Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Day 756 31/7/13
It's Wednesday and not a bad day really, a but emotional but not going into that shit.
Sun was shining and the idiots were reasonably well behaved which was great to see, although there were some slow ones and one cuzzie going over 130 in his holden....
Really nothing more to say as the day went alright so have a good night and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Day 755 30/7/13
So nice weather today, was pretty sweet! But then there were the drivers haha....
Car 1 of the day Rego DUC583 was a BOP Polytech van who was in the left lane through Te Puke then right at the roundabout pulled straight over to the right cutting a car off to do a U turn at the roundabout! Maybe the Polytech needs to implement driver ed courses for the teachers so they can actually drive!
Car 2 Rego CGH447 This cuzzie bro flew up behind me tailgating, driving in medians beside me then when he couldn't pass the cars i did and he got stuck behind. He then came flying up behind again going at least 120 etc..... No idea.
Also had some fat tart in TGA tonight run a roundabout when i was indicating and she slammed the brakes on and stopped right in front of me! I pointed straight ahead as that is where i was going and she looked as if there was no road there....... Too much fat holding those manky eyelids down so she couldn't see where she was going! Same lady has done this twice now.
Had a ton of slow fuckers all day long too but still overall had a decent day really so can't be assed writing any more haha.
Take care and see you all tomorrow for another day!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Day 754 29/7/13
With the chaotic drivers returning from the holidays all done and dusted it was a reasonably tame day to be honest, only had one tosser out causing shit.
Rego AWD916 this Hilux Surf was sitting below the speed limit around Pongakawa - Matata area and as soon as i caught up to him he floored it and took off over 120 etc, he would constantly cross over the centreline specially on corners to the right, passed on medians and no indication when passing either, seen him before doing the same shit too...
Rest of the day was pretty good to be honest, busy and tiring but alright haha, sun was shining away with a chill in the shade but nothing to worry about really....
So nothing else to say about today, as said above all went well so take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Day 753 26/7/13
Bloody fucking shit bears! Yes one of those days...
All of the holiday makers were back once again and most likely over the weekend too, they were very slow and should not even be on the road!
All day long i was held up by multiple vehicles taking their time mucking around etc.
Also just about got hit head on by either a Greasy Dog or Head Hunters etc Bike member, this muppet past about 7 cars which isn't too bad unless there is someone coming head on towards you! He was coming straight for me and would have been going at least 200kph! No shit, missed me by fuckin inches and sped past absolutely bullshit and fucking pisses me off!
Well can't be assed writing any more so have a good weekend and see you all Monday, glad this week is over now!
Time for a damn woody eh!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Day 752 25/7/13
So another day down and another bunch of idiots on the roads....
Guessing it was from all the holiday makers coming back home etc ?
Car 1 of the day Rego FYP696, yet another TGA Hospital car was sitting in the left lane through a passing lane etc and as soon as i went to pass she pulled over in front of me stopping me from passing, then slowed down and fucked around for ages! Then coming up to Domain Road she went into the left lane i went to pass and she did the same and pulled straight over in front..... When will Tauranga Hospital learn how to teach the drivers how to actually drive!
Car 2 Rego KRANE9 this muppet was going 80 when i caught him, he then took off up to 110, then slowed down so i passed after a while of this up and down bullshit, he then tried to speed up to block me passing which didn't work. I carried on only to have him sit up my ass tailgating me then he backed right off over 100 meters behind weaving all over his lane not sure if he was tired or drunk he continued on doing this from Matata to Pongakawa up and down side to side....
So yeah, alot of traffic on the road and alot of shit drivers who shouldn't be there! Over today with another lateish night.
Take care and see you all tomorrow, can't wait!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Day 751 24/7/13
Holey fuck what a miracle! No one to report.......
Although there were a few idiots the day went pretty smoothly and weather held up for most of the day with a little drizzle in the afternoon.
Really nothing much to write about today, as i said above all went well and on time, had a few urgent things to run round and pick up but nothing major so all good!
Well a very short post today, sorry for spoiling your fun if your reading this haha, take care on the roads as there is always someone out there who isn't!
See you all again tomorrow for another round on the roads.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Day 750 23/7/13
Fucking hell there are some lunatics and bloody cowboys in the trucks!
Car 1 Rego BQB303 this truckie in his Kenworth, now this fucking absolute cunt sat right up my asshole and i couldn't even see his plate he was that close! I had cars in front of me and we were all going a little over the speed limit but not good enough for him. Absolutely shit and dangerous driving!
Car 2 Rego 1EBR1 once again this van was speeding over 120, passing before corners, tailgating and no indication what so ever as he just swerved past each car.....
Weather wise it wasn't too bad i enjoyed it but some others didn't, quite over this day with the drivers but the day was alright in general.
Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Day 749 22/7/13
Another week begins and today was a pretty good day to be honest!
All day long i had people who didn't really know what speed they wanted to sit on. They would be on 80 one minute then either slowing down or speeding up the next and it seemed to carry on throughout the whole day, was a bit weird....
Anyway only had one real idiot today Rego AQG268 this truck was sitting on 60-70kph in a 100 zone from Te Puke out towards Pongakawa and had 3 trucks lined up tailgating him to try and pass plus me and about 10 cars behind them..... Not once did this idiot even think of moving left or pulling over he just carried on and no one could pass due to the inconciderate cunts in the trucks tailgating, i mean come on give a little space to allow the faster traffic to get past there was too much traffic on the roads for them to pass and they should know that!
Rant over haha, the weather wasn't bad at all started off alright and got a little colder and sun went away looked as if it was about to rain but didn't get any so all good!
Well have a good night, safe travels and see you all again tomorrow for another round on the roads :)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Day 748 19/7/13
Well Friday and fuck me there are some complete and utter maniacs out there.
Had this maori bitch that looked retarded and yes she actually did she walked straight out in front of my car, i had to slam the brakes on locked up and stopped. i had my window down and said what the hell are you doing, this is a road, blank look on her face as she walked straight across the road in front of a van and trailer which did the same, locked up and tooted etc she nearly got killed!
Car 1 Rego DWS586 these young idiots were speeding along the coast over 120 no indication when passing etc then slowed down later on and was holding people up
Car 2 Rego GO SAM, this fat whore in TGA has done this over and over she was speeding along cameron road over 60kph and at the last second past and cut me off when the lanes ended then slammed the brakes on cause she nearly went into the car in front of me! Fat fucking bitch.....
So yeah, another shit and crazy day but finished early so glad about that!
Have a good weekend and see you all Monday!
Day 747 18/7/13
Where do i start for today...... Had that many assholes on the roads today with people just not paying attention or not knowing how to drive at all.
So none to report as for one i couldn't be fucked as there were literally that many! Had an old lady sitting in the left lane through The Hub in Whakatane and at the last roundabout with no indication pulls straight over in front of me and another car that were in the right lane so she could turn right! What the fuck! She was in the left lane in a 80kph zone and wanted to turn right in front of traffic going straight........ Yeah some people shouldn't be on the roads.
Had some fat islanders in a company van heading home tonight going 85-90, i passed them at night they had no lights on and later down the coastline there they were up my ass tailgating trying to pass..... If you didn't want to be passed in the first place dont sit on a speed that is under the speed limit you overweight fat cunts!!!
Things like this continued on all day with elderly drivers and the school holiday mums out and about it was a absolute fucking joke to drive along the roads today in the Eastern BOP.
That's it for tonight, safe travels and see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Day 746 17/7/13
So another day down and a couple to go.
Another nice day on the roads with a crisp air in the morning which turned into great driving weather!
Only had one asshole worth reporting today Rego FGK304 this monkey was tailgating and sped past over 120 and carried on at that speed doing the same over and over.
The rest of the day was busy but sane in a way haha and got to mention those damn indians around Te Puke again, bloody hell why can't they drive! Pulling out in front of me and others going 100kph!.
Nothing else to say today so have a good night and see you all tomorrow, lets hope it's cruisy!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Day 745 16/7/13
So Tuesday is down and 3 more to go.
Today wasn't too bad really, the weather was alright with a little chill but nothing to worry about, good driving weather but the amount of idiots was still up there could possibly be cause of the school holidays ?
Car 1 Rego FFL06 this truck from Forest Freighters LTD was sitting on 90 roughly and when behind him and trying to pass he would speed up over 100 and tailgate the car in front and block anyone behind from passing, if we wanted to we had to pass both..... Absolutely shit and unprofessional driving by someone who should know how to drive!
Car 2 Rego GNT415 this muppet in a subaru passed cars on yellow lines and was speeding up to 130 when flying past lines of cars at a time, passed me right before and on a corner and passed a line of cars right before roadworks and oncoming cars which had to move over for him! Fucking idiot....
So yeah, also had the slow ones like this camper on the last run home going 60 on the open road and not moving over....
Well tomorrow is another day and i'm still alive so guess thats alright haha.
Safe travels out there and see you all then!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Day 744 15/7/13
So another week begins and Monday is done and dusted but still had the idiots driving around!
Car 1 Rego CPF845 this lady was tailgating in her Corolla and also passed 2 trucks on double yellow lines on a blind rise in the face of a oncoming truck! She only just got in too....
Car 2 Rego GMF178 this black fuck sped right up behind me tailgated me then took off over 120 and carried on at that speed cutting in and out of traffic...
Car 3 Rego DDU581 another maori muppet who would sit between 60-80kph then when clear to pass would take off speeding and tailgate the car in front to block anyone from passing, he also passed 2 cars with oncoming traffic that needed to pull over to avoid getting hit head on! He was also wandering all over the centreline constantly.
So yeah assholes named and shamed, the weather was alright but to some it was very chilly!
Well nothing else to write about really, so enjoy your night and safe travels. See you tomorrow!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day 743 12/7/13
Well not a bad day at all, not one driver to report about which is a fucking miracle although there were idiots they weren't bad enough to complain about really only one old lady who sat on 25kph in a 50 zone no idea haha.
Weather was shit all day with rain and a chilly breeze blowing around, very busy day running around and all went well!
Had a steady drive home tonight too so all good.
Nothing more to say about today pretty boring eh!
Take care over the weekend and see you all Monday!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Day 742 11/7/13
What a fucking day filled with absolute loose cunts taking over the road! As soon as it starts to rain people think they are invincible and speed etc.
One lady today in her ute Rego BQM373 ran straight out in front of me at a roundabout with a trailer which i had to stop and wait for them both to carry on she did the same thing to the next person at the roundabout down the road! Fucking bitch....
Anyway the whole day was rain and lightning pissing down, slow drivers and impatient assholes, people who don't know how to pass in the rain held up lines of cars too and people changing lanes when you are next to them with no indication in Tauranga but don't expect anything less here alot of shit drivers!
Nothing more to say really, late night and glad to be home after nearly being taken out!
See you all tomorrow, Friday, Gotta be good!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Day 741 10/7/13
Well it's Wednesday and it was an alright day i guess had one asshole on the road but nothing major apart from him.
Weather was a little chilly but i loved it, keeps you fresh and going haha.
Car 1 Rego YS4506 This old fuck in his falcon was speeding over 120, past me through Te Puke when the lanes had merged and nearly hit the side of my car! He carried on passing cars with no indication nearly hit one of them as he was still in his lane when passing etc not giving enough room, over the centreline and being a right cunt really..
So apart from him the day was alright a little late tonight but nothing unusual there.
Well take care again for another day and I will see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Day 740 9/7/13
Well not a bad day really with a early night which i havnt had for a while so damn good haha.
Saw this one fat ape of a bitch in Whakatane who pulled straight out in front of me at a roundabout (very common) and had to slam the brakes on to avoid her she then carried on along through Kope at walking pace literally as her son ? was walking beside her whilst she was driving and he was on the middle island having a good old chat with cars banked up behind, shes waving to the Black Power kids etc what a right lazy fuck....
Also had one other asshole of the day Rego SN3266 this old man sat on 60kph in a 100 zone out of Whakatane with a line of cars behind and not once moved over at all, held everyone up as he talked away to his mate and fucked around like a snail!
So apart from them the day was nice with great driving weather all day, hope tomorrow is the same but doubt it with rain coming.....
Take care on the roads and I will see you all tomorrow!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Day 739 8/7/13
Well another day driving in the bay and heard about the absolute lowlife who violently attacked a couple and stole their rifle and ute, sped from Opotiki to Auckland shooting rounds on the way and ended up in a battle with police loosing his life..... What a waste of space glad to hear he was the only death and good job!
Anyway Car 1 of the day Rego PUNAO1 this black muppet in his Holden flew past me once again over 120-130 passed me on double yellows and a median with no indication and took off again at high speed..... Seen the same car doing this before.
Apart from that the rest of the day was pretty good, saw some media filming in Whakatane too probably to do with that guy in the first sentence...
Nice weather and all round an alright day albeit the later finishing time tonight.
Have a good day and see you tomorrow!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Day 738 4/7/13
Well what a day filled with absolute monkeys! I mean really how hard is it to operate a vehicle in a safe manner ?
Assholes of the day were
Car 1 Rego EZG391 this Bay Hopper (Go Bus) was parked in a bus stop letting people off with the left hand indicator on, when i was about 10 meters or less behind going 50kph about to pass as soon as he hit the right indicator he pulled straight out in front of me! I braked hard and nearly went into the bus and the car behind me nearly went into me! If the stupid cunt operating the bus had of waited 4 cars he would of had all the time in the world but no Might is Right eh!
Car 2 Rego ESU6 was a car from HRV the heat pump people, this dick ive seen numerous times before doing the same shit over and over, he was speeding up to 120, tailgating, crossing the centreline in bends with the whole car in the oncoming lane and not indicating at all every time he passed a car etc....
Also had someone else but didn't get the Reg they flew past a ton of cars only to slam the brakes on and cut them off to take a turnoff he was about to miss.....
So yeah eventful day to say the least but it's over now and a reasonable finish time so all is good.
Take care for tomorrow as im off for a day! About time eh haha.
See you all monday!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Day 737 3/7/13
So a cold day with a bit of light rain and some assholes.... A eventful day really haha.
Well the only asshole worth telling a story about was this guy in his Honda CRV Rego GRF265 who sped up behind me over 120, every car he passed after me he did not indicate at all, he passed a truck & trailer on a S bend before a blind corner and other cars on stupid places, continued speeding off only to pull to the side of the road to answer his phone and everyone he had just passed then went past him....
Other than that there were the slow ones taking over again including a truck from Transpacific who sat on about 70kph out of Whakatane with a huge line banked up behind he seems to do it every now and then not all the time so im guessing it's the same driver that drivers slow and others that take turns and when they are on they seem to driver properly ?
So yeah other than them the day was alright, police were swooping around Whakatane with Dogs etc this arvo too, on the prowl for someone.
Well take care for another day and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Day 736 2/7/13
Well today, nice weather and a good day overall with a reasonable finishing time so can't complain really...
Had one idiot of the day Rego FZR1 this old lady ran straight through a Red light in kawerau after it had been red for about 2 seconds, the cars to the side of her already were moving...... No clue in the world..
Apart from that the rest of the day was pretty good and no other complaints during the day so bring on tomorrow!
Day 735 1/7/13
Forgot about yesterday so writing it tonight haha.
From what i can remember only one asshole from Downer again, no surprises Rego ETF959 who sat on 75-80kph with a line of 10+ cars banked up behind and not once did he move left or pull over..... Had trucks and campers etc lined up
Rest of the day was alright, weather wasn't too bad either and can't remember what else happened so take care :)
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