Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Day 1012 1/10/14
First of the month and the fuckers are still causing shit on the road.
All morning went perfect as probably the best one i've had for ages but when things go good they soon turn shit eh...
Started off with a old man walked out behind me when I was backing up..... Didn't care and think it's alright.
had a fat cyclist sitting way over in our lane holding up traffic when she and her friend had the whole left side of the road to use!
a silver holden Rego EMF106 flew up behind me, sat right up my ass then passed a line of cars at speed only to pull into a road and stop just less than 1km down the road!
also had some fucking impatient dickhead from Performance Diesels HNH390 who just pulled straight over on me cutting me off, for what ? Nothing! Didn't get anywhere just a fucking cock!
So yeah, eventful day to say the least so take care and see you all tomorrow!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Day 1011 30/9/14
Last day of the month, what the fuck is wrong with people on the roads!
Started off with some fucking muppets in a blue Falcon Rego YN8445 these maori's out of Waitangi flew past a couple of cars on a blind corner with oncoming traffic which had to swerve out of the way, then passed on yellow lines passing a line of traffic going at least 130+ then tailgated others very close and later down the coast past Pikowai passed a car and truck right before a blind corner and only just got in as the corner was starting then again took off at speed....
Also had a lady in a holden speeding and tailgating me closely at the same time.
Some fuckhead in a yellow delivery truck tonight had all the way along Hewletts Rd to get in the left lane but decided to try when i was coming up the side of him, nope I didn't let the cunt in so he gave me the fingers....... Very nice of you, overweight fat fuck!
So yeah, over today pretty much.
Take care and see you tomorrow!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Day 1010 29/9/14
Back into it with another week starting, got in to work and found out the boss had an accident in my vehicle over the weekend....... Whole back end smashed in.
So yeah, that started off the day then the idiots came out to play haha.
Had a truck in Kawerau run a red light even though it was red for a while then not long after out of Kawerau a lady passed a truck with oncoming traffic and just about had a head on! Absolute fucking muppet, Rego was DEE691.
Then had some mong run a stop sign, just runs straight through it.
Apart from them the day was mint, no drama's going on at all so bring on tomorrow!
Friday, September 26, 2014
Day 1009 26/9/14
Glad the week is over, what a fucken day with assholes all around the place!
Started off with my wing mirror getting taken off by a truck which came down a narrow road and not waiting for the traffic to finish, didn't have anywhere to go so I stopped and he keeps going at speed and bang, all gone....
Then some slut in a BMW pulled straight out in front of me when i was passing her and another car!
A truck just about went off the road not looking etc
Then some old fucker pulled straight in front of me, didn't look and turned into a side road nearly Tboned the old cunt!
So yeah, eventful on the roads for sure. Take care and see you next week!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Day 1008 25/9/14
Yet another hot day, not as hot as yesterday but pretty nice.
Busy once again too with work coming out my asshole haha, and to top it off only had one asshole of the day! So not bad at all.
Car 1 Rego AYP688 this cock flew up behind me tailgated me then flew past going at least 120 and carried on at speed...
Rest of the day was just spent chasing my own tail so all is well.
Take care and catch you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Day 1007 24/9/14
Bloody hell what a day! Haven't stopped at all been hell haha.
Had a fire at a building I go into which held me up with some deliveries most of the day, running around like a madman all day long too and absolutely fucked right now...
So today I had some fuckhead run in front of an ambulance, then in front of me. A primera who pulled out in front of me then ran a stop sign and fucked around.
A Chorus van speeding off and being a right asshole, Kids on the bus heading into Kawerau pulling gang signs...... Good teaching.... A lady getting her massive tits out and a indian guy flying down Cameron Road in Tauranga...
Apart from them the day was hot as getting up to 25 degrees so yeah, over today but bring on tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Day 1006 23/9/14
So today...... Hmmmm haha.
Weather was bloody mind compared to yesterday with the wind and rain etc, it was all sun until the last run home but didn't care so all good there.
Had a few muppets of the day too. First guy in a Black Ranger Rego GDB888 this guy when I went to pass him through the Hub out of Whakatane he floored it and took off going at least 100 in the 80 zone, and cutting over through the roundabout etc and taking off at speed again well over 120.
Also another roundabout cutter, cars pulling out in front of me most of the day just the usual shit.
Nothing much more to say so on that note take care and see you all again tomorrow!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Day 1005 22/9/14
Back into it for another week with the maniacs and shit weather.....
Started the day with a van and trailer pulling straight out in front of me and sitting in the middle of the road holding a line of cars up as he tried to do a U turn..... Fail bro..
Then had people running roundabouts forcing me to brake to avoid going into them etc just lazyness and then there was this Bus Rego FGA875 I was following behind this bus out of Whakatane and in the pouring rain, going around the corners on Thornton Rd this driver cut every corner with the bus going over the centreline. On the straights he also took off sitting on over 110 easily and left me and others behind. Then through Matata he was going well over the limit there too, with passengers!
So yeah, also from about 11:30ish battled the heavy wind and rain coming over first thing this morning so weather wise it was a fucking joke pushing the vehicle all over the place.... Fun times eh!
That's enough of my BS today haha, take care and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Day 1004 19/9/14
Fuck me haha another fucked up day!
Started off with a Mondeo Rego EFC812 passing me and others on yellow lines and tailgating
Car 2 Rego HDW601 yet another Mondeo, this one from Auckland in the pouring rain sped up behind me then sat up my ass in a line of traffic sitting on and over the centreline trying to pass, when he did there was no indication at all and speeding around 120 which he sat on, tailgating more cars and passing on yellow lines too....
Also saw the aftermath of a house on fire in kawerau which I heard was retaliation for a shooting, another gang thing once again. No surprises there.....
Rest of the day was rain and shit drivers all day long...
Nothing more to say so take care and catch you all Monday, bring on the weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Day 1003 18/9/14
Well not much happened at all today so nothing really to talk about which will make this post a very short one haha.
Weather was good all day with a tiny bit of rain later in the arvo but nothing over the top.
So yeah, alright day with a few drama's for myself though but all good oh and also helped out a truckie with a feed which I brought for him as he broke down in the morning and saw him still there in the arvo so got him a drink and food, he didn't really care but owel...... Might not help out like that again ?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Day 1002 17/9/14
What can I say today went pretty good, only drama was an armed gunman wandering around Whakatane this morning which blocked off roads etc holding people up. He got caught though so good stuff by the armed police in getting the bastard.
Weather wise it was another hot day which hit around 18 so not bad at all, rest of the day was pretty good with no more drama's at all.
Nothing more to say really, Oh yeah got cut off by a lady tonight at the new roundabout in Paengaroa but nothing new there happens a lot.
Catch you tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Day 1001 16/9/14
Back again with another shit day on the roads....
This morning had this bitch Rego CUD812 sitting right up my ass tailgating, twice nearly rear ended me cause they weren't looking! Just very impatient etc...
Also had a car pass on a bend coming towards me, had to pull in pretty fast to avoid me also some old man was speeding up and slowing down all over the place just a fucking joke, another weetbix box licence.
Had a little rain today but wasn't too bad so all is well.
That is all for now, take care and catch you tomorrow!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Day 1000 15/9/14
Holy shit finally reached 1000 posts! Didn't think I would ever get this far and to be honest thought I would get bored faster than this haha.
Anyway enough about that, the day today.......
Sun was shining which was nice as, got up to 18 so that was pretty good for spring.
Then the idiots were out too, a Regal Haulage truck was tailgating another truck very close then when he finally backed off only due to going up a slight hill the car behind the truck passed only to have the Regal guy come back up and sit at least a car length behind the car tailgating very close! Absolute fucking mong.
Also had more people tailgating me most of the day and No I was not sitting under the speed limit either....
Then had someone on Thornton Road who was either falling asleep or txting and went off the side of the road and swerved straight for me!
So interesting day to say the least haha. Take care and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Day 999 12/9/14
Woohoo Friday, Thank fuck for that it's been one hell of a week!
Had my son go into hospital last night so only had around 2 hours sleep so pretty fucked with the long day done.
Had a few muppets today doing stupid shit like passing on medians etc and a truck from Road Stabilisers who from Whakatane to Tauranga fucked around not keeping left and sitting on around 75-80 if that at times holding a ton of traffic up an absolute joke, should stick to driving a mobility scooter!
So yeah, tired and glad it's done for the week, take care and catch you all Monday!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Day 998 11/9/14
Well holy shit haha, had an eventful day to say the least on the roads!
Started off with a postie bike pulling straight out in front of me this morning nearly getting Tboned by another car etc absolute dickhead.
Then some cuzzie bro's in Kawerau standing in the middle of the road with their car half in the lane having a fucking Hui (meeting)
A guy comes flying down the hill in Otamarakau on double yellow lines on my side of the fucking road!
A Skyline along Thornton Rd looses control and spins out onto the grass and was less than a metre from going into the creek, very lucky!
Some guys from a Scaffolding company ran a roundabout straight in front of me cutting me off.
Had another person pull straight out but stopped in time from going in my lane otherwise she would of been hit....
Then last but not least a Camper in Te Puke backed straight out in front of me when they had the whole straight to do that before I got there!
So yeah, eventful list eh haha. Had the rain pissing down most of the day too so fun times!
Well tomorrow is another day so take care on the roads!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Day 997 10/9/14
So another fun day on the roads, not many muppets which is always a bonus!
Had rain most of the morning but not as bad in the arvo so that was alright, getting the garden watered haha.
The rest of the day was pretty good, slow but alright. A few people out there going well under the limit taking their time.
Well nothing more to say really so have a good one and catch you tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Day 996 9/9/14
Well where the hell do I start ?
Started off with this old fucker in a Fairmont Rego ADK670, this guy sat right up my asshole tailgating me very close and was over eager to get past me and others, he then passed me and then slowed down holding me up! Bloody cock.
Car 2 Rego ETD155 this Black Toyota Landcruiser came speeding up behind me and flew past well over 120 and carried on sitting around 120-130 passing on yellow lines just after the train over bridge in Otamarakau and on the double yellow lines at Arawa Rd past Pongakawa. This guy was a complete fucking muppet, not indicating etc when passing and just in a complete rush from Hauone to Papamoa.
Also had a guy come round a bend before Kawerau txting and lost it coming towards me in the gravel, very close!
Then once again the new roundabout in Paengaroa these indians cut over on me when they should of stayed in their own fucking lane!
Nice day that was about all that was good today....
Monday, September 8, 2014
Day 995 8/9/14
Bloody hell what is in the water today haha.
Car 1 Rego DKP2 When heading around the Domain Road roundabout i had the right indicator going and coming around the corner when this lady just flew through the roundabout, if I hadn't of seen her she would of gone into the side of my car! I had to brake hard and just missed hitting the front of her car as I stopped and she carried on like nothing happened..... No fucking clue in the world and didn't even look!
Also had some young bro's racing around on trolleys on the road, nearly collected one fucker..
Rest of the day was great, had a good time and the sun was out shining away it wasn't too bad at all!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Day 994 4/9/14
What a fucking fun day today was!
Shit son there are some fucking muppets out there....
Had a lady just randomly swerve straight for the car ahead of me in a 100kph area and came pretty close! Then some fat cuzzie lady pulled straight out in front of me at a roundabout in Whakatane, nothing new there...
Also had the same lady not indicating etc nearly causing a crash, Oh yeah and some Indians on the way home cut over at a 2 lane roundabout to beat the car ahead of him in turn cutting me off nearly hit the front of my car! Called the police and he got dealt to at his house with fines etc :)
Overall a loooooong day and busy too but not bad i guess.
Tomorrow is Friday and another day haha.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Day 993 3/9/14
Shit day for me really, had a truck near Opotiki tip over ? with Chemicals etc so held up other couriers and vehicles which I needed to meet and unfortunately they were all late which in turn held me up alot and yeah day went downhill from there.
I saw trucks tailgating very close at speed today, a old man going slow as then would take off when you went to pass and tailgated the cars ahead etc so fun times...
Sun was out all day though which was awesome, no complaints there and nothing more to say so yeah.
Take care on the roads and see you next time.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Day 992 2/9/14
So back again haha.
Car 1 Rego GJN917 this Green Jazz from Maungatapu to Te Maunga was tailgating me very close and others, also speeding up to 120 cutting in and out of lanes underpassing etc then got stuck in traffic at the railway crossing and most of the people she passed then went back passed her..... Fail bitch.
Rest of the day was mint as, had 22 degree weather! second day of Spring and man it's nice haha.
Saw a crashed car this morning don't know what happened but it was written off for sure, also a BP tanker broken down in the middle of the road in Matata.
So yeah not a bad day, funny watching the people drive on the road when they really can't haha
Monday, September 1, 2014
Day 991 1/9/14
Back into it with another week.
The drivers on the roads today were a bit of a joke, had people sitting on 65 in a 100 zone holding up around 15 cars, a truck tailgating very close behind someone with a full load going 80. Had people pulling out in front of me and a lady ran a roundabout in front of me nearly hitting the front of my car that's how late she ran through it!
So yeah, pretty fucked up day but it's been good to be back, had to sort more shit out at the start where the last people left it as it happens every time....
Nothing more to say so take care and see you all tomorrow!
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