Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 515 6/7/12

So with Friday done and dusted it was a weird day with assholes especially the indians on the way home coming out of the packhouses! Bloody hell they cannot drive to save there own lives! Most of the day was pretty cruisy with nice weather all day long and less traffic than normal which was great but the ones that were on the roads were all asses haha. Car 1 of the day was some cock in a Landcruiser as i left for home, he passed a huge line of cars a high speed towards me on a blind rise he had to cut the car off in front and speed over 130 at least to get in before i came around the rise and it was close to say the least! Rego was FBD132 Others were very slow people more Mike Lambert trucks tailgating and speeding which they don't normally do just a few select cunts on the roads! Apart from that it was alright i guess. Take care over the weekend and I will see you all Monday for another week of road madness!!!

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