Thursday, April 30, 2015
Day 1133 30/4/15
The last day of April already! Bloody hell that's gone fast.
Anyway back into it for another day, one more to go as well so not too bad really.
Only had one real idiot today who pulled straight out in front of me that was about all, the rest of the day was slowish and busy so yeah.
Nothing really more to say on that note so take care and catch you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Day 1132 29/4/15
Lets start with the muppets!
FKM731 a orange Swift this lady flew up behind me then sat right up my ass tailgating when I had an elderly man in front of me so I couldn't do anything and it was a 50kph zone anyway, we pulled into a carpark only to have her fly into the exit to beat us all into a park, she got to the same place at the same time as me anyway..... Then after we both left the same time funnily enough only to have her sit right up my ass tailgating again!
Also had a guy from ASB fly up the left of me and tailgate other cars too. No clue at all and has done it plenty times before too.
Nothing more to say really, another day down and 2 more to go! Bring it on haha.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Day 1131 28/4/15
Back into it after a long weekend woohoo, not a bad day really just a few people on the roads that shouldn't have licences but nothing special there.
Started off with a Subaru racing along at speed passing then had to cut in front as nearly had a head on!
Then some stupd bitch BPT512 in a blue ford who was all over the road hitting the centreline then back to the shoulder off and on from before Matata to the other side and under the limit so as soon as we exited Matata I passed her only to have her speed up then pass me again and take off going around 120-130! No fucking clue, she later got pulled over haha.
Then lastly a Watts & Hughes ute flying past me and another car that were both sitting just over the limit but still had to pass and on yellow lines too....
Nothing more to say, raining and more wind battled the car throughout the day too. Bring on tomorrow.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Day 1130 24/4/15
Glad it's the end of the week that's for sure!
Started with a line of trucks and cars all banked up behind a Metro Glass truck who sits constantly on 80kph holding up a huge line of 3 trucks and multiple cars, me behind most of them. Anyway made my way up some cars and came up behind the first truck who left a gap for cars to pass and carry on which was awesome! Then came the ROCK9 truck who sat tailgating 2 cars that were sitting behind the metro truck, once they finally passed the metro truck this guy I was sitting behind still carried on tailgating now behind the metro truck sitting right up his ass and on the centreline so not only was it bloody hard to see but now we had to pass both this guy and the metro..... I don't see why the need to tailgate him, yes he wanted to pass like everyone else but it's not like he could on the smaller straights with the amount of traffic on the roads. Along the coastline out of Otamarakau I could understand where it is a lot longer but not on the short straights with a load on..... Just plain stupid really and puts a bad name out there for the rest of them doing bloody awesome driving like the RMT guy who left a gap for people to get past....
Also had a ute flying past me well over the limit cutting in and out of traffic for nothing when I ended up right behind him anyway..... Then a pack of islanders pulled out in front of me from a roundabout too.
Found the Rego from the dickhead Danny yesterday too it's HMK752, white Holden ute.
So yeah over this week and glad it's the weekend!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Day 1129 23/4/15
Only had one person pull out in front of me today! Absolute miracle haha, she backed out in Kawerau and did a uturn in reverse straight in front of me......
Then later in the night a white Holden Rodeo ? Ute was taking off from a BP and tooted at me then was giving me the fingers...... Don't even know the fucker so don't know what the fuck that was all about, apparently his name is Danny.... Anyway.
So yeah rest of the day was alright but very tiring, flu jab has fucked me over big time feeling like absolute shit today so will see how tomorrow goes!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Day 1128 22/4/15
Lets start off with the idiots straight away, a cuzzy bro walked straight out in front of my car today and didn't look at all nearly got hit which would of been good, could of saved NZ a little money....
Then later on had a lady in Te Puke pull straight out in front of me again not looking and nearly got Tboned......
Apart from that the day went alright I guess, another day down and half way through the week is done.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Day 1127 21/4/15
Another day down and nearly at the half way point!
Had a few assholes today too, a Toll truck trailer Reg 60021 who was going 100 then up and down constantly and slamming the brakes on being a right cunt.
Then later tonight had a mitsi who floored it when I was passing him as he sat on around 80 to begin with! not long after a VW Golf HSZ309 flew past the mitsi on a turning median, then passed me over 120 and tailgated more cars into Te Puke before speeding through the town going at least 70+ in a 50 zone.
So yeah, also had the slow cars taking over the roads as school is back.
See you all tomorrow and lets hope it is better than today was on the roads haha.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Day 1126 20/4/15
Back to school for all the kids today and the traffic was about the same really, still a few very slow ones out there who would take off when it was clear to pass etc but apart from that the day wasn't too bad.
Even finished early as for once! Couldn't believe it haha.
Nothing more to say, nice as sunny day too but ended with one hell of a headache so another day down and 4 to go.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Day 1125 17/4/15
Well a very long day for me today, all because the boss said she would meet me mid day to swap cars over, thought she didn't turn up...... I had a call about 10 mins after I had arrived to swap over and she said she was just leaving TGA when I was sitting there waiting, so she finally turned up an hour later at 1pm..... Fucked my whole day up all because she thought she would be there at 12:30 when that was not the case at all and never has been 12:30 ever!
Anyway, got past that issue and carried on the day with no breaks at all catching up till I finished up tonight.
Also had some fuck nuggets too. A blue mazda who would block me from passing her and speeding, tailgating, no indication too and all sorts of shit.
Then later on had a Westpac car who cut someone off then would speed off and just an ass really.
Nothing more after them so all good there. Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Day 1124 15/4/15
Well not much happening today apart from feeling like it was two days packed into one! Bloody dragged on something chronic.....
Had a couple of idiots, a tourist driving all over the road then a person from Hazard Co Rego HYC173 who would randomly floor the shit out of his ford Ranger ute for the sake of nothing! Just take off using a shit load of the companies fuel then slow back down, what a legend.
So yeah, take care and see you again tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Day 1123 14/4/15
Well well back into it for another day and had 2 cars pull out in front of me today plus saw a guy pull out nearly causing a head on along an open road as he didn't look both ways and then a ute with kids on the back of it driving around..... Rego was SG2979, white hilux in Matata.
Apart from that the day was cold and that was about all. Busy too but it always is.
Nothing more to say really so take care and catch you tomorrow.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Day 1122 13/4/15
Bloody hell it was a rough day on the roads, all day long battled the heavy winds and in the morning it was both the wind and heavy rain which saturated me to bits, a lot colder today too with a low of around 13 which is a rapid drop from the mid 20's!
Need to get used to it now haha, the cold winter season is just about here! If not already.
Not really any muppets out there today just the casual few who didn't know how to drive, also had a lady tonight who walked behind my car in the pitch black night when I was backing up and she was in full black outfit and in my blind spot as I was backing with lights going the whole works...... Lesson of the day, DONT WALK BEHIND A MOVING VEHICLE...... Dumb bitch.
Rant over, have a good night.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Day 1121 10/4/15
YAY! Thank fuck this week is over, and now it's pouring down hard as!
Finished early tonight as well so that was an added bonus.
Still had the assholes on the roads too.
First one cut me off, then another guy passed a car behind me with oncoming traffic nearly had a head on, old man going slow as fuck pulling out in front of me. another car underpassed me right at the last second then another car pulled straight out in front of me again and lastly a bighorn cutting in and out of lanes with no indication....
Eventful day really, rain and shine I still carried on.
Bring on the weekend!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Day 1120 9/4/15
Nearing the end, hurry up! haha.
More idiots in full force today specially with the rain too add into the mix!
Slow as people in a line of cars holding more and more up, the elderly driving all over the place, some cuzzy parked diagonal in a straight park blocking me from exiting are just a small handful of the things that happened today.
Bring on tomorrow cause today was another shit one.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Day 1119 8/4/15
Slowly getting there is what is happening today, taking their time on the roads causing everyone to sit there slow as fuck travelling along the highway at 30kph under the limit.....
Fucking holiday makers looking all over the scenery and not pulling over! Respect and courtesy is all it takes but no sit slow and hold people up is the best way! NOT...
Over today really haha, catch you all tomorrow lets hope most of them have gone home.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Day 1118 7/4/15
So it's back to work after the Easter holiday's and traffic is still busy as hell with the elderly camper driving and not moving over so you get a massive line qued up behind with no care in the world.....
Also with the extra traffic on the roads doesn't help one bit but should be settled back down finally by the end of the week at least!
Nothing more to say really, started a little colder but warmed up around the 23 degree mark but noticed the difference coming home tonight pitch black with the daylight savings etc starting up all over again.
Well on that note, take care and catch you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Day 1117 2/4/15
Hmmm, very much over this week and today especially!
So started the day with rain which lasted for me most of the day, then a Blue BMW ATU189 ran a roundabout straight in front of me at the very last second, I had to brake and stop for him to carry the fuck on! Would of loved to go straight into him.....
Later in the day I was coming out of a main driveway when a young girl on a scooter flew past the front of my car, she didn't even look nearly hit the front of the car.... The footpath is blocked by shrubs etc but peds always look for cars, obviously not her....
Then some cuzzies racing out of Kawerau sitting in a turning lane for no reason in a 100kph area....
Lastly another roundabout warrior doing some more pulling out.
Not to mention the rest of the cars and campers going slow and taking over the road driving like they own it. Held me and others up all day long pushing me further and further behind slowing down more and more.
Over it, take care and see you Tuesday!
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