Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 14 30/3/2010

More bloody manics on the road today :S

Day started nicely going all well and good till i got to Whakatane, god not again haha, got onto the strand and was at a roundabout and like nearly everyone there its all or nothing :S and its exactly what happened to me today haha, was just starting to go round the roundabout then a guy in a 4x4 shot out in front of me from the left and just carried on like nothing happened at all bloody asshole!!

Carried on after that and did my other bits then headed to one of the other places i stop and fuck me sideways, its bloody court day isn't it, all the blackpower in Whakatane must have been standing by the courthouse!!! even walking in front of the car they don't care cause if you hit them then basically your dead thats the end of that story, anyway a family wagon with about 4-5 of them in it waiting for thier mates to be released from prison were sitting in the boot space and sucking back on some Sparkling Duet (must have been payday) and the good old Pie.

If that wasn't bad enough whilst i was waiting for the courier to arrive 2 girls were talking and i overheard the conversation which went like this

Girl 1: Ow bay you going ot the Marae today ?

Girl 2: Nah dont know the person eh

Girl 1: Ow who cares bey just get some free food and piss bro

Girl 2: Oh yeah true ow might bring the family too.

Fucking hell have some bloody respect for the person who died you lowlife shits far out!!!

owell headed back on my first run still another to go!!! got stuck behind a ton of trucks on the way back to Kawerau on the 2nd run which i could not pass till Pongakawa :S too bad how sad.

And thats about it for my day oh forgot to mention when i was leaving Whakatane this lady in the Hub when i was heading out she was in front of me and i was a fair bit behind her keeping my distance and all of a sudden she slams on her brakes and starts shaking her fist and cursing all sorts i was like WTF!!! ??? then i flicked my hand as to say hurry the fuck up then and she slammed them on again so then i just ripped into the left lane and passed the bitch.

Too fucking bad for her, not her road nor is it mine, know your road rules and go the speed limit far out.

Till next time again cyu round.

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