Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 1190 31/7/15

Last day of July and fair few muppets out there for sure.... Started with a indian in a family wagon pulling straight out in front of me when there was no one behind me, gave them an earful of horn and passed them. Then a 4x4 with a trailer full of wood not secured came off and bounced into the front of my car.... Also some bro's BPH630 who were going 120-130 right up my ass etc.... So yeah, fun times but apart from them the day was mint, busy but it went sweet as so no problems there and it's the weekend now!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 1189 30/7/15

Bit of excitement for some today, had the loan car for the morning and when midday came along I was following behind this lady who blew the right rear tyre out and she didn't even know at all. She got out after I flashed my lights and held the horn down till she noticed and said "Oh I thought something felt weird" but carried on at 100kph smoke pissing out the tyre..... Then more dumb ass people including a old man WQ7551 who was sitting on 50kph in a 100 zone holding up a huge line of traffic.... Nothing else to say so have a good one!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 1188 29/7/15

Fark me what a day, second day in a row I had another vehicle to use which was way too small for the shit I carry around but managed to stuff it all in and go for gold. One asshole of the day award goes to! PP5438 this guy in a holden was right up my asshole tailgating me over the centreline etc then took off passing me at high speed, not long later slowed down holding me up.... Passed him yet again only to have him just down the road take off again and pass me then took off going 120+..... No fucking clue at all! Stay on one speed not multiple ones ya fuck knuckle! Rest of the day had spits of rain and drop kicks driving all over the place, over it but it was a busy day so end of it was alright. Bring on tomorrow and Friday!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 1187 28/7/15

Well only one absolute idiot again today and no surprises it was the Waiotahi ute CCD394 who would of been travelling at around 120-130 as he came speeding up behind me and well over the speed limit through Matata, soon enough right behind me before taking off passing me at Greig Rd and carrying on at speed again..... No clue in the world in a company vehicle too.. So yeah apart from him the rest of the day was pretty good, slow ones were still there but nothing else and the weather apart from the couple of hours in the morning it was mint as!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day 1186 27/7/15

Nearing the end of July once again and it's going fast this year! Only had a few idiots today, one in a ute who was driving along then pulled to the left, i went to pass only to have the bro crack a Uturn right in front of me! Nearly Tboned the fucker in the drivers door.... Then later on I was passing a car on the open road when this lady pulls out from a driveway without looking both ways. Yeah wasn't the best idea with an oncoming car eh! Also had the slow ones taking over the road, an old man this morning was one who was on 50-60kph taking his merry time.... Fml The weather on the other hand was a right bitch, rained all day hard one second then light then hard then misty etc. Coming home tonight was all heavy then mist rain it was weird as...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 1185 24/7/15

Only had one asshole today a cuzzy bro in a holden, speeding, tailgating closely and passing on yellow lines and a turning median near Benner Rd. He was impatient and a utter fuckhead DFD602 Rest of the day was slow but all went to plan really, a few slow ones tonight too but nothing more to say about it. Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 1184 23/7/15

Well again there are some absolute fucking morons out on the road that's for sure! Had the packhouse indians again holding traffic up hugely and swerving all over the road with no care in the world. NZ really needs to crack down on this shit driving it's an absolute joke! Then later on had a boy racer XB3865 in a black Starlet who was trying to speed etc got caught in slow traffic in the left lane, i came up the side he then cut in behind me and sat tailgating right up my ass very close before cutting back left flooring it and cutting back over once again taking off going 110+ in a 70 area, he then cut left underpassing a car right on the bridge median and cutting the car off back in nearly causing an accident! Then off at speed again. Absolute fucking tool that cock is. So yeah, another eventful day but when is it not!?

Day 1183 22/7/15

Had a weird day today, people during the day just doing plain stupid things. Had a cyclist this morning riding right in the middle of the lane holding up a ton of traffic... Later on in the day a lady just ran straight through a roadwork lollipop man and nearly hit me! He had the sign that said STOP right in her face but not good enough.... So yeah, had more but can't be assed writing it so yeah. Have a good one and see you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 1182 21/7/15

Nothing to say again about today, only thing that slowed me down was those fucking indians out of Te Puke and no I am not racist just stating exactly who is causing the shit. It happens every single fucking night when the kiwifruit season is on and they pull straight out in front of live traffic going 100kph, they are only sitting on 20-50kph in a 100 zone, holding lines of traffic up then they speed off when it's clear to pass them in passing lanes etc. It's an absolute joke and they need their licences cut up if they even have one! Over it today. See you tomorrow....

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 1181 20/7/15

Back into it after a hell of a long weekend working hard. Today was a mint day to get back into it, not busy just nice and cruisy really. Still had a few muppets holding up traffic or being idiots etc, also had a truck coming straight for me over the centreline too professional my fuckin ass! Nothing more to say, a bit fresh this morning too but it was nice.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 1180 16/7/15

Well thank fuck the week is over for me! Had a few idiots today that wouldn't have a clue how to drive if they spent their life driving! Absolute fucking morons, no indication at roundabouts and straight through then swerve around when I had taken off etc. People pulling straight out in front of me. Had one guy tonight going 70 in a 100 so I came up behind thought no traffic coming, im passing so did and only to have this curry fucker come speeding back up then sit right up my ass tailgating me swerving all over the road and try and race me through the roundabout DWU878 Then later on had a car going down Hewletts Road going 100kph+ easy in the 70 zone in the bus lane..... GFD41 So yeah, over it haha. Take care and see you all Monday

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 1179 15/7/15

Really nothing to say about today, rained mostly all day with heavy winds blowing me around all over the place specially on the coastline which was a nightmare but got home and all around so a bonus haha. Nothing else to say so on that note, take care and see you all tomorrow lets hope the rain and wind has fucked off but it's not what I heard.....

Day 1178 14/7/15

Holy hell what an eventful day haha. Most of the day was going good till it hit the afternoon, coming out of Kawerau and a ute that was going way too fast over the railroad crossing s bend went straight over the railway then into a tree and over onto his roof, not really the best thing to be doing and came very close to have gone straight into the house there.... Not long after in Awakeri there was a family wagon which had been stopped by 2 cops and an ambo attending to the person in it. Something else going on. Then later on a lady absolutely yelling at her kids in the car full out off her tit going at him to open the door and get out, no clue at all just verbal bullshit really. So yeah, fun times.... Another day tomorrow so bring it on!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day 1177 13/7/15

Well not much happening today, had an old lady going about 50-60kph in a 100 zone slow as fuck with a line of cars behind Rego GWK629. Nearly got hit by a truck coming down Otamarakau hill to, lost the back end and nearly hit me or could of even overcorrected and pushed me head on into the bridge, either way could of been in a bad way! Fucking cowboys..... Rest of the day was alright I guess nothing special, oh the weekend driver did another half assed job and left a whole lot of shit for me to do which he needed to get done so thanks for that!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 1176 10/7/15

Yeehaa Friday at last! Had muppets all day long from crossing over the centreline, tailgating, slow as driving or speed it all happened today.... Weather once again was chilly but not as cold as it had been apart from this evening when the wind got up it dropped right down. Nothing more to say really, so on that note have a good weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 1175 9/7/15

Well, nearing the end for now and only one idiot out there today. HWR477 this older man was impatient as, passed a couple of cars in a 30kph roadwork zone before a blind corner then not far down the highway passed another car on yellow lines before a blind dip near Pikowai... Absolute idiot to say the least! Apart from him the day was long and slow and bloody cold again haha. Yet again another 6 degree day and looks the same for tomorrow! So on that note, take care and see you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 1174 8/7/15

Hahaha man what the hell is going on out there. Had cold as wind and snow on mountains etc which made for a chilly day around 6 degrees most of the day, had idiots all over the place too. One guy passed with oncoming cars, then had 2 different cars pull out in front of me and another car. Then a corolla CGB447 tonight flew past me in a 50 area going nearly 80! Absolute assholes.... So yeah, eventful day and cold at that, tomorrow is only going to be worse so have fun till then!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 1173 7/7/15

Another eventful day really, had the rain to battle off and on all day and some silly lady who was txting and going all over the road near misses then mucks around and speeds off etc think the reg was DBT747, a green hilux. So yeah, looong day once again so take care and see you all tomorrow...

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 1172 6/7/15

So it begins all over again..... Idiots a plenty today haha, only 2 worth mentioning. FONTRA who was constantly speeding up and closing the gap in front of him and tailgating the car in front every time we tried to pass.... Then tonight some indian fucker BJE809 in his green Toyota who flew past me when the 2 lanes had merged in Te Puke and cut me off then proceeded to tailgate the car in front of me within half a car length all through the end of Te Puke and on the open road to Bell Rd So yeah, fun times. Bring on tomorrow

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 1171 2/7/15

Had a few people on the roads today not knowing what they were up to. Started with a fonterra tanker who was tailgating a car real close on the open road. Lady txting and weaving all over the place. Whakatane council pulled out in front of me then went 50 in a 100kph area and didn't speed up at all with a huge line banked up behind. So yeah, fun times yet again but the day is over and im done haha

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 1170 1/7/15

Started the day with an impatient BMW driver, speeding tailgating and cutting in and out of lanes violently, this old yuppy bitch was in a rush but ended up getting nowhere! Then more old people all day long, people backing up in front of me and all sorts carried on it was a nightmare! Then lastly a Waiotahi ute CCD394 yet again, speeding and tailgating with his lights on full beam, no fucking idea!