Thursday, July 31, 2014
Day 974 31/7/14
The last day of July fark the year is going fast! Too fast....
Had a few assholes today, a Black Power member on a bike flying down a 50kph area ripping the shit out of his bike then braking hard to turn down another road not far away...
Cars passing on yellow lines with oncoming traffic, getting cut off etc.
Weather on the other hand was pretty good, no drama's there so all is well.
Busy but good which is the way I like it :)
Nothing more to talk about so see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Day 973 30/7/14
Where do I start again today!
Fucking hell haha, Had people pulling straight out in front of me without looking, elderly people crashing through a light pole when flooring it instead of braking then taking off not to be caught....
Also this person! Rego EMU88 Silver Corolla at the top of Otamarakau me and 2 others sitting on 100 in the rain they flew up behind me with a visible oncoming truck, still decided to pass all of us and had to cut the front vehicle off to get in and nearly had to be cleaned up off the road forcing the truck to brake and same with the ute he cut off! Not long after was passing on yellow lines before a blind dip by Pongakawa Station Rd....
Apart from them the rest of the day was busy as and had a little rain tonight but nothing much at all.
On that note, take care and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Day 972 29/7/14
Where do I start.....
The EPMU Union car once again was speeding, wandering all over the road and driving like a complete cunt again!
Had some cuzzy bro in Kawerau kick open his car door nearly took the fucking thing off and him!
Another guy passing on yellow lines from Environment BOP
people running through Roundabouts in front of me nearly getting Tboned.
Then there is the indians..... Fucking hell I could run one over.
Coming home tonight from Pongakawa to Te Puke had some rug muncher sitting on 65kph in a 100 zone with a ton of traffic banked up and he keeps slamming the brakes on for nothing! on straights and corners, everywhere! Absolutely over their driving.
Also over today, so see you tomorrow!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Day 971 28/7/14
Really nothing to say about today, it went pretty smoothly and the weather was mint as with calm beach etc too.
Had the usual slow ones taking over the roads but when you get a clear space just pass them so wasn't too bad i guess.
On that note I will leave you all to it, take care and catch you all tomorrow!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Day 970 25/7/14
Another funny day with a few weirdo's on the road but not too bad really, the weather was again mint as too!
Had one muppet on the way home tonight who was sitting between 90-110 up and down constantly slowing down for nothing and sitting on and over the centreline.
Other than that the day was good so nothing more to winge about, take care and catch you all Monday for another round on the roads!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Day 969 24/7/14
So near the end of the week and man what a mint day! The sun was out and it looked awesome down the coastline.
Had more muppets out today, all day long either the slow ones which there were a fair few or people pulling out in front of me and others. A whole range of idiots really.
Nothing more to say about today, a busy but good productive day to be honest so on that note take care and catch you tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Day 968 23/7/14
Where do i start with today!
Car 1 Rego GML647 (Grey Mondeo) I was watching this impatient driver in the rear view mirror tailgating a truck, constantly crossing over the centreline even though there was enough room to view oncoming traffic to pass, when he had enough he then passed the truck and a car on double yellow lines and a turning median outside the Pongakawa BP station...
Also had some bro's Rego GMC273 (silver mazda Axela) drinking cody's that flew up behind me well over the limit, then passed me right before a blind corner! Heading to the one and only Kawerau..... Need I say more ?
The rest of the day I had people making the stupidest mistakes, just plain crap like lane changes nearly hitting cars, crossing the centreline, way too slow like 30 under the limit and so on. This happened all day, don't know what was in the water but far out it was shit on the roads.
The weather on the other hand wasn't bad at all, a little chilly again this morning and for alot of others the rest of the day was too but it was nice for me, keeps me active and running around so all good there.
Take care on the roads and catch you all again tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Day 967 22/7/14
Fuck me what a fun packed day it was on the roads!
Had a white holden with a cuzzy bro in it cut me off at a roundabout with no warning or indication heading into Whakatane, he was in the right lane and me in the left, coming around then straightened up and he pulls straight over on me so I wouldn't pass, not that I was going to anyway....
Car 2 Rego XX4088 this person was flying along Maunganui Rd going at least 100 in the 70 zone, then cut over at the last second before the bridge cutting a car off then sat tailgating right up someone elses ass within half a car length behind them then took off along Hewletts Rd at speed again!
Apart from those 2 the rest of the day wasn't too bad, cruisy but all went well so yeah.
Chilly day with snow on the Kaimai's too making it nice and fresh haha.
Take care and catch you all tomorrow!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Day 966 21/7/14
Well the start of another week and all went pretty smoothly, saw a guy racing home tonight with a trailer getting pulled over as he was sitting on around 115kph, gutted for that fucker bahahahaha!
Rest of the day didn't have any drama's at all, just a few slower ones and others that would speed off when you try and pass etc.
So with that done, and so is the day. I will leave you all to it, nothing more to write about :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Day 965 16/7/14
So another great day on the roads woohoo!
Car 1 Rego X9772 was a dealer car in a Grey nissan thing, flew up behind me then tailgated me while wandering all over the road and sitting on the centreline alot
Car 2 Rego WE3763 this silver navara ute along Hewletts Rd was stopped behind a car in the middle lane and instead of waiting in line (second car back) he pulled out and straight in front of me cutting me off so he could be in front, while sitting there waiting for the green to go his wheels were still turned so when it hit green and he took off he went into the right lane going straight ahead nearly side swiping the car he was originally behind! Then casually pulls back over into the lane I am in and fucks about like the muppet he is.....
So fun times eh! Take care care be assed writing any more about today so see you all next week, im off for a few days!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Day 964 15/7/14
Some truck drivers out there should have their licences cut up! This next guy is a perfect example.
Truck Rego FWH153 not the first time he has done this as well! When heading out of Kawerau I was coming up to the railway crossing and stopped with all the other traffic for the train, this truck came flying up behind only just stopping in time behind me then as we carried on was tailgating me very closely, i then passed a couple of vehicles and one of those vehicles pulled out behind me to pass the car that was in the front only to have the truck speed right up behind him whilst passing and sat right up his backside sitting on around 110kph within 2 car lengths if not less this carried on the whole way down the straight to the main intersection! Absolute bullshit.
Also had a lady from Kawerau in a white family wagon honda thing with Ezekiel 33 on the back (sticker) who cut over lanes round a roundabout tonight completely cutting me off just about hit me and got a horn full too!
An elderly man also makes the idiots of the day, I came up behind him and no shit his car was driving straight down the road but the car was on a slight angle sideways, he had a bent axle or back wheels causing the car to be angled while driving straight, he tried to race me when I passed him and nearly hit the side doors of my vehicle in doing so! Why, you were going under the limit by miles as soon as I pass you go to take off..... He did the same to the other car ahead when I had passed both of them.
Nothing more to say really, more drama's in Opotiki with the murder of a Gang member and retaliation and all that shit, 2 arrested for the murder and assault with weapon and another 7 for fighting today around lunch.
So fun times, back where they belong really!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Day 963 14/7/14
And another week begins woohoo! Not.......
Had a couple of muppets on the roads today apart from them the whole day ran smoothly with no drama's at all!
Car 1 of the day Rego BGP397 this old maori bitch sitting between 80-100 would be going slow as then as soon as you were passing she sped up to try and block you and if you got past then she gave you a dirty as look the old slut!
Car 2 Rego HMS129 a posh cunt in a silver Audi tonight along Cameron Rd when the 2 lanes were about to merge he floored it up the left of me and tailgated the other vehicle before cutting over in front of me and sitting there blocking me from passing.... All for what ? I turned off and he didn't pass or do anything, would have been the same place if he had stayed in his own bloody lane!
So yeah, nothing more to say really, nice as weather all day and the rest of the run went mint as.
Take care and catch you all again tomorrow!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Day 962 11/7/14
Well fuck me the snails were out again!
Car 1 Rego ENA157 this elderly bitch in a blue Spacio sat on 50-60kph in a 100 zone out of Whakatane on thornton rd with a line of traffic behind and she couldn't of given a fuck....
Car 2 Rego GKG17 black power cuzzies in a white hilux pulled straight out in front of me today at a roundabout, not one care in the world slow as anything too no rush at all as it wasn't benefit day!
Rest of the day was filled with fucking mongs driving in the rain fucking around etc the whole day was shit haha.
Nothing more to say, freezing my sack off just did the Ice Challenge too!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Day 961 10/7/14
Not much to say today really, a shit load of heavy wind and a little rain mostly in Tauranga, not much in Whakatane ended around Matata so was alright then.
Pretty gusty though pushing the traffic around again side to side etc.
Had a few weird people on the roads going slow and speeding up but nothing to worry about so yeah.
Take care and see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Day 960 9/7/14
Well a couple of muppets out there today and fuck me they were stupid!
Car 1 Rego GJQ439 a white hyundai who flew up behind me, was very impatient and passed me and another car when we were all sitting on and just over 100 on this little straight before Pongakawa, she passed the other car on yellow lines and before a corner, she was then off and gone. Caught her back up down the coastline as she got stuck behind trucks which didn't last long as she passed one of them on a blind corner! Called the police cause her driving was absolute shit, she was in too much of a rush and the cop agreed and she got a ticket and got in a fair bit of shit too the stupid lady!
Car 2 Rego YX5975 an old man in a white MR2 flying through the Hub in Whakatane cutting in and out of traffic and when he couldn't pass he sat tailgating right up their asses including mine soo close to the point he was nearly touching our bumpers! No shit it was bloody close, if I was in my car he wouldn't of got far doing that to me!
Rest of the day was alright, the slow ones are all out in force with the holidays going around etc and the wind this morning in TGA was immense, blowing all around like all hell but in Whakatane it was an awesome day no bad weather at all so happy times.
Take care and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Day 959 8/7/14
Fucking hell what a shit day travelling!
Straight into the drivers shall we.
Car 1 Rego TR3619, these cuzzies in a Red Camry wagon backed straight out in front of traffic then carried on about 5 meters then stopped in the middle of the road with cars banked up behind them as they had a casual chat to a bro in another car next to them in the other lane, so blocking both ways having a fucking hui..... Good shit bro!
Car 2 Rego CKS676 a blue Truck was tailgating a car very close in a 100kph area, they were coming towards me and man he was close!
Car 3 Rego BUBL1E a Silver Mazda Heading through The Hub into Whakatane I watched this lady speeding up in the right lane trying to get past everyone, she sat tailgating right up the backside of one car as me and another car came up the left lane, we all started going around the last roundabout at Keepa Rd and whilst going around it she cut straight into the left lane and sat behind the car she was already behind my guess was to block anyone from coming up the side of her ? Then once the 2 lanes had merged well and truly she then floored it and underpassed the 4x4 nearly hitting the kerbing trying to get around then cutting it off!! All for what ?
Car 4 Rego AJR738 this Red Falcon From Te Puke to Whakatane this man was sitting on around 70kph with a line of traffic banked up behind him, not once did he pull over but when the oncoming traffic was clear and people could pass he would speed up to 85 then slow back down when people could not get past, e.g yellow lines, corners, oncoming cars and so on. More and more cars lined up behind as he continued on.
So yeah, apart from them the weather was bloody windy, blowing the traffic around all over the place and only got worse as the day went on. Nothing more to say really, slow drivers and fucking idiots all over the place, also saw a ute passing oncoming to me and another car ahead, he only just got in nearly collected the innocent driver too! TR1662 i think it was.
Well see you tomorrow!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Day 958 7/7/14
So once again Groundhog day and Monday is back!
Only had one major asshole today, a truck from NDL Transport couldn't get the Rego as the chassis was covering it by at least 3/4! Anyway he was wondering over the lane sometimes crossing over the centreline then coming up to the top of Pukehina we were sitting on 100 and everyone else up ahead started slowing down but nope not this guy full noise till the last second when he smoked the back tyres locking up then slid into the oncoming lane nearly running right over the top of the lady in front of him and if the car coming up the hill was any closer they would have been hit too! He then swerved back into our lane cutting the poor lady off again that he just about killed! Then carried on tailgating another car and a logging truck after that.... Called up the company and the guy didn't seem to really want to know, he said he would speak to him but said firstly "There is nothing much we can do, I know the driver and he was running late. We can't give him a ticket" No shit you're not the police! At least tell the driver to pull his fucking head out of his ass he nearly killed someone for fuck sake!
Pissed me right off hearing that bullshit coming from a company and a driver who is supposed to be a professional.
Other people today were speeding over the limit easy and also had a few going well under the limit too.
Nothing more to talk about so take care and catch you tomorrow.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Day 957 4/7/14
Nothing much to really say about yesterday's run, yes I am writing it today as I was pretty flat out yesterday, went to Whakatane 3 times and did over 700km's driving for the day!
Had one asshole Rego DYN514 a blue mitsi ute flew past me going well over 120 on the back roads just being a dick.
Rest of the day went without a hitch, weather was awesome albeit a little chilly in the morning.
Nothing more to say so take care and catch you all Monday!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Day 956 3/7/14
Yet again with the idiots.....
Couldn't be assed writing anyone down today, had people cutting me off, running in front of me, tailgating, speeding past me over the limit, swerving over the road.
All stupid things that should not be happening, oh and the slow people too! Fark me they were slow today...
Weather held off for me too which was awesome, had sun most of the day but a little chilly but that didn't bother me at all.
Nothing more to say really, so on that note take care and see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Day 955 2/7/14
Well another day and another few muppets out on the roads..... Fun times..
Car 1 Rego HDU690 Grey Starlet these group of cuzzies flew up behind me in Awakeri well over the limit, sat right up my ass sitting on and over the centreline before flying past me over 120 and did the same to everyone else heading all the way to Whakatane.
Car 2 Rego SHAP14 Shapley Plumbing van ran straight in front of me at a roundabout, didn't even look and I had to slam the brakes on and nearly went through his drivers door.... Good news for me, called them up and he is now suspended, apparently alot of complaints against him!
Car 3 Rego FEZ229 Red Swift ran a red light and cracked a U Turn when our lights were green to pull into the Boys college at 13th ave...
Apart from them the rest of the day was pretty good, had a friend in the car so all good there. Had a bit of rain over the day also but owel.
Tomorrow is another day so bring it on!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Day 954 1/7/14
Well well well, back again for another week and one day late but needed to have the day off.... But what a mistake that was! The other worker that took over for the day left a whole lot of shit lying around for me to clean and pack up today, he also mucked around all day having more breaks than anyone i know! Absolute bullshit but guess I made the mistake of taking the day off!
So one idiot of the day, an elderly man Rego DBU384 in a blue Toyota ? he pulled out up ahead of me and a line of cars in a 100kph area, guess what speed he sat on ? 40!!! Yes that's right 40 fucking kph! All the way to Te Puke as when i got there met with someone chatted for a bit left and carried on, 5 mins or so later he's still coming along the road with his headlights still on high beam holding up a ton of traffic once again! Cut his fucking licence up ASAP!
Rain also played a great part to fuck my evening up as the whole run home was pissing down with rain and pitch black with people that cannot drive in the rain let along the dark too out on the roads!
Well that is all for today so take care and catch you all tomorrow!
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