Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 72 2/7/2010

Just when i thought today might be good, well boy was i wrong!!

Started out ok i guess, had some very slow drivers on the roads holding me up like normal all the way heading out to Whakatane, also had a truck pull out in front of me when i was going 100kph, yeah thanks i really needed to use my brakes that well :S

Also had some fat ugly cockroach coming out of Kawerau in his ute going slow as, so went to pass him and he pulls onto the centeline to block me from looking ahead, as soon as he moved a little bit to the left i passed him he then pulled right over to the left once i had gone past, complete fucking idiot.

Also saw some lazy ass people drinking it up, just about see them every week and doesn't look like they ever work just using our money to pay for thier booze and drugs etc, speaking of mongrels the pub in Kawerau called the Pinelands ?? had an aggrevated robbery this morning then im guessing the mongrels who did the robbery also doused the owner in petrol too as he was seen crawling out of the pub after they had come in and robbed him then the whole place went up in flames!!! I went passed well after all this when there was no more fire and saw a building still standing, just and everything inside all blackened and charred also Police standing guard outside protecting the property from further burglaries as it had pokies etc in it.

Then on the way home had some whore in a higgins ute who didn't know what the fuck she was doing, slow down the speed up then turn left then right WTF, just get the fuck off the road, go to a cliff and do us all a favor and jump!! you probably are the same person i see standing all day with the walkie talkie doing NOTHING!!!!

And that was my day :S hope to have a rest and back to normal on Monday :)

Take care.

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