Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 414 12/1/12

So another very hot day down and 1 more to go this week with yet more drama's on the roads >_<

Had a fair few idiots on the roads today which were the following.

Car 1 Rego ADU678 was a Holden in Kawerau who shot past me going at least 130kph he was tailgating and drifting round corners in the township etc aswell.

Car 2 Rego PAL007 was some curry muncher who was all over the road txting crossing the centreline constantly and just about hit 2 cars head on cause of his stupid behaviour

Car 3 Rego SUECQ was a silly tart who was i guess trying to race me ? i was sitting on 100, she would take off about 500 meters ahead of me only to slow back down, i would catch up and this would happen again and again, but when she came up behind cars all road rules went out the window like passing on double yellows etc just to be in front!

Then i had a Filthy Few member Rego IFFMC who flew past going at least 120 in the 70kph area on takitimu Drive just about hitting cars as he cuts in and out! Idiot!

Also had a truck driver, unsure what company some red truck who was on his phone txting and just about hit me as he came over into my lane!

And had a truck won't say the name who pulled out up ahead which would have had a little bit of space to get through but missed a gear and stopped in the middle of the road when i was coming along at 100, had to slam on the brakes to stop in time, guy put his hands in the air basically saying sorry haha, so all good not the typical person who would flick the finger etc.

So yeah that was the idiots, apart from them the whole day was real busy and man it was hot! Well another day tomorrow, lets see what that has in store!

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