Friday, June 28, 2013
Day 734 28/6/13
Friday! Yeehaa gotta be good on a Friday....
So had a loan car today as mine was getting a birthday pressie so a bit down on power and space but did the job..... Just haha.
Had one idiot of the day Rego TK1245 this cuzzie from Kawerau was sitting on 65kph with a massive line banked up behind and not once did he move left to allow anyone to pass....
The weather was pretty good too, not that cold well for me anyway, most of the drivers on the roads were well behaved so another bonus of the day really.
Nothing more to say to be honest everything else all went to plan and a early night home can't complain about that!
Take care over the weekend and I will see you all again Monday to start all over again :)
Also once again apologise for any language used in my posts i like my job and rather than cursing at people on the roads i turn to this to let out that frustration!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Day 733 27/6/13
Well what can i say, not a bad day at all!
Had one good truckie again from Provincial this time which usually have a bad name for speeding etc so to see one move over for me it was nice to see so Thank You to that guy!
Then the shit driver of the day, Rego RT3690 this dick flew past me and other cars well over 120 and would tailgate any car he came up behind.....
Apart from that the day went without a hitch, the weather chilled down a bit with people walking around like penguins all wrapped up waddling along haha, still the same attire for me though :P
Well once again nothing much to write about so take care on the roads and I will see you all again tomorrow, Friday!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Day 732 26/6/13
Fucking hell what a long day, a late finish with some shit driving out on the roads made for a longer day!
Had one really good courteous driver today, a truck from Gull Rego TLL4 who not only moved right over to the left but flicked the indicator and let me know it was clear to pass now once again this is awesome and most truckies that are going under the limit same with slow vehicles should do! So good on you Gull think this is the 2nd or 3rd time they have done this so well done!
On another note, a guy i see nearly every second week Rego BLP961 sit on 70kph and would randomly take off and slow down with a huge line behind him, he does this all the time from Whakatane to Te Puke in his Rover MGF so if you see him give the cunt a friendly finger! Not once did he move left at all or let anyone pass!
Apart from that the day was alright had a late night again which sucks as the drivers seem to get worse at night for some reason but owell....
Take care on the roads and I will see you all again tomorrow for another round on the roads of Mayhem!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Day 731 25/6/13
Well for a Tuesday it was not a bad day at all, better than yesterday haha.
Only had one idiot today, this young kid Rego ZZ1028 who was speeding well over 120 at times, tailgating off and on, no indication when passing and so on. Just impatient really.
The whole day went smoothly and went without a hitch so no complaints at all which also means nothing more to write haha!
So take care on that note and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads, see you all then!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Day 730 24/6/13
So Monday is over once again and the start of the week has begun!
How did today go, well it didn't go too badly at all, had one major asshole of the day who got served up big time haha, this older guy in im guessing late 60's Rego NN4050 in his Mazda 323 was going through the Hub in whakatane which is a 80 area, he was going along at about 60 at a guess, i then started to pass only to have him try and race me..... I carried on at the speed limit and he got caught behind cars in his lane swerved into mine nearly hitting the rear of my car and proceeded to tailgate me closely out of Whakatane towards Kawerau, every time we went past a side road on the right with the median that is what he would drive in, right over onto and over the centreline at times trying desperately to get past.
I would pass a car and he would have to pass then and there too weather it was before a corner or not, twice he passed before corners and he just about had a head on and had to slam the brakes on and pull back in behind the car he was passing due to oncoming traffic coming around the bend...... In the end i called the police and he got pulled over in Kawerau, He was a disqualified driver trying to give false details so car got impounded..... What can i say Karma bites, if only he drove normally he would have been fine and probably got away with it but decided to drive like a cunt and get fucked over for it.
So that is all for the day, take care on the roads out there and I will see you all tomorrow!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Day 729 21/6/13
Well the cold wind was here today and it was here to stay too!
Saw a ton of people walking around as if it was snowing, all wrapped up like little over clothed penguins! I was still in a shirt and shorts haha.
Also had the same assholes on the roads again
Car 1 Rego TW9124 this young dick would sit on about 90 when it was clear or someone went to pass he would take off over 110 only to slow down again he did this from Te Puke to out of Matata!
Car 2 Rego FAA658 white Hiace from Gaming Inc who blocked people from passing a slow truck going up a hill which had pulled right over for everyone to pass, then flew past on the next straight and took off over 110 and did the same as the dickhead above.....
Car 3 Rego FWH150 this truck once again was speeding up to 110 (unloaded logging truck) and was tailgating other cars closely.
So eventful day with idiots these are only a very small handful, had people running roundabouts in front of me not giving way, speeding, pulling out etc you name it and it would of happened. Also heard some lady died today when she pulled out in front of a truck and she got hit so not good at all.
Well have a good weekend and see you all Monday for another round!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Day 728 20/6/13
Well where was this heavy rain and crap we were all supposed to get ?
All i had today was a little rain and cold wind which doesn't bother me i enjoy the cold...
Had a few idiots who couldnt' drive like red light runners and the slow ones also some old guy who was sitting on a slow as speed through Te Puke as soon as i was next to him he floored it to try and cut me off...... No idea at all.
Only car worth reporting was this young cock in a Falcon, Rego BED703 who flew up in the passing lane well over 120, passed me and cut me off when the passing lane ended, he then had to slam the brakes on to avoid going into the back of the car ahead of me!
Other than that it was a pretty good day really, so with that I will leave you to it.
Have a good night and travel safe on the roads!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Day 727 19/6/13
Wednesday, half way through the chaos on the roads!
So how did today go...... Heard on the radio that a tanker had spilt diesel all over the road in a length of 60km!!! from Tauranga to Matamata, longest spill ive heard of, caused over 7 crashes ? Probably went to fill up a servo and had an empty truck haha.
Also had one asshole of the day, Rego GGR252 i think he worked for SGS unsure though, i had a lady in front of me and this idiot decided to pass a truck coming head on towards us, he had to cut the truck off and just about lost it in doing so, the poor lady in front swerved left and just about did the same all because this dickhead was too impatient to was till a decent straight as where he passed was a blindish rise!
Apart from those 2 things the day was alright, a long one again with a late night and the weather was off and on, still stayed alright with the temp being nice to work in but all good overall.
So take care for another day and I will see you all again tomorrow for another round on the roads!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Day 726 18/6/13
It's Tuesday and had a couple of assholes today so I will start with them.
Car 1 of the day was a Sport BOP car Rego GPN529 who i see alot and he sits in the passing lane when he is not passing a car! No cars in the left lane at all but sits in the right lane with cars lined up to pass, also no seatbelt either.....
Car 2 Rego BFN791 now this fat fuck from Certified Bricklayers decided to pull straight out of a park on the side of the road without looking straight in front of me, i slammed the brakes on hard and nearly ended up in the back of his truck! I held the horn down only to have him act tough with his monkey arm hanging out the window then travelling along at 20kph......
Apart from them the rest of the day went without a hitch really, weather was nice and a little warm and most of the other drivers were well behaved which was good to see!
Lastly there was a truck which went over a barrier and down the bank don't know what happened but saw the underneath of the truck... Article below
So have a good time and safe travels, see you all tomorrow!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Day 725 17/6/13
Well what can i say, for a Monday the day went bloody good!
Weather was a bit shit had rain off and on most of the day but nothing to worry about, drivers on the roads were well behaved which was a rarity to say the least!
Only had one asshole which was some girl with a car full of teens, speeding well over the speed limit, tailgating and cutting in and out of lanes Rego was PROCTA, silver BMW...
So yeah, nothing else to say so take care and see you all tomorrow for another round!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Day 724 14/6/13
Friday and man there are some loopy cunts out there haha.
Car 1 of the day Rego J496M was a truck trailer this dick was going up to 110kph and tailgating cars fully loaded too! He went round a bend a bit too fast and ended up heading for the other lane and oncoming traffic which he got very close to!
Car 2 Rego THS5 This van from Trident High School was speeding, tailgating and driving like an absolute fat whore she was, all with kids in the van too!
That was about all, the rest of the day went pretty good and the weather wasn't bad at all either!
Can't really say much else as nothing else happened! So with that I will leave you and take care over the weekend and see you all Monday for another round on the roads!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Day 723 13/6/13
So Thursday down and what a weird day it was!
Saw some black power wannabe get arrested after buying his piss at Super Liqour, the cops pulled him out of the back of the car and pushed against the car then handcuffed the shit. Good job back where you belong you lowlife!
Assholes of the day are......
Car 1 Rego DYH752 was some elderly lady who pulled straight out in front of me when i was going 100! She then carried on at 60kph with a ton of traffic banked up behind her and she didn't give a shit probably cause she couldnt see!
Car 2 Rego ECZ394 was a Transit van from Initial Hygiene who pulled out in front of me at Matata then fucked around before flying off over 80 in a 60 zone then sitting on 120 in the open road......
Car 3 Rego FWE530 a ute from Strongline Buildings who ran a red light in front of me then took off along Cameron Road going up to 80 in a 50 zone! He was cutting in and out of lanes with no indication etc all the way down....
So yeah eventful day but had a good early night which was great and weather wise it was fucking awesome! Yeehaa.
Take care to all and see you all again tomorrow, bring on Friday!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Day 722 12/6/13
Well a late night again tonight with a ton of work coming in late which pushed me and other back alot but can't help that at all.
Only had one person worth complaining about today which was some cuzzie bro Rego ZE1904 who when i went to pass this muppet cut over into my lane through the roundabout (2 lanes) then took off over 100kph in a 80 zone! Fucking idiot.....
Also had the other slow ones like normal and an elderly man on a push bike who i was just coming up to going 50kph and he puts his arm out as if to turn and the same time swerves right in front of me to go across the road!!! Did not look at all just expected me or anyone coming along to stop for him as if he had the right of way! I held the horn down and the old cunt nearly fell off his bike, better have learnt a fucking lesson i won't be stopping again!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Day 721 11/6/13
Well it's Tuesday and lets see how this day turned out shall we ?
Headed off and only managed to get to Maungatapu and carried along to the passing lane when a car from the Asthma & Respiratory Management BOP etc Rego FDR47 was travelling along at about 80, so i went to pass her only to have her speed up and pull over in front of me when i went to pass, once me and her passed some other cars she went into the left lane and i noticed ahead a roadworks truck with arrow merging into right lane so back she comes again...... Once it had finished she flew into the left lane underpassed a truck then cut back over... Got to Domain Rd and her in the right lane me in the left, i passed her and the other car she got stuck behind it but only to pass the same said car on the median with a sign clear as day saying "DO NOT PASS ON PAINTED MEDIAN" but didn't stop her, the guy was already going 80-90kph but still carried on, up behind me she came till Te Puke when she was in and out of lanes more than a prostitute gets dicked! cutting in and out of cars she carried on trying to pass everyone she came up to then out of Te Puke we carried on and she turned off at Maketu Rd..... Great driving from some fat old tart........
Apart from her the rest of the drivers on the roads were quite tame which was a good sign to see as it made the day go pretty good with no other complaints apart from some cuzzie bro's who don't know how to shut their door when someone is trying to park next to them..... See the car coming into the park shut the fucking door... Not hard is it ? Gonna take the fucking door off next time and your fat fucking leg too you lazy shit!
Well take care haha, had another lateish night again but the day was alright so don't care.
See you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Day 720 10/6/13
Well today hmmm weather wise it was shit haha, rain most of the day and although it was crap the drivers for once actually drove alright which was a fucking miracle!
Don't really have much to say at all the whole day went pretty good and got back on time tonight too which is a bonus.
Well have a good night, take care on the roads and I will see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Day 719 6/6/13
Well another great day on the roads..... Not!
Started out all good and all was going well had a late run back to TGA at lunch and had this guy from Ocean Yamaha Rego GJA266 who flew through Matata going at least 80-90kph which is a 60 zone, flew up behind me passed with no indication sitting on about 120, later in the day saw the same guy flying up behind me once again over 120 and passed me on a corner and got in seconds before a car came around, he then took off at speed again. Called the police and he got pulled over, Good job fucking moron thinks he owns the damn road driving like a complete retard!
Also had some Islanders tonight speeding along cameron road but didnt get rego.
Apart from them the rest of the cars were slow or well behaved so not too bad
Got a case of the man flu so im out of here for the rest of the week! Take care on the roads and see you all next week!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Day 718 5/6/13
So another day down and the weather played nice for a little bit which was alright but still the assholes on the roads were out again.
Car 1 or should i say Truck, Rego GAD234 this fully laden log truck was within 2 car lengths behind a car tailgating him! No clue in the world at all.
Also had the slow ones and other cars that were all over the place too..
Saw a bunch of black power kids trying to be real gangster with their pants half way down their ass like they had just shat themselves!
Well not much else to write about so have a good night and see you all tomorrow, hopefully its another good day, got to finish early tonight which i havn't done for a while!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Day 717 4/6/13
Well absolutely shit fucking weather and with that there were the absolute assholes everywhere thinking they can speed etc
Car 1 Rego BJZ183 were some Ragtops who were passing lines of cars before corners and came up behind me and tried to pass me on a blind bend before having to slam the brakes on and cut in behind me nearly hitting the back of the car, every time we went around a right hand bend he would be in the oncoming lane and tailgating me after, also speeding up to and over 120 easy, left me behind as he took off and later on caught him up and passed as he was sitting on 80kph!
Car 2 Rego EBC964 this impatient fuck was speeding along Cameron Rd in TGA going 70kph....... speaks for itself really ?
So apart from them there were other assholes but can't be fucked with them just slow ones. Weather was shit as on the run home with heavy rain and alot of surface water made it interesting to drive home in, some stages down to nearly 50kph behind other cars!
Lateish night but all good, back home alive so thats a bonus eh haha.
Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow
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