Monday, September 30, 2013
Day 791 1/10/13
So the first of October and still no change in the driving on the roads even with real nice summer style weather!
Car 1 of the day Rego XD9893 a red hiace who was tailgating closely and speeding up to 120 not getting very far as he kept getting stuck behind traffic from Pongakawa to Kawerau
Car 2 Rego BAB444 these Mongrel mob cuzzies passed a truck with oncoming traffic which had to slam the brakes on and move off the road to let these muppets pass, the truck even had to pull over and brake to let them in! All that and after the car went past there was no more traffic!
Car 3 Rego BFR744 these fucking ragtops from Te Puke came out of the packhouses tailgating every car they were behind, speeding over 120 and were passing anywhere they could, yellow lines and double yellows also oncoming traffic they didn't give a shit and they never seem to! This was from Paengaroa to Te Puke
Car 4 Rego 3744 was a trailer on a truck from North Fuels who was tailgating bloody close behind cars out of Te Puke to the Mount with a fuel tanker! What a fucking asshole....
So yeah as you can see eventful with assholes all around the place, on top of that I had the usual ones that didn't know where the hell they were driving left the right cutting over and stopping then slowing down taking off again. It was a fucking joke!
Well the day is over and i'm still alive for another day which is good i think ?
Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another day!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Day 790 30/9/13
So another day in mayhem on the roads with the heavy rain off and on all day long which brought out the absolute cunts!
Car 1 Rego DJE210 this cock was tailgating me impatiently then in a 70kph area flew past me going at least 100 before cutting me off cause he wanted to get back into my lane! Then he took off tailgating more cars from Maungatapu to Te Puke
Also saw the aftermath of a truck crash with the company BAM just at the exit of Matata this morning, looked like he might have fallen asleep and straight through some trees pushed the roof of the cab down and some side damage too, not a good way to go!
Eventful day to say the least, cars driving weirdly when it rains all day just made it crazy.
Well take care and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Day 789 27/9/13
Well it's Friday once again and fuck me the assholes were running rife today! The weather on the other hand was fucking awesome! Nice sun all day long and it was hot too.
Anyways assholes of the day....
Car 1 Rego SX6034 this old man was sitting on 50kph in a 100 zone with a line of traffic banked up over 20+ cars and trucks and not once did he pull over or keep left even with trucks and cars passing... this happened from Otamarakau to Te Puke
Car 2 Rego XH5367 another elderly person with their face soo close to the steering wheel it was just about touching! they were sitting on 60 in a 100 from Whakatane to Kawerau fucking around like a dead fish...
Car 3 Rego FRY460 this Gunit cuzzie cunt in the family wagon from Whakatane to Matata with a young child in the passenger seat was tailgating very close behind me and others, speeding up to 120 and was passing on corners..... Yes all with a kid younger than 4 in the front seat!
So eventful day with road works and busy workload all day which is all good keeps you going and a busy day makes it go faster so sweet as!
Have a good weekend and see you all Monday for another round!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Day 788 26/9/13
Another day down and man what a nice day in the sun! There was a bit of wind blowing away but the sun was awesome to see out!
There were a couple of assholes worth writing about once again
Car 1 Rego GGS23 this lady was in a rush for something just like the next guy, she was speeding up to 120 and tailgating every car she was behind very close from Whakatane to Kawerau
Car 2 Rego GEL306 this old man doing the same thing but would take off at speed and block you from passing by closing the gap and tailgating etc going over 120 too from Otamarakau to Paengaroa
So yes, nothing much else to write about today as not much else happened really. Very busy day which is good, I like working for my money makes you feel good!
Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Day 787 25/9/13
What the fuck is wrong with Tauranga drivers ? I will fill you in shortly.
The weather in the morning was shit with the rain pissing down again, not as hard as last night but still there and the idiots took over the roads all day!
Car 1 Rego DDB102 this guy was going over 120 and tailgating me etc
Car 2 Rego ZJ9840 another cock on the roads, young person flying along over 120 again passing on medians etc
Car 3 Rego TH756 this old cunt flew past me and another car in the left lane in a 70kph area going 100! and why ? Just so he could cut the car in front of me off and nearly crash into the median barrier to beat 2 cars and he got past by me later on when he was stuck in traffic by cutting in and out of lanes.... This was down Maunganui Road and Hewletts
Car 4 Rego BPA611 a young girl with her dad in the passenger, heading along Cameron Road towards 11th ave, she was in the left lane with one car ahead she didn't want to wait so pulled straight over cutting me off then braked for the red light. She then took off on the green and no indication pulled straight over cutting the car off she was just behind then cut left again to stop at the shops..... Absolutely no fucking idea at all, this bitch will cause a crash!
So yeah eventful day to say the least, also had the usual slow ones and people like the above that should not be on the roads!
Well im off take care and see you tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Day 786 24/9/13
So absolutely shit weather with the rain pissing down all day and only got worse as the night went on with the heavy wind too...
With the shit weather came the people who think they are invincible driving at stupid speeds and erratic crap...
Car 1 of the day Rego GBD180 was a truck who was tailgating very close behind me and other cars from Domain Rd out to Paengaroa
Car 2 Rego BYL215 this cock in Whakatane tonight was cutting in and out of traffic in the rain trying to be a wanna G tailing and racing himself, also cut in front of high speed traffic going 100 to beat a line of cars nearly got t-boned absolute bullshit!
Apart from that i nearly saw 6 different accidents today caused by people either not looking or doing stupid things, had a car do a U-turn straight in front of me in a 60kph area, i slammed the brakes on and stopped where his front wheels were so would have gone straight into the front wheel that is how late he did it and did not look!
So yeah, a bit over today. Bring on tomorrow lets see how that goes...
Monday, September 23, 2013
Day 785 23/9/13
So another week down and more absolute assholes causing shit on the roads and today it was the Mob.....
Rego XF6885 these Mob members were towing a trailer full of Firewood with no cover or ties etc on top, it was falling off and hitting cars causing them to swerve etc and if anyone tooted or did anything the passenger put his arm out the window and pulled the gang sign...... No clue in the world. Headed from Kawerau out past Te Teko
Not really any other idiots only the usual slow nana's who can't drive to save themselves...
Sun was beaming out which gives us a glimmer of what summer is going to be like (hot!) but not looking good for the rest of the week with rain forcast.
Well take care on the roads today and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Day 784 20/9/13
Well back after being off sick, crook as but back into it now...
Great day to start back with the rain pissing down and the idiots out on the roads haha
Car 1 which was a truck Rego EBY361 this truck from the (Brandy's) BS & RL Porter company was once again speeding nearly 70 through Te Puke which is a 50kph zone, he also tailgated cars and was very impatient doing all this in the rain from the Mount to Paengaroa... Great professional driving there!
Also had the usual slow cars and some crossing the centreline other than that the day went alright, still feeling like shit but survived which is a bonus.
Nothing else to say, all the rest went alright so with that have a great weekend and see you all Monday for another week!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Day 783 16/9/13
Well well well, fuck me sideways and call me Jimmy!
How did today go you may ask........ Absolute bullshit to say the least.
The morning started out a little wet with the rain coming down but turned out alright later on which was good but the idiots were running rife today which fucked me right off!
Car 1 Rego DWW459 this cock in his Merc from Turret Rd he was speeding up to 90 in a 70 zone, then cut me off when it merges by underpassing me. He then took off in the passing lane over 120, tailgating traffic and cutting in and out of cars with no indication...
Car 2 Rego GEY31 this white Argosy was once again tailgating another truck, both were fully laden with logs and I see the same truck over and over doing the same shit just doesn't learn.
Car 3 now this absolute inbred monkey Rego ZO2255 Red Nissan Maxima, When following behind this very aggressive driver he was heading along SH30 out of Whakatane and turning onto Thornton Road where it looked as though he went too far forward then swerved hard right to turn in then took off at speed up to at least 120, not far along Thornton near Red Barn Cafe he had started to slow down as did i and was coming up behind him when all of a sudden he just slams his brakes on hard then took off again, he did this numerous times till just past Blueberry Corner, he then wound his window down and started shaking the fist at me slamming the brakes on waving at me to pull over to the left, he was tailgating cars then flying past at speed again and past a car and trailer before braking hard then turning into a driveway on Thornton Road # 911....
So yes very stupid people on the road don't know what the hell is going on..
Take care on the roads and see you all Wednesday as im off tomorrow for a day break haha.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Day 782 13/9/13
So black Friday and there were some absolute cunts out there and a shooting!
The shooting was out in Kawerau and needed to get close to the area for some drop offs, 2 people got shot something to do with the Mongrel Mob most likely drug money...
Assholes of the day Rego GZJ823 this slut was cutting in and out of traffic no indication at all trying to stop people from passing her, she then took off tailgating then passed the cars and going up to 120 all to pick up her kid at Awakeri School....
Car 2 Rego GLU986 some old tart in a Merc who flew past me and another car as she couldn't wait, couldn't manage to pass both so ended up cutting the car off in front of me when she swerved in front then slammed the brakes on forcing the person in front of me to brake heavily.... She then took off speeding over 120 and sat on that speed.
Apart from those 2 dick heads the weather was nice and warm, still had the usual slow oldies all through Whakatane but owel.
So that is all, I wasn't on yesterday had a day off so have a good weekend and see you all Monday!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Day 781 11/9/13
Fucking shit day to say the least.....
Some things i cannot say but made it one of my worst days ever but owell another day is tomorrow eh ?
Had a truck this morning Rego BZC591 who was sitting between 60-70 with an empty load and a line of up to 17+ cars and trucks banked up behind with assholes taking stupid risks to pass this muppet as he would not move over just carried on holding people up!
Weather was shit too off and on with bits of rain and the wind too, looks like tomorrow is going to be real shit but we will see.
Nothing else to say, slow drivers all over the place too nothing new!
Take care and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Day 780 10/9/13
So im back in action with the work vehicle all fixed and roaring to go!
Sounds a bit better than it did so that is always a bonus haha.
Well today, it went alright i guess the weather was good the whole day was pretty warm but the idiots were still running about like wildfire!
Had the usual very slow ones coming out to play again, 60-80 in a 100 zone most of the day, don't know why the hell people sit on that speed and not move over for people wanting to actually sit on the speed limit, it's there for a reason! Also had some dick head going up Otamarakau hill, if you don't know the area it's a hill with a slow lane on the left, this flatbed mini truck towing a trailer pulled right over to the left for the cars ahead, me and others to pass no problems ? One car passed then the cock in front of me sat on the centreline blocking everyone from passing as he just sat there then at the last minute took off so no one else could pass...... I let the truck back out and past him down the next straight but fuck sake come on and have some courtesy and common sense getting sick and tired of people who don't like to share the road etc, it doesn't belong to them!
Well nothing much to say really, Oh nearly forgot saw the aftermath of a scooter person getting taken off their bike this morning down 15th ave....
So yeah, take care and see you tomorrow!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Day 779 9/9/13
Well another week begins and another day on the roads..... Had the loan car again as mine was getting fixed with the same problem so should be all done by tomorrow!
Had a fair few people tailgating me and others today which was a fucking joke and some others in a hurry to speed etc also.
The weather was alright with the sun out but a bit of wind was unpleasant for driving to some, I didn't really mind it at all.
Nothing really else to say so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Day 778 6/9/13
So Friday, now not a bad day i guess ? Had a new car to drive a 6 speed manual so had some fun driving that as mine was getting fixed!
Not many assholes on the roads just the usual slow ones who were fucking around other then that it was good.
Sorry nothing much else to talk about as the day went smoothly, it was busy but smooth haha.
Well take care to all and see you all Monday for another week!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Day 777 5/9/13
Had a damn windy day today fucking hell haha, chilly and blasting away!
There were a few muppets on the roads, one maori lady ran a roundabout straight in front of me she didn't even look, she had the window down so held the horn down and she didn't even hear it!
Also had some curry muncher Rego YU8993 txting, tailgating, speeding over 120 and wandering all over the road with his phone in hand etc from Te Puke to the Mount
Long day, had a meeting this morning which made the day longer but finished a little earlier so all good there, was pretty busy and have some vehicle drama's so getting repaired tomorrow hopefully it gets fixed!
Well nothing else to say about today so have a good night, drive safe and see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Day 776 4/9/13
Well the rain certainly came pissing down tonight! Started a little light this arvo then the whole trip home pissing down, shit drive with crap drivers trying to race in the poor conditions not to mention it hasn't rained for a while so diesel etc on the roads, slippery......
Had one idiot from City Care today Rego FJS116 #322 who was in a bit of a rush through Te Puke going 70 in a 50 zone!! Also cutting in and out of cars only to turn down the road just out of Te Puke...... What a winner...
So yeah, not really much else to comment on today as nothing else happened so un eventful and boring story wise haha.
Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow for another round ;)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Day 775 3/9/13
So it's tuesday and what a day, although the weather was nice the drivers remained absolute shit again.
There was an accident out at the Kawerau turnoff this arvo looked like someone ran out in front of someone turning into a road just not looking, i had a truck from Reads Transport didn't get a reg some big fat maori cuzzy who pulled out in front of me at the base of Otamarakau and up the hill didn't move over to the left then near the end finally moved over a bit and when i started to pass he pulled over on me! He was also speeding up on the straights and tailgating cars going 105!
Apart from them it was a busy day with alot of traffic on the roads and a fair bit of work today but keeps me going so not bad really.
Nothing else to comment on today so have a good night and see you all again tomorrow ;)
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Day 774 2/9/13
Well yet another great day........NOT
Just came back after a week off and straight into shit drivers, curry munchers, nana's sunday driving, cuzzies that own the road etc.
Car 1 Rego FFZ177 were some cuzzies who were tailgating, passing with oncoming cars which had to move off the road to allow them to carry on passing nearly having a head on! Speeding up then slowing down, wandering all over the road etc.
Car 2 Rego X9959(13) Dealer plates in TGA tonight who was going 70+ in a 50 zone tailgating behind me being a right cunt!
Throughout the whole day had slow assholes specially the trip home around Te Puke all the indians who do the same thing over and over every fucking night, travel real slow then as soon as there is a passing lane they floor it over 120 etc then slow down again and I am fucking sick and tired of their shit driving!
So yes a busy and shit day all rolled into one, heard about the others who were doing my run, one person in particular mucked around a bit and was a bit of a creep to people which is a bit of a disappointment!
Well take care and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!
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