Thursday, May 30, 2013
Day 716 31/5/13
Well it is the last day of May and fucking hell there are some complete and utter dickheads on the roads, driving like fucking shit all day long.
Slow drivers, inconciderate ones, really fast ones etc.
The only driver i could be fucked writing about was this stupid bitch Rego DUJ487 who saw me pull out in Te Puke up ahead and i was about to merge behind a car when she flew up the side of me tailgated the other car and cut me off! Only to turn down a street a few roads away......
So yeah the whole day was filled with people like her, always in a hurry!
Take care over the long weekend as im sure there will be crashes, see you all Tuesday!
Day 715 30/5/13
Mate it was frosty this morning haha, had the grass and windows of the cars iced over and had to defrost them all haha, the whole morning was pretty chilly but it was good in a way wakes you up eh!
Didn't have any assholes worth writing about today which is always good but there were still the slow ones and people who shouldn't be on the road like this one blonde bitch coming straight for a truck ahead of me, she nearly had a head on to! Looked like she was txting but who knows........
The whole day went without a hitch except for the same thing again tonight with the other stuff i had to wait for making it another late night, owell makes it a change driving in the dark rather than the sun...
So take care again for another day and I will see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Day 714 29/5/13
Fuck it's getting frosty and cold overnight and in the mornings isn't it!
Anyway the frost continued throughout the day and it's only going to get colder.....
The day was alright but still had some people on the roads that really should not be there, why are most of the elderly still driving ? They should have someone drive with them in a 100kph i can just about guarantee that they will not break 70kph! Don't give them a licence back for fuck sake they cause more crashes than good!
Late night again with alot of stuff coming through at night which held me up again but can't be helped.
Well nothing else to say so take care on those roads they are getting pretty bad and most of all have fun!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Day 713 28/5/13
Yet another weird day on the roads with a crash at the end of the night in Te Puke which held me up when what looked like a car pulled straight out in front of a bike and well yeah you know the rest..... Held me and alot of others up but can't help that with the amount of sticky beaks out there!
Had one asshole in a rental Rego GRF963 who was on the phone, tailgating then slamming the brakes on, over 120, all over the road and nearly having a head on etc
Rest of the day was good, nice driving weather and it was a bit chilly out wasn't it! Yeehaa :P
Well nothing else to talk about today so have a good one and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Day 712 27/5/13
So Monday and what a day, started with some Mongrel Mob dick walking straight out in front of my car didn't look and like a typical monkey didn't care, would be good if i had bullbars! Fucking lowlife......
Anyway only one other asshole on the road, Rego ENE427 this old man was tailgating other people, speeding off and on from 90-115kph also passed twice in a row with oncoming cars! Absolute dickhead....
So apart from them had a cruisy day weather was great and all went well, even got home reasonably early for once!
Well take care and see you all tomorrow lets hope it was as good as today!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Day 711 24/5/13
So once again the week is over and it's Friday! Thank fuck for that.....
Had a off and on day today, not really that bad just got held up with slow drivers which made me late and had to play catch up running round etc
Idiots of the day were
Car 1 Rego GJA683 this guy was from a logging company, unsure of name just recognise some signage etc he was tailgating speeding through townships and open road, passing on yellow lines etc generally being a dick.
Car 2 Rego GBS842 this legacy was soo packed it had a guy in the boot! Would be great if he got rear ended eh................Not!
Also had some elderly person tonight cut me off out of Te Puke and speeding and tailgating other cars close, also wandering over the road too...
So yeah eventful day with the drivers but overall not too bad.
Take care over the weekend and I will see you all Monday for another round!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Day 710 23/5/13
Well well well, Thursday and for fuck sake some people need to be tied against a wall and shot!
Had one asshole today rego RU6602 a Brown Toyota Camry this dickhead passed a truck on a blind rise between Hauone and Pikowai tonight, he had to cut the truck off that had to slam the brakes on flashing his lights, the cunt face just missed the car in front of me by less than a meter! We both were on the brakes hard to avoid being part of a accident or near death! He lives in Whakatane apparently.....
Apart from him had a old lady whos car was running and she kept trying to turn it on hearing that metal grinding sound she then asks me to help her cause her car won't start after hearing that sound as she kept trying to start it i tell her it is already turned on. She says no it's not it's making this noise when i start it and tries again and again graunching the starter motor, i then tell her again it's already turned on try put it in reverse and tell me it's not going anymore..... Sure enough it starts going backwards.......... And she has a licence, glad i wasn't going back out on the road for a little bit!
Well weather was off and on all day too but overall it was all good.
Nothing else to say really so take care and see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Day 709 22/5/13
Fucking hell what a shit day with the weather! Well night anyway, the morning had a huge downpour in Kawerau but rest of the day was fine till the last run home when the sky opened up went black as with lightning and alot of rain and with that comes people who cannot drive to save themselves!
Had a line of about 15 cars all going 65kph! Not one person at the front would pass even when it stopped raining, i mean if you want to sit on that speed that's fine but pull the fuck over and let people get past!
Car 1 Rego GTM605 was a Territory who was some impatient fuck tailgating every car and was constantly crossing over the centreline nearly hitting multiple cars in doing so and speeding over 120 etc
Car 2 Rego DLF850 once again this muppet comes back into the name and shame, tailgating and speeding again... Nothing new here.
Well another late night and a fair bit tired so have fun and see you all tomorrow! Hope the rain stays away!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Day 708 21/5/13
Well first off just want to get this off my chest, FUCKING INDIANS IN TE PUKE!!!! Learn how to drive a fucking car before getting in one!
Heading through Te Puke today the same indian shit i have had dealings with before due to his nature of shit driving was in the left lane and i was just coming up the side of his car, he was looking at me in his mirror the whole time so he knew i was there, he pulled straight over on me i had to brake and move right even went up onto the median island thing to avoid being hit!!! Rego was ZR1477 Blue Honda Ascot with this stupid indian Bin Laden look alike sticker on the back window....... Explains it all eh.
Apart from that the weather was off and on all day mucking my day up cause people don't know how to drive when the road gets a little wet. Speed right up or slow right down ? Pick and choose one for fuck sake....
Well sorry for the language have a great night, see you all tomorrow!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Day 707 20/5/13
So it's Monday again and how did it go you may ask ?
Weather was great all day with no complaints at all, also only had one asshole and he was from Betta Electrical Whakatane Rego CUK776 this prick was on his phone constantly either txting or calling someone, he would also tailgate me very closely and others too, one point nearly rear ended me cause i had to brake for the car ahead and he was on the phone and tailing me...... Good stuff all done in a Signwritten company car eh!
Nothing really else to say about today as the whole day went to plan got home a little later than i would like but still all good.
Well have fun and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Day 706 17/5/13
So it's Friday and the weather really did turn to shit near the end of the day and the ride home was a fucking joke with the amount of people who just can't drive when it rains........... Oh look it's raining, lets speed up to beat the rain! Absolute bullshit!
Well only had one major asshole today which was a truck Rego ARA417 from New Zealand Movers who was going between 80-90kph and when people came up behind this muppet he would move over to the centreline and block anyone from passing! He did the same to anyone that came up, i managed to pass and noticed this cock do the same with the car behind me! So a nice letter for the company and he should be told how to be a professional on the fucking roads!
Also I appologise for my language on here but id rather it be on here than me yelling out the window of the work horse! This is my little daily rant page haha.
Well nothing else to comment on today, so have a good wet weekend and see you all Monday for another round on the roads!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Day 705 16/5/13
Well for a Thursday it wasn't too bad to be honest, yes there were some absolute fucking muppets but overall a great day!
Only asshole with saying was this dick who i have reported before Rego HOUSE0 who was going 90-95 up and down so i passed as i like to be consistent etc i then pulled back in only to have him waving his arms round like a fucking wanker and he pulled over into a cafe just up the road, why the agro bro ? Settle down, some people have no clue... And yes i may not have the best patience on the roads as my tolerance for shit drivers wears thin very quick..
Nothing much else to say ? Weather was good all day and well yeah cruisy day but another late night due to short staff etc helping me out so left later but all good, had the slow Te Puke drivers come out to play tonight too on the way home, always seems to be like that.
Take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Day 704 15/5/13
Well wednesday is over and thank fuck for that!
Another long day filled with more muppets on the roads....
Car 1 Rego BNN634 was some slut who could barely see over the steering wheel and she passed a truck on yellow lines with an oncoming motorbike which had to move nearly off the road to avoid this bitch, she also had no indication when passing any car, she was on the phone too and was driving in any lane she wanted. Back over the centreline and over the left median over and over also coming right up behind tailgating then right back behind then back up etc
Car 2 Rego WITLEY Yes this one again, fat maori lady who cant drive for shit, would speed up and tailgate other cars if you try and pass her, also all over the road back and forth nearly always driving over to the left hand median......
Car 3 Rego EJE445 this cuzzie bro from McCauley Metals in Whakatane pulled straight out without looking in front of me and other cars which all had to brake hard, he did not look our way at all and was too busy on the phone! He then continued down the road with a huge line of traffic banked up behind them going 15kph.......... Muppet!
So yeah another eventful day overall, nice weather but yet another long day......
Have fun and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Day 703 14/5/13
So it's Tuesday once again and today went pretty good for the start of the week!
Only one asshole on the roads which was on the last run home, some cunt (excuse my french) who pulled straight out in front of me and another car when we were going 100, we both braked very hard and managed to get down to 30 the guy in front of me nearly rear ended the dickhead, not long after he pulled out in front of another car at a main intersection and nearly got T-Boned! the oncoming car had to brake and swerve to avoid this fucktard and nearly lost control of their car! Rego was ETD348 i think they may have been Indians from one of the packhouses but you never know!
So weather wise it was another awesome day with sun shining all day so no complaints there!
Well nothing else to say really so take care on the roads and have a good time, see you all tomorrow!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Day 702 13/5/13
So it's Monday and another day is down and 4 more to go haha.
Started off all going well and got out just past Te Puke when i came up behind a Whakatane Hospital car Rego EGR851 who was tailgating other cars impatiently etc and passed a car and a truck on a turning median and double yellow lines....... Pretty good idea in a company vehicle eh!
He was really the only idiot on the road today, had the usual very slow ones but overall not too bad!
Weather played nice with the sun out all day but i had a busy day which ended late again. This is becoming a habit with the people/person i am waiting for.....
Well take care and see you all tomorrow for another round on the roads!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Day 701 10/5/13
Well it's Friday and thank fuck it is over!
Been one hell of a week and day today, from start to finish it was all fucking go....
Started off heading on my way only to have about 6 calls come in all wanting me to find one item in the huge amount of shit i had for the first run which was misplaced and put into my vehicle so that delayed me a little bit, found it and got it back safely then the assholes started....
Car 1 Rego FTH350 was some cunt txting with his phone right by his face, all over the road nearly hitting cars and slamming brakes on taking off then slowing etc
Car 2 Rego GTA862 was a JSWAP truck (No surprises there) who was tailgating another truck with another one in front, no one could pass and it's not like this dickhead could either!! Leave a fucking gap you inconsiderate fucktard!
Car 3 Rego FLQ600 was some elderly lady going 60kph with a ton of traffic and not once moved over for anyone.......
Car 4 Rego GGN935 now this huge fucking behemoth of a fat lazy shit cuzzie bro with his half ton arm out the window was going 50kph in a 100 zone! Huge line and plenty of room to move over but do you think he did at all ? No, typical they own the road though it's their right ? Fucking hell, when Me and another car passed he didn't like it and sped up trying to block people from passing etc....
Car 5 Rego PD2634 was some young teens pulled out from the Aerocool packhouse right in front of traffic going 100 and they sat on the same speed as above......50kph! Another huge line banked up behind and we were all stuck till it was clear to pass....
Also had some cock in a MG who was on 80 with a line behind him coming home in the rain, i mean if you have a line like that behind you pull the fuck over and have some respect for other road users! I do want to get home before i get old.......
Well apart from them the weather was shit off and on all day long so yeah, over this week big time take care and see you all Monday hope it's a bit better eh!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Day 700 9/5/13
Bloody hell 700 posts! Didn't even think i was going to be doing it for this long but i have haha.
Well today went alright i guess, had a couple of idiots on the roads and the weather was off and on all day but not too worry
Car 1 Rego FJK667 was a company car from Ravensdown was a complete and utter dickhead, too impatient as he tailgated and passed a car and was about to pass a truck before a blind corner only to have to slam the brakes on and cut the car off he just passed to get back in on time!! No indication when passing either! saw him pulled over not more than 5 mins down the road too!
Car 2 Rego EKE525 was a couple of young boys speeding up behind me over 120 easy and flew past with no indication, caught them up not long after when they were stuck behind a truck and they kept slowing right down......... Fucking muppets!
So yeah that was my day really, not a bad night for the run home so all goods.
Have fun and see you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Day 699 8/5/13
Well only one cunt of the day so will start with that eh!
Car 1 Rego BLD141 this absolute muppet would sit on 85-95kph holding up traffic and as soon as you came up behind he would move onto the centreline and block you from passing! When i finally managed to get past he tried to speed up and then sat up my ass still blocking the cars behind him, he would then slow right down and get further behind only to speed back up wandering all over his lane then sit up my ass again this happened time and time again........
Apart from him the day was a bit hectic with alot of stock orders to get delivered and another late night!
The day itself was great with sun shining most of the day a little chilly but that's the season i guess haha.
So take care and once again i will see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Day 698 7/5/13
So the weather played nice but the drivers on the roads were fucking nuts haha
Started off with the first dickhead Rego CUR663 this truck from Godfreys also Fibre Logistics Limited was driving 70% of the time in the oncoming lane weather it was 1/4 to half the truck there!! He also did the same right before a blind bend and a car came around, the truck had to swerve fast and hard to narrowly miss the car! No fucking clue
Then a couple of hours after that i had another cunt Rego FTW442 this overweight fat shit in his tiny Merc was sitting well under the speed limit and when i came up to pass he floored it and took off! He then slowed right down i caught up and then he took off. this happened time and time again also wandering all over the road from left median to over the centreline.......
Last idiot was some cock in a Holden ute Rego EYH825 who would not pass when i was behind him but as soon as i passed him and the other car it was like a race to him, right up my ass tailgating and when i passed a car and truck on a long straight he came flying up passing and nearly hit me cause he was in too much of a rush.......
So that was the assholes of the day, apart from them the whole day was great! No other drama's at all only a late run home with excess stuff to take back etc so late night finish.
Take care again and see you all tomorrow!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Day 697 6/5/13
What the hell is the rain doing haha, had nothing then heavy as rain all day long it was off and on.
Also had a couple of assholes during the day
Car 1 Rego DZG910 this guy in a company car (didnt get the name) was speeding over 120, passing with oncoming traffic and yellow lines and medians etc a right cock
Car 2 Rego YJ4617 was some wanna g in his falcon with young kids in the back who pulled straight out in front of me and others going 100kph, we all had to brake hard and he then took off through Waitangi going around 90 in a 70 area, open road he took off over 120 and when behind traffic fucked around like anything so i passed him, he then came flying up passed a car, a truck and me before slamming the brakes on and turning into a driveway before Otamarakau!!! What a cunt!
So yeah a few things going on today but overall i guess im alive so all is well haha.
Take care on the crazy roads and see you all tomorrow!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Day 696 3/5/13
Well yet another hell of a day, not soo late coming home though just a late morning with lots of work on.
Also had the assholes of the day.
Car 1 Rego 18DGRE from Degree Air Con in Auckland who didn't know where the fuck he was going, tailgating cars and when he went to go straight and i was turning off he then came flying back over cutting me off cause he took the wrong turnoff! Dick.......
Car 2 Rego CRH736 this elderly lady was sitting on 80 and as soon as anyone got near her she would hesitate and floor it over 120, she also passed on yellow lines and not indicating all the time etc
Also lastly had another elderly lady with a car that has no legal Rego which was NU3738 she was all over the road nearly hitting cars that were passing her, driving in the median lane, nearly hit the start of a bridge and nearly hit the walls of the bridge as she was going up it, then stopped at a red light and when it went green she indicated to turn right and sat there till i held the horn down as there was a mile of traffic behind us, she tooted back then took off then stopped in the middle of the intersection and then slowly carried on at 30 in a 70 zone!!! Fucking elderly people need to get off the damn roads!
So that was the day really, had some nice weather again which was the bonus but overall not a bad day!
Take care over the weekend and have fun!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Day 695 2/5/13
Fucking hell what a day, this has to be one of the worst ones ive had, from start to finish it was just run run run!
Morning was hectic as hell as i left Whakatane and got called back to pick up some stuff, got half way back and got told nevermind! So back to TGA i went and lost 3/4 of the lunch break so tried to catch up and finally did only to have the end of the day hugely held up getting back at 7 tonight, so yeah it was a very long day driving.....
Also only had one major asshole in a truck but can't remember the Rego it was something like DPY904 who when i passed he cut over into the oncoming lane nearly hitting me etc...... Dickhead
Weather was great once again and apart from the drama's the rest of the day was alright haha.
Take care and I will see you all tomorrow, Friday!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Day 694 1/5/13
Wednesday and only 2 assholes but stupidity played it's part in both of them!
Car 1 Rego DKU838 was a ute from Wally Sutherland's sponsored Roadside Rescue who passed a truck on a S bend in the road, he was half way passing and if a car had come round the next corner there would have been no way to get out of it!
Car 2 Rego FQB360 was a group of fucking ragtops who pulled straight out in front of me when i was sitting on 100kph!! Held my lights on full and they were sitting on the centreline not moving left at all, i just about ended up going up their ass! Absolutely fucking idiots, they then carried on and would brake and slow down to 50kph for nothing!
Apart from that the weather was great all day and had some company during the day too which was good! a bit better than myself haha
Well take care on the roads and see you all tomorrow!
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