunganui Road and Hewletts Car 4 Rego BPA611 a young girl with her dad in the passenger, heading along Cameron Road towards 11th ave, she was in the left lane with one car ahead she didn't want to wait so pulled straight over cutting me off then braked for the red light. She then took off on the green and no indication pulled straight over cutting the car off she was just behind then cut left again to stop at the shops..... Absolutely no fucking idea at all, this bitch will cause a crash! So yeah eventful day to say the least, also had the usual slow ones and people like the above that should not be on the roads! Well im off take care and see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 786 24/9/13

So absolutely shit weather with the rain pissing down all day and only got worse as the night went on with the heavy wind too... With the shit weather came the people who think they are invincible driving at stupid speeds and erratic crap... Car 1 of the day Rego GBD180 was a truck who was tailgating very close behind me and other cars from Domain Rd out to Paengaroa Car 2 Rego BYL215 this cock in Whakatane tonight was cutting in and out of traffic in the rain trying to be a wanna G tailing and racing himself, also cut in front of high speed traffic going 100 to beat a line of cars nearly got t-boned absolute bullshit! Apart from that i nearly saw 6 different accidents today caused by people either not looking or doing stupid things, had a car do a U-turn straight in front of me in a 60kph area, i slammed the brakes on and stopped where his front wheels were so would have gone straight into the front wheel that is how late he did it and did not look! So yeah, a bit over today. Bring on tomorrow lets see how that goes...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 785 23/9/13

So another week down and more absolute assholes causing shit on the roads and today it was the Mob..... Rego XF6885 these Mob members were towing a trailer full of Firewood with no cover or ties etc on top, it was falling off and hitting cars causing them to swerve etc and if anyone tooted or did anything the passenger put his arm out the window and pulled the gang sign...... No clue in the world. Headed from Kawerau out past Te Teko Not really any other idiots only the usual slow nana's who can't drive to save themselves... Sun was beaming out which gives us a glimmer of what summer is going to be like (hot!) but not looking good for the rest of the week with rain forcast. Well take care on the roads today and see you all tomorrow!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 784 20/9/13

Well back after being off sick, crook as but back into it now... Great day to start back with the rain pissing down and the idiots out on the roads haha Car 1 which was a truck Rego EBY361 this truck from the (Brandy's) BS & RL Porter company was once again speeding nearly 70 through Te Puke which is a 50kph zone, he also tailgated cars and was very impatient doing all this in the rain from the Mount to Paengaroa... Great professional driving there! Also had the usual slow cars and some crossing the centreline other than that the day went alright, still feeling like shit but survived which is a bonus. Nothing else to say, all the rest went alright so with that have a great weekend and see you all Monday for another week!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 783 16/9/13

Well well well, fuck me sideways and call me Jimmy! How did today go you may ask........ Absolute bullshit to say the least. The morning started out a little wet with the rain coming down but turned out alright later on which was good but the idiots were running rife today which fucked me right off! Car 1 Rego DWW459 this cock in his Merc from Turret Rd he was speeding up to 90 in a 70 zone, then cut me off when it merges by underpassing me. He then took off in the passing lane over 120, tailgating traffic and cutting in and out of cars with no indication... Car 2 Rego GEY31 this white Argosy was once again tailgating another truck, both were fully laden with logs and I see the same truck over and over doing the same shit just doesn't learn. Car 3 now this absolute inbred monkey Rego ZO2255 Red Nissan Maxima, When following behind this very aggressive driver he was heading along SH30 out of Whakatane and turning onto Thornton Road where it looked as though he went too far forward then swerved hard right to turn in then took off at speed up to at least 120, not far along Thornton near Red Barn Cafe he had started to slow down as did i and was coming up behind him when all of a sudden he just slams his brakes on hard then took off again, he did this numerous times till just past Blueberry Corner, he then wound his window down and started shaking the fist at me slamming the brakes on waving at me to pull over to the left, he was tailgating cars then flying past at speed again and past a car and trailer before braking hard then turning into a driveway on Thornton Road # 911.... So yes very stupid people on the road don't know what the hell is going on.. Take care on the roads and see you all Wednesday as im off tomorrow for a day break haha.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 782 13/9/13

So black Friday and there were some absolute cunts out there and a shooting! The shooting was out in Kawerau and needed to get close to the area for some drop offs, 2 people got shot something to do with the Mongrel Mob most likely drug money... Assholes of the day Rego GZJ823 this slut was cutting in and out of traffic no indication at all trying to stop people from passing her, she then took off tailgating then passed the cars and going up to 120 all to pick up her kid at Awakeri School.... Car 2 Rego GLU986 some old tart in a Merc who flew past me and another car as she couldn't wait, couldn't manage to pass both so ended up cutting the car off in front of me when she swerved in front then slammed the brakes on forcing the person in front of me to brake heavily.... She then took off speeding over 120 and sat on that speed. Apart from those 2 dick heads the weather was nice and warm, still had the usual slow oldies all through Whakatane but owel. So that is all, I wasn't on yesterday had a day off so have a good weekend and see you all Monday!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 781 11/9/13

Fucking shit day to say the least..... Some things i cannot say but made it one of my worst days ever but owell another day is tomorrow eh ? Had a truck this morning Rego BZC591 who was sitting between 60-70 with an empty load and a line of up to 17+ cars and trucks banked up behind with assholes taking stupid risks to pass this muppet as he would not move over just carried on holding people up! Weather was shit too off and on with bits of rain and the wind too, looks like tomorrow is going to be real shit but we will see. Nothing else to say, slow drivers all over the place too nothing new! Take care and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 780 10/9/13

So im back in action with the work vehicle all fixed and roaring to go! Sounds a bit better than it did so that is always a bonus haha. Well today, it went alright i guess the weather was good the whole day was pretty warm but the idiots were still running about like wildfire! Had the usual very slow ones coming out to play again, 60-80 in a 100 zone most of the day, don't know why the hell people sit on that speed and not move over for people wanting to actually sit on the speed limit, it's there for a reason! Also had some dick head going up Otamarakau hill, if you don't know the area it's a hill with a slow lane on the left, this flatbed mini truck towing a trailer pulled right over to the left for the cars ahead, me and others to pass no problems ? One car passed then the cock in front of me sat on the centreline blocking everyone from passing as he just sat there then at the last minute took off so no one else could pass...... I let the truck back out and past him down the next straight but fuck sake come on and have some courtesy and common sense getting sick and tired of people who don't like to share the road etc, it doesn't belong to them! Well nothing much to say really, Oh nearly forgot saw the aftermath of a scooter person getting taken off their bike this morning down 15th ave.... So yeah, take care and see you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 779 9/9/13

Well another week begins and another day on the roads..... Had the loan car again as mine was getting fixed with the same problem so should be all done by tomorrow! Had a fair few people tailgating me and others today which was a fucking joke and some others in a hurry to speed etc also. The weather was alright with the sun out but a bit of wind was unpleasant for driving to some, I didn't really mind it at all. Nothing really else to say so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 778 6/9/13

So Friday, now not a bad day i guess ? Had a new car to drive a 6 speed manual so had some fun driving that as mine was getting fixed! Not many assholes on the roads just the usual slow ones who were fucking around other then that it was good. Sorry nothing much else to talk about as the day went smoothly, it was busy but smooth haha. Well take care to all and see you all Monday for another week!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 777 5/9/13

Had a damn windy day today fucking hell haha, chilly and blasting away! There were a few muppets on the roads, one maori lady ran a roundabout straight in front of me she didn't even look, she had the window down so held the horn down and she didn't even hear it! Also had some curry muncher Rego YU8993 txting, tailgating, speeding over 120 and wandering all over the road with his phone in hand etc from Te Puke to the Mount Long day, had a meeting this morning which made the day longer but finished a little earlier so all good there, was pretty busy and have some vehicle drama's so getting repaired tomorrow hopefully it gets fixed! Well nothing else to say about today so have a good night, drive safe and see you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 776 4/9/13

Well the rain certainly came pissing down tonight! Started a little light this arvo then the whole trip home pissing down, shit drive with crap drivers trying to race in the poor conditions not to mention it hasn't rained for a while so diesel etc on the roads, slippery...... Had one idiot from City Care today Rego FJS116 #322 who was in a bit of a rush through Te Puke going 70 in a 50 zone!! Also cutting in and out of cars only to turn down the road just out of Te Puke...... What a winner... So yeah, not really much else to comment on today as nothing else happened so un eventful and boring story wise haha. Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round ;)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 775 3/9/13

So it's tuesday and what a day, although the weather was nice the drivers remained absolute shit again. There was an accident out at the Kawerau turnoff this arvo looked like someone ran out in front of someone turning into a road just not looking, i had a truck from Reads Transport didn't get a reg some big fat maori cuzzy who pulled out in front of me at the base of Otamarakau and up the hill didn't move over to the left then near the end finally moved over a bit and when i started to pass he pulled over on me! He was also speeding up on the straights and tailgating cars going 105! Apart from them it was a busy day with alot of traffic on the roads and a fair bit of work today but keeps me going so not bad really. Nothing else to comment on today so have a good night and see you all again tomorrow ;)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 774 2/9/13

Well yet another great day........NOT Just came back after a week off and straight into shit drivers, curry munchers, nana's sunday driving, cuzzies that own the road etc. Car 1 Rego FFZ177 were some cuzzies who were tailgating, passing with oncoming cars which had to move off the road to allow them to carry on passing nearly having a head on! Speeding up then slowing down, wandering all over the road etc. Car 2 Rego X9959(13) Dealer plates in TGA tonight who was going 70+ in a 50 zone tailgating behind me being a right cunt! Throughout the whole day had slow assholes specially the trip home around Te Puke all the indians who do the same thing over and over every fucking night, travel real slow then as soon as there is a passing lane they floor it over 120 etc then slow down again and I am fucking sick and tired of their shit driving! So yes a busy and shit day all rolled into one, heard about the others who were doing my run, one person in particular mucked around a bit and was a bit of a creep to people which is a bit of a disappointment! Well take care and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 773 23/8/13

Well a late edit for this day but computer shat itself so writing it now. Only person to write about was some dick Rego GJG53 who was speeding up and over 120, blocking people from passing speeding up slowing down the usual shit from Whakatane to Te Puke..... So yeah, back at work next week have fun and see you then. Sorry for the late reply, these things happen :P

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 772 22/8/13

Fucking hell it wasn't a bad day at all, had someone I was training today so taught them well but unsure if they picked up everything they needed to know, hope so! Pretty laxed out day with the usual slow ones including the indians one got pulled over tonight along Cameron Road, also saw a Van in a ditch tonight on the coastline Rego YW6276... Had the rain pouring down this morning and sun in the arvo but nothing else to comment on today as everything went pretty good so no complaints from me haha. Well take care and sorry about the short post, got alot of shit to sort tonight including more work! Yay...... Busy busy, well see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 771 21/8/13

Yet another fucked up day, not really that bad just slow with the fucking elderly in Whakatane (Kope) who just putt along slow as all fuck as if every one doesn't mind the long wait as they carry on at 20kph...... GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD! Sigh...... Also had a bit of rain today too which turned the day into a bit of fun and the amount of cops on the roads was a bloody joke, saw around 13 in the BOP today alone! So yeah eventful day really, very busy too with alot of stuff on but a busy day is a good day. Have fun and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 770 20/8/13

Yet there are still some assholes causing shit on the roads.... Had a truck from some maori company Rego FUM706 Logtruck #416 who i have seen before in the Purple Argosy who was tailgating other vehicles very close it's not even a joke this wasn't just off and on it was constant from Otamarakau to Matata and out towards Kawerau, absolutely bullshit and it keeps happening over and over. Car 2 Rego FGG645 White Mazda 2 was an elderly lady who ran a stop sign straight in front of me, i had to slam the brakes on and nearly went up the back of her, No fucking idea at all should have just plowed through her and taught her a lesson bloody old geeser! Apart from them the day wasn't too bad, had a huge fuckup with the delivery of my vehicle this morning when it was getting serviced etc, no one picked it up so had to take time out to go down and get it with all the stock i had in the courtesy vehicle i had to then transfer it all back into mine! Not happy cost me a fair amount of time but that's life eh.... Well nothing else to say today, weather was awesome with the sun shining away, damn good driving weather haha. Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 769 19/8/13

Another week begins and yet more idiots on the roads.... Had a couple of complete morons one who was too impatient to wait behind cars and had to pass then and there, over 120 etc and the others were tailgating close so same old shit different day eh. Also had the slow ones taking over the road, and a maori lady verbally abusing staff at a company cause of her waiting times, sit down and shut the fuck up you lazy bitch! Weather today wasn't too bad had showers off and on but nothing major, my poor vehicle was in getting a service and some repairs so will be back in action tomorrow! Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 768 16/8/13

Well what a fucking day! Started out with alright weather which turned into wind and rain at the end of the day, also the whole day long had a ton of logging trucks and slow drivers, i mean i usually have them most days but not the amount i had today! one after the other just a constant flow of people that cannot drive for shit! Well under the speed limit etc. Car 1 Rego BRB833 was a Toyota Echo who was speeding up to 120, tailgating, cutting in and out of lanes with no indication and cut me off when he was trying to beat traffic absolute cock. Car 2 Rego FUY253 from All this guy for the second time has pissed me off, would speed off then slow down constantly, no indication when passing would just swerve out, one stage he was tailgating a truck and on yellow lines just swerved half into the oncoming lane to see if it was clear to pass, if a car was coming the other way no chance in hell and if this cock wasn't tailing then he would have been able to see to pass! Just a very impatient person... Also had someone from our work stuff things up big time by doing wrong processes etc which buggered my night up and finished after 7pm! So not happy overall but no one listens to my shit anyway so who cares haha, next week is another week with more days and more chances so bring it on! Be safe on the roads and I will see you all Monday for another round on the roads!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 767 15/8/13

So another day down and one more to go. Have no complaints about anything apart from some drivers today, one of them Rego BZZ460 was under passing a huge amount of cars in a bus lane..... couldn't wait till it finished just down the road another 150 meters etc so floored it and passed them all dickhead... Also had the very slow ones in Kope again today, nothing new there and the Mob in Kawerau were out in force today in their state houses, waiting for the alcs i think due to it being dole day and we are paying for it all eh! Well nothing else to comment on today so take care and have a good night! See you all tomorrow for the final round of the week!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 766 14/8/13

Well another alright day on the roads, saw one asshole on the way home who decided it was good to pass a line of cars on a blind rise and yellow lines, he got past 2 cars then had to slam the brakes on and cut back in front of other traffic to avoid having a head on...... Impatient fucking cunt... Apart from that the rest of the day wasn't too bad had the slow apes in Kope (Whakatane) which held things up alot but nothing new there, they seem to all think they own the roads until it's benefit day then it's a race and all us honkys are the slow ones..... Take care and have a good night, see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 765 13/8/13

Tuesday..... So started alright managed to get past the bridge in Maungatapu before they closed it to pull the van with the deceased man in it out. Then the rest of the day was pretty busy, had a little bit of stuff to deliver in the morning and all went well, still had a few slow people on the road the ones that like to speed up when it's clear to pass etc then slow down alot on corners or when cars are coming.... Idiot of the day was this girl in a Honda Rego ZN2493 who was going 90 in a 70 zone and 100 in a 80 zone, cutting in and out of traffic through the mount and Hewletts Road etc. So yeah, not much else to write about again today sorry! :P Well take care and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 764 12/8/13

So another week begins and not really too bad i spose, the weather was a little windy and had a chill in the air but not that bad. Had some morons on the road like this ragtop in Te Puke who backed straight out in front of me, pulled over to the left then when i went to pass him again he pulled out on me again then carried on at about 20kph!! Absolutely fucking bullshit driving, how in the world he got a licence is beyond me! Nothing much else to really talk about to be honest, busy day but it went smoothly which is always good! So with that, take care and I will see you all again tomorrow for another day on the roads :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 763 9/8/13

Well another very busy day on the roads and it didn't take long for the first asshole of the day to come out and play! Truck 1 Rego WA5170 once again this Watchorn truck was tailgating very close behind other vehicles out of Te Puke, he speeds over 100 and i see him doing this over and over! Logtruck #123, He never seems to learn at all..... And there was a Mike Lambert truck that rolled due to speeding through Athenree Gordge today too and got thrown out of the truck.... Link to the truck crash here So yeah eventful day, weather was alright too but idiots were still driving slowly putting along taking their time.. Well have a good weekend and see you all Monday for another week of action and drama!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 762 8/8/13

So Thursday and what a day, yet more absolute fucking assholes all over the place i could just about make a Novel out of them! Car 1 Rego EYL488 this Bighorn was going 120 along a passing lane, cut in front of me then slowed down due to a car ahead, i went into the right lane cause i was turning off, when i was coming up near him he cut me off to pass the one car then cut that car off and carried on! What a joke.... Car 2 Rego CJG959 this Mazda was going 80 then would speed up to 110 when it was clear to pass them, damn tourists Car 3 Rego KN484 this old darkie pulled straight out on me when i was about to pass him and a truck, i was already passing and he did not look at all just pulled out! Just about cleaned the black cunt up! Car 4 Rego ZJ7747 these young boy racers were in the right lane I was in the left when i slowed down to get in their lane they slowed down when i sped up they did the same, i finally managed to get in front then they cut into the other lane sped up over the limit, cut me off then slammed the brakes on to avoid hitting the car in front! So yeah eventful day, had a lot of freight etc today too which kept things busy as but weather was great so all good really. Well i'm off for now, have a good one and take care!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 761 7/8/13

Why in the fucking world do elderly people still drive on the roads! Had one guy today looked about 85+ Rego GBD172 Blue Ford Fiesta heading out of Whakatane and there was a tractor then a car and the old man then me, on the straight in a 100kph area we were going 30kph, no one was passing they had that much time it was a joke, i indicated for a bit then decided to pass just in case someone pulled out when i indicated etc as they do.... I was coming up beside the old man when out of the blue no indication at all just pulled over on me, if i had stayed straight i would have got hit and hit him too i had to brake and swerve into the grass and verge to avoid getting hit! I was holding the horn down but he carried on as if nothing happened at all. I called the police and he got pulled over around Pukehina, they called me back and said that the old man didn't even know what he had done, did not hear me took and I do have a loud horn and he didn't realise he just about caused a crash! Cut the cunts licence up and never allow him back in a car again! Also had some guy tailing close and going over 120 Rego CWB803 Apart from that cock the rest of the day was fine, a few slow ones and some heading home tonight that didn't know how to keep to the speed limit as they were on 90 then up to 110 then down again, so un consistent it wasn't even funny. Weather again was great just like a colder summer really, nice and warm and great for driving! So another day down and 2 more to come, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 760 6/8/13

Well a pretty tame day today, had a fair few trucks on the road again which is weird im guessing start of the month ? Anyways had one idiot Rego PENZI who i see alot they live by Murphys Park out of Matata and once again, speeding, passing on double yellow lines, swerving into the oncoming lane and not indicating when passing etc.... The rest of the day was good, a little bit of rain in the morning but sun for the rest of the day, heard spring is starting early so all good with that! Once again nothing much else to talk about, very busy morning but keeps ya going ;) See you all tomorrow!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 759 5/8/13

Fucking hell for a Monday it's been a right cunt of a day. Excuse my french! A long day and assholes all came out at night! Car 1 Rego FMD316 this lady in a white Corolla was speeding over 120, tailgating every car she came up behind and was weaving around within her lane from Whakatane to Te Puke Car 2 Rego BQT673 was some little shit in a crappy Rover who was racing a Subaru along Hewletts Road going at least 100 in the 70 zone and cutting in and out of lanes etc Car 3 Rego CKH846 not long after the car above this lady with a young newborn child in the back was in the left lane floored it with her turnoff just meters ahead, she then cut into the right lane then passed the car she was behind before cutting the car off and slamming her brakes on forcing the car behind that she had just passed to brake hard to avoid going into her! Absolutely no fucking idea at all..... So yeah a few wankers taking over tonight eh! The rest of the day was alright i guess not much else happening just a ton of work which has pushed my day past 7 tonight so another long day but still alive so that's the main thing eh ? haha. Take care on the roads out there and I will see you all tomorrow for more craziness on the road!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 758 2/8/13

Where the hell do i start today! Saw the aftermath of a T Bone at high speed with a lady that pulled straight out in front of a car in a 100kph zone! When i went past they were cutting her out of the car as she was making moaning noises as you probably would after being hit in the side by not looking! Had 2 assholes today, one i can't think of the Reg but he was all over the road txting, nearly hit 2 cars head on as he crossed the centreline, went to pass before a corner and slammed the brakes on nearly went into the back of the car he was passing.... Car 2 Rego GUE357 was some old cunt going 50 in a 100 zone and not letting anyone past, i passed on a turning median due to the volume of traffic wanting to get past only to be tooted at by the old geezer! Should of popped him in the fuckin chin, learn how to drive a car at the right speed limit you manky old cunt! Weather held up from the "Heavy Rain" the forcast said on 3 News...... Fail! All day long was pretty busy and there was a ton of trucks on the roads today, had a few good ones let me pass flicking the indicators etc so all good there. Well take care over the wet weekend and see you all Monday for another round on the roads of chaos and mayhem!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 757 1/8/13

Fucking hell, there are some businesses out there that have people employed by them that cannot do the most simple of tasks! For example,, for the second time the same bus has caused shit with me and I am not happy at all! Today in Whakatane one of their buses Rego GUM253 #102 was coming up to a roundabout to my left, i was already at the roundabout in question and was going to turn right, i had gone through and was about to turn when the bus driver who was looking straight at me just rolled straight on through! I slammed on the brakes and stopped by his front wheel! I had to sit there and wait for the whole bus and the tiny ass trailer to carry on! What the fuck is wrong with this person, supposed to offer a professional service carrying passengers but to drive like a cunt and for the second time! Last time he was going about 110 with trailer and passengers out in Kawerau and would try and speed up and block people if they tried to pass..... Apart from this dick head the rest of the day was all right really, weather was a bit off and on with not much coming down as the news said etc but they never can get it right eh haha. So with that off my mind I will say have a good fucking night haha, take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow! BRING ON FRIDAY!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 756 31/7/13

It's Wednesday and not a bad day really, a but emotional but not going into that shit. Sun was shining and the idiots were reasonably well behaved which was great to see, although there were some slow ones and one cuzzie going over 130 in his holden.... Really nothing more to say as the day went alright so have a good night and see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 755 30/7/13

So nice weather today, was pretty sweet! But then there were the drivers haha.... Car 1 of the day Rego DUC583 was a BOP Polytech van who was in the left lane through Te Puke then right at the roundabout pulled straight over to the right cutting a car off to do a U turn at the roundabout! Maybe the Polytech needs to implement driver ed courses for the teachers so they can actually drive! Car 2 Rego CGH447 This cuzzie bro flew up behind me tailgating, driving in medians beside me then when he couldn't pass the cars i did and he got stuck behind. He then came flying up behind again going at least 120 etc..... No idea. Also had some fat tart in TGA tonight run a roundabout when i was indicating and she slammed the brakes on and stopped right in front of me! I pointed straight ahead as that is where i was going and she looked as if there was no road there....... Too much fat holding those manky eyelids down so she couldn't see where she was going! Same lady has done this twice now. Had a ton of slow fuckers all day long too but still overall had a decent day really so can't be assed writing any more haha. Take care and see you all tomorrow for another day!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 754 29/7/13

With the chaotic drivers returning from the holidays all done and dusted it was a reasonably tame day to be honest, only had one tosser out causing shit. Rego AWD916 this Hilux Surf was sitting below the speed limit around Pongakawa - Matata area and as soon as i caught up to him he floored it and took off over 120 etc, he would constantly cross over the centreline specially on corners to the right, passed on medians and no indication when passing either, seen him before doing the same shit too... Rest of the day was pretty good to be honest, busy and tiring but alright haha, sun was shining away with a chill in the shade but nothing to worry about really.... So nothing else to say about today, as said above all went well so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 753 26/7/13

Bloody fucking shit bears! Yes one of those days... All of the holiday makers were back once again and most likely over the weekend too, they were very slow and should not even be on the road! All day long i was held up by multiple vehicles taking their time mucking around etc. Also just about got hit head on by either a Greasy Dog or Head Hunters etc Bike member, this muppet past about 7 cars which isn't too bad unless there is someone coming head on towards you! He was coming straight for me and would have been going at least 200kph! No shit, missed me by fuckin inches and sped past absolutely bullshit and fucking pisses me off! Well can't be assed writing any more so have a good weekend and see you all Monday, glad this week is over now! Time for a damn woody eh!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 752 25/7/13

So another day down and another bunch of idiots on the roads.... Guessing it was from all the holiday makers coming back home etc ? Car 1 of the day Rego FYP696, yet another TGA Hospital car was sitting in the left lane through a passing lane etc and as soon as i went to pass she pulled over in front of me stopping me from passing, then slowed down and fucked around for ages! Then coming up to Domain Road she went into the left lane i went to pass and she did the same and pulled straight over in front..... When will Tauranga Hospital learn how to teach the drivers how to actually drive! Car 2 Rego KRANE9 this muppet was going 80 when i caught him, he then took off up to 110, then slowed down so i passed after a while of this up and down bullshit, he then tried to speed up to block me passing which didn't work. I carried on only to have him sit up my ass tailgating me then he backed right off over 100 meters behind weaving all over his lane not sure if he was tired or drunk he continued on doing this from Matata to Pongakawa up and down side to side.... So yeah, alot of traffic on the road and alot of shit drivers who shouldn't be there! Over today with another lateish night. Take care and see you all tomorrow, can't wait!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 751 24/7/13

Holey fuck what a miracle! No one to report....... Although there were a few idiots the day went pretty smoothly and weather held up for most of the day with a little drizzle in the afternoon. Really nothing much to write about today, as i said above all went well and on time, had a few urgent things to run round and pick up but nothing major so all good! Well a very short post today, sorry for spoiling your fun if your reading this haha, take care on the roads as there is always someone out there who isn't! See you all again tomorrow for another round on the roads.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 750 23/7/13

Fucking hell there are some lunatics and bloody cowboys in the trucks! Car 1 Rego BQB303 this truckie in his Kenworth, now this fucking absolute cunt sat right up my asshole and i couldn't even see his plate he was that close! I had cars in front of me and we were all going a little over the speed limit but not good enough for him. Absolutely shit and dangerous driving! Car 2 Rego 1EBR1 once again this van was speeding over 120, passing before corners, tailgating and no indication what so ever as he just swerved past each car..... Weather wise it wasn't too bad i enjoyed it but some others didn't, quite over this day with the drivers but the day was alright in general. Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 749 22/7/13

Another week begins and today was a pretty good day to be honest! All day long i had people who didn't really know what speed they wanted to sit on. They would be on 80 one minute then either slowing down or speeding up the next and it seemed to carry on throughout the whole day, was a bit weird.... Anyway only had one real idiot today Rego AQG268 this truck was sitting on 60-70kph in a 100 zone from Te Puke out towards Pongakawa and had 3 trucks lined up tailgating him to try and pass plus me and about 10 cars behind them..... Not once did this idiot even think of moving left or pulling over he just carried on and no one could pass due to the inconciderate cunts in the trucks tailgating, i mean come on give a little space to allow the faster traffic to get past there was too much traffic on the roads for them to pass and they should know that! Rant over haha, the weather wasn't bad at all started off alright and got a little colder and sun went away looked as if it was about to rain but didn't get any so all good! Well have a good night, safe travels and see you all again tomorrow for another round on the roads :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 748 19/7/13

Well Friday and fuck me there are some complete and utter maniacs out there. Had this maori bitch that looked retarded and yes she actually did she walked straight out in front of my car, i had to slam the brakes on locked up and stopped. i had my window down and said what the hell are you doing, this is a road, blank look on her face as she walked straight across the road in front of a van and trailer which did the same, locked up and tooted etc she nearly got killed! Car 1 Rego DWS586 these young idiots were speeding along the coast over 120 no indication when passing etc then slowed down later on and was holding people up Car 2 Rego GO SAM, this fat whore in TGA has done this over and over she was speeding along cameron road over 60kph and at the last second past and cut me off when the lanes ended then slammed the brakes on cause she nearly went into the car in front of me! Fat fucking bitch..... So yeah, another shit and crazy day but finished early so glad about that! Have a good weekend and see you all Monday!

Day 747 18/7/13

Where do i start for today...... Had that many assholes on the roads today with people just not paying attention or not knowing how to drive at all. So none to report as for one i couldn't be fucked as there were literally that many! Had an old lady sitting in the left lane through The Hub in Whakatane and at the last roundabout with no indication pulls straight over in front of me and another car that were in the right lane so she could turn right! What the fuck! She was in the left lane in a 80kph zone and wanted to turn right in front of traffic going straight........ Yeah some people shouldn't be on the roads. Had some fat islanders in a company van heading home tonight going 85-90, i passed them at night they had no lights on and later down the coastline there they were up my ass tailgating trying to pass..... If you didn't want to be passed in the first place dont sit on a speed that is under the speed limit you overweight fat cunts!!! Things like this continued on all day with elderly drivers and the school holiday mums out and about it was a absolute fucking joke to drive along the roads today in the Eastern BOP. That's it for tonight, safe travels and see you all tomorrow!