Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 569 1/10/12

Well what a miracle! No manic drivers on the roads today holy shit haha! Only had some asses crossing or coming near the centreline towards me but get that nearly every week...... No drivers to report today but the weather was shit in the morning with constant rain turning into a summer afternoon with sun beaming along nicely! Well nothing else to report today, take care on the roads out there and I will see you all tomorrow!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 568 28/9/12

So a real shit day for 2 people i'm gussing after a head on crash between a Hotrod and a truck, unsure on the story of how it happened but the Hotrod ended up under the truck, one died then the other im sure died not long after............. Assholes of the day are.. Car 1 Rego GHL209 this cock sat on 70kph in a 100 zone holding up tons of traffic not caring at all. Car 2 Rego EBK75 again this old man was driving like a cunt, all over the road tailgating other cars and being very impatient passing with no indicating etc Car 3 Rego WS888 same thing as above but passing head on towards cars Car 4 was some little shit cutting in and out of cars along Hewletts road in the mount being a right cunt aswell. So yeah hot day with shit drivers all round..... Take care over the weekend and I will see you all Monday!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 567 27/9/12

So today well it wasn't too bad i spose haha, only had a couple off muppets today, one being a young college kid in i'm guessing his mum's car who flew through a roundabout straight in front of me cutting me off. The other dick was some guy in a Ute who i went through a roundabout and when i was 3/4 of the way through he took off from my right, I had soo much room to go it wasn't even funny but he didn't like me being in front of him, he came flying up the side yelling and carrying on like a cunt before speeding off.......... Other than that there were the very slow ones on the roads but nothing else :) Well take care on the roads and I will see you all tomorrow for the last round of the week!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 566 26/9/12

Fucking hell another shit day, late as finish again! Also had some truck being a complete cock through Te Puke tonight from NZ Van Lines DPQ779 i think was the reg who a car was passing him and he didn't like it so sped up and cut the car off then sat right up my asshole tailgating before pulling straight over on the car nearly hitting it! Had another driver but cannot remember the reg......... Rest of the day wasn't too bad i guess just long. Owell over today so take care and I will see you all tomorrow :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 565 25/9/12

Fucking hell I had the day from hell with damn crazy drivers left, right and centre!!! Started off running late only to have some cuzzie in a rental car Rego GMJ675 who was tailgating but every car he came up behind he had to pass then and there weather there was a car coming the other way or not! Near head on twice and speeding all for nothing as i caught him later on going under 100kph!!! Fucking muppet, he also was crossing over the centreline trying to pass on blind corners too! Then not long after that some other cuzzies in a family wagon Rego GKD649 Now these hua's i wouldn't have a clue what this bitch was taking! They had soo many places to pass this truck but decided 1/3 down a little straight by Tainui Rd that they would pass a truck! They only just got in on the bend before the corner when a truck came round the other way, she cut the truck off she was passing and only just got in within 1 meter from being killed! So nearly saw 2 deaths today, not a great day at all! Take care on the roads out there unlike these muppets on here! See you all tomorrow for another round of the crazies!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 564 21/9/12

Fuck my days where the hell did all the complete morons come from today ? All day long it was filled with people that plain cannot drive! They were..... Car 1 Rego FHQ300 this guy was in a rush speeding and not indicating etc flying along Car 2 Rego FJW6 this guy passed a truck on a blind rise on a yellow line with a oncoming car that had to move over for him! Car 3 Rego ZD7038 no idea here as he ran through a roundabout in front of me causing me to slam the brake son and stop! Car 4 Rego FGD778 now this guy had no idea at all, speeding over 130 flying past cars, when he got behind me he tried to pass with a oncoming truck and had to swerve back in behind me, he then gave me the fingers as if it was my fault then took off at speed..... Car 5 Rego FJF352 this subaru passed a truck coming head on to me, i had to slam the brakes on and move left to avoid being hit by this loose nut! Also in the morning i saw a girl from TGA Intermediate get hit by a car no clue in the world at all....... Well that was the day filled with assholes and idiots at least the weather was nice eh ? Take care over the weekend and I will see you all Monday for another week on the roads!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 563 19/9/12

So Wednesday and man what a mean day! Had nice weather all day long, finished at a great time tonight and only had one asshole on the roads! What more can you ask for ? Well the asshole of the day was some wanna g in a matt black holden Rego FPA823 who was racing through Te Puke tailgating other cars cutting in and out of lanes cutting the cars off etc as he sped off revving the shit out of it as he took off etc. Not the first time i have seen this dick doing stuff like this last time he passed me and a line of other cars out of Te Puke on the median nearly causing a head on collision! That is about all for today nothing else to mention so take care on the roads there are always some idiots out there. Have a good one :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 562 18/9/12

Well man there are some absolute dickheads out there!!!!! So started off the day and the whole morning was pretty good with no problems at all enjoying the mean as sunny day then came the run back...... Car 1 of the day Rego RX2858 this elderly lady was sitting on 60kph holding up a ton of cars........ Car 2 Rego FEP979 this holden driver passed a car after tailgating it for a while but he passed with oncoming cars and decided he could not make the pass so pulled straight over on the car he passed cutting it off and forcing the car to slam the brakes on and nearly hitting it! Car 3 Rego PZ9929 this absolute mongo pulled straight out in front of me and another car when we were sitting on 100kph!!! We both slammed the brakes on to avoid having a crash only to have the van pull over on the car when he tried to pass! Car 4 Rego EGW629 this old man was in the left lane at a roundabout i was in the right, when i went to come up the side he just flew over into my lane forcing me onto the roundabout!!! Car 5 Rego WP2924 yet again 2 nights in a row, exactly the same thing as last night, tailgating, speeding racing himself and cutting in and out of lanes etc. So as you can see a very eventful day with assholes all round! Over today with a very late night. Take care and see you all tomorrow!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 561 17/9/12

Well another week begins and how did it go you ask ? Started off late like normal due to changes in the run, then carried on and had a pretty good morning run out to Otamarakau before some dick in a Peugeot Rego CSF338 who would wander all over the road behind you trying to see to pass, i mean come on all you need to do it go near the centreline not on it to see if it's clear don't be a cunt! He also would speed off and sit right up your ass when you were passing as he had to pass at the same time like it was a race............ The rest of the day was pretty good no other drama's only the slow ones again but nothing new, the last run home i saw a RFT truck parked up in the mount fully laden with logs except 2 massive logs on the rear trailer had moved forward and fell down between the trailer and truck dragging on the ground! Just imagine if they came off the rear into a car!!! Good on you for tying them down....... Then not long after that i had some guy in a van Rego WP2924 who was speeding over 95 in the 80 zone, he was tailgating and zipping in and out of lanes no indication at all.... So yeah slightly eventful day, bring on tomorrow :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 560 14/9/12

So Friday and i almost forgot to write this damn thing up haha. Only had one asshole today which was some old man driving like a right cunt, all over the road wandering, tailgating and speeding. He got caught and had a couple of fines, unfortunately i cannot remember the rego etc so owell. Apart from that the whole day was pretty good, had nice as weather which wasn't too bad a little chill i the air but nothing major to worry about. Well take care again over the weekend and I will see you all monday for another round on the roads of mayhem! See You!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 559 13/9/12

Thursday and only one more to go, well it was nearly none to go as i nearly got hit head on by some absolute fucking idiot wandering all over the road. This car Rego BLK286 was half in my lane at least coming towards me, i swerved over to the left and held the horn down only to have them fly across the other side of the road nearly going off that side! Fucking muppets! Apart from that the whole day went smoothly, only a few of the elderly and very slow drivers all round. Nothing else to say really as it was a pretty good day, late night home but overall not too bad :) See you all tomorrow! Friday woohooooO!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 558 12/9/12

Well half way through the week and it hasn't been too bad i guess ? Also on another note, sorry for the bad language i normally do not swear but need to rant a bit in here saved the road rage haha! So the idiots where do i start.......... Car 1 Rego EUH229 this dick in a Falcon was going slow as in Te Puke so i passed him, i carried on only to have him fly up and tailgate me after every car i pass he would do the same then sit up my ass, he also later was speeding, passing on yellows driving like a complete asshole etc. Car 2 Rego L340Z This Regal truck trailer was constantly crossing over the centreline and wandering within his lane, need i say more ? Car 3 Rego CBJ366 another cock speeding up to 100 in a 80 zone cutting in and out of cars racing himself..... Car 4 Rego SR9222 this boy racer in Tauranga was running red lights and going up to 80-90 in a 50 zone racing another car he had to be in front! So apart from all those dicks the day was alright! Still a bit of wind around and a good chill in the air with the cold snaps down south etc. I love this weather not too bad at all for me haha! Well take care and I will see you all tomorrow for another round :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 557 11/9/12

Where the hell did that wind come from, man it was blowing hard! Also a mean chill in the air tonight! So only 2 assholes of the day...... Car 1 Rego AHZ149 this slut was tailgating, passing on double yellows and medians, speeding etc so yeah stupid lady! Car 2 Rego GBN893 this cock would sit on a slow speed but then he kept speeding off when I got close, and the same when it was clear to pass too, he also nearly crashed twice when he just wandered straight for the left hand side of the road before swerving back! Overall not a bad day really, so see you all tomorrow :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 556 7/9/12

Well it's Friday what more can i say apart from the day was alright, no hidden surprises. Weather was pretty good so yeah, no assholes only the few slow ones like normally....... Nothing really else to say which is quite rare haha. On that note, take care over the weekend to all and I will see you all Monday for another round on the roads :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 554 6/9/12

So how did the day go ? Got shafted by one of the bosses today but won't go too much into that! Also had one cock of the day Rego EBY194, This dickhead Danny Te Pou from TP Communications in Whakatane would love to cut you off when you try to pass him in the other lane, he would also love to cut through the roundabout at speed only to slam the brakes on and stop just after trying to block you from passing. Good on you Danny what a fucking prick! If you too would like some great communication visit his website here Also no wonder he has a broken and smashed rear end of his van! Apart from that it was a bloody nice day on the roads with no other drama's. Bring on tomorrow for it is another day on the roads!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 554 5/9/12

Fucking hell what a day! Started as a normal day, didn't get far before one cuzzie bro was driving like a dick! He was all over the road, tailgating very close and passed a line of cars then slowed right down and held everyone up! Rego was TQ4290 He later got arrested then towed! Also saw some cock in a BMW Rego FKR457 doing burnouts and taking a piss.......... Charming... Then on the way home after a very late night was a Viterra truck who ran through a roundabout nearly hitting a car that had to slam the brakes on to avoid being hit! Dick! So yeah, windy as day but overall not too badly i guess ? Take care and I will see you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 553 4/9/12

Yeeeehaaa another day down ;) So today was damn windy most of the time and had a bit of rain in Te Puke aswell which pissed down for a bit as with the last run home, other than that is was a pretty good day! Didn't have many assholes which is a miracle! Only the slow ones, also one guy in a ute with no plates front or back i followed from Whakatane to Te Puke he would speed up then slow down this carried on the whole way as he wandered all over the road....... Well that is really all i need to say, nothing else happened haha. Take care on the roads out there, see you all tomorrow!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 552 3/9/12

So it's September already, where the hell has the year gone haha! Well another day down for the week and lets see how it went eh. Car 1 of the day was a car from Early Childhood Education, Rego FDE301 this person i have seen doing stupid shit before and today was no exception, they just ran straight out in front of me at a roundabout cutting me off then tailgating another car...... Good driving skills there! Anyway had the other usual slow people but that never changes...... Although the weather on the other hand was a fucking bitch, it just pissed down all day long with heavy wind blowing round like anything! So Monday is done and dusted! Bring on the rest of the week....