Friday, August 31, 2012
Day 551 31/8/12
Friday Friday gotta get down on Friday ? Nah not like that haha.
So the day is done and how did it go ?
Well not too badly at all which was a bloody miracle :)
Only had 2 idiots of the day Car 1 Rego WU4376 this cuzzie bro was tailgating bloody close behind another car and wasn't passing at all just sat there riding his ass.
Car 2 Rego CFK168 was another cuz in a Red Falcon speeding over 130 racing past cars behind me, only got a few cars ahead of me then slowed down............
So yeah not too bad, the weather was great not much wind today awesome! :)
Well take care and i will see you all Monday for another round!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Day 550 30/8/12
So with thursday done and dusted let me tell you how it went eh!
Car 1 of the day Rego CFU31 this dirty slut cut me off when she underpassed me when i was already getting in behind a car, all for one car spot......
Car 2 Rego YO9712 this old man underpassed a car coming into Whakatane when the 2 lanes had already finished merging, he nearly hit the car and was just about driving on the footpath to get in front of one car!
Car 3 Rego YE8136 yet another person doing the same thing as above, she cut me off when i had pulled out in Te Puke, she then underpassed the van in front when the lanes had finished, she nearly took out the side of the van before taking off slowly then slowing down completely holding up everyone!
So yeah, another day down lets see how tomorrow goes eh ?
Although the weather was sunny but windy it was ok :)
Take care and i will see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Day 549 29/8/12
Wednesday, a.k.a hump day :) Over the hill and down the other side Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
So how did today go you must ask ? Bloody good haha!
Only had one asshole today and once again the guy driving the crane from Mcleod Cranes Rego YP1367 he sits on 60kph, understandable in a crane but come on pull over to the left and let people get past for fuck sake! There was a huge line over 30 cars backed up behind this dickhead as he putted along...........
Apart from that it was a good day with nice weather all day long too!
That is really all that happened today, everything else went pretty good :)
Take care and will see you tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Day 548 28/8/12
Well well well, another day down and a few more to go haha.
How do we start today ?
Hmmmmmm Well drivers i guess :)
Car 1 of the day Rego CQJ818 this cock in his Audi cut me right off in Te Puke when he couldn't wait for a car in front of him to turn off.
Car 2 Rego FKT67 this slutty bitch was speeding up and down and was wandering all over the road like a mad woman!
Car 3 Rego ZI2067 was a truck from Mike Lambert, this absolute dick would speed up when it was clear to pass him and sit on the centreline! Cunt!
Car 4 Rego AGN190 this fat tart was speeding off and on, passed a truck on double yellow lines and only just got in on a blind bend when cars came flying round! Gutted for her she got pulled over too!
So that was the idiots of the day, the weather on the other hand was bloody awesome! Bring on summer!
Take care and I will see you all tomorrow for another round of fun!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Day 547 27/8/12
So another week begins and it wasn't really a bad one at all. Only one idiot on the roads that caused concern which was a truck from Direct Fuels who pulled straight out in front of me less that 100 meters as i was sitting on 100kph. Had to slam the brakes on and got down to 40kph when i got stuck behind, there was no cars at all behind me he could have easily waited 5 seconds if that but no decided to go then! Rego was BYR260
Also today i had bad weather off and on most of the time which brought the very slow ones out again.
Overall not too bad, so take care once again and i will see you all tomorrow :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Day 546 24/8/12
Man what a good day weather wise, had a awesome time driving in the sun but still some slow people on the roads that shouldn't be on the road at all!
Only had one asshole today, Rego GFN924 this old man in a Atlas truck who just followed the car in front of him out in front of traffic going 100kph! We all had to brake hard as he didn't even move to the left at all!
Oh and saw a nose to tail today aswell out of Waitangi when some muppet wasn't looking and went smack right next to me in the rear of another car.......
So the week is done and another one is just around the corner, take care on the roads and I will see you all Monday!
Day 545 23/8/12
Grrrrrrrrr another shit day haha owell one more to go i spose!
Well the idiots of the day were in force alright!
Car 1 Rego DKP417 This truck from te Kauwhata pulled straight out in front of traffic from the Mill we were all going 100 and he just rolls out, we couldn't pass due to the oncoming cars so we all had to brake hard........... Good on you, another joke on the roads.
Car 2 Rego ZJ1853 this old man would speed off over 110 and move onto the centreline if you tried to pass him, he also passed a car right before a blind corner......
Car 3 Rego BRY471 Another lady in a overpowered car, she in her Holden was racing no one tailgating and passing on medians as she blazed past everyone only to pull over on the side of the road after passing a huge line of cars and to top it off she had kids in the car. Yeah real good.
Car 4 Rego DLF279 So once again J Swap to the rescue, speeding and tailgating this happens over and over and over with the same company they just don't seem to learn at all how to drive properly but owell sure we will see them again.
Saw that White Island was puffing out a bit of smoke too so keep an eye out!
Well take care and I will see you tomorrow for another round.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Day 544 22/8/12
So another fun day in the Eastern Bay!
All day long was bloody nice weather, although a bit cloudy here and there it was overall nice and sunny! Which made for great driving but then the slow ones were all over the place today haha. Can't win eh!
Only had one major asshole today Rego was BHA403 this boy racer in his shitty corolla was racing another car passing on yellows etc towards me, i rang the police due to the stupidity of his passing and he got caught and got some hefty fines.!
So that was really it today, wasn't a bad one at all, bring on tomorrow i say :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Day 543 21/8/12
Fuck me crashes a plenty today!
Started off heading on my way and the whole morning went pretty good until the second part of the run happened haha!
Headed off from Whakatane and had some guy flying up behind me, he didn't pass then but sat right up my asshole for a while before flying past, he then sat up other peoples asses and passed on medians, yellow lines etc Rego was EBK903 This driver did get pulled over by the cops and copped a few fines!
Headed back to Whakatane and saw a truck in a ditch before Matata, unsure what happened there then not long later on Thornton Road there was a tractor towing a cattle trailer a bigger size one which had tipped killing one cow and all over the road it was blocking cars etc.
The last run home there was some silly blonde slut Rego ECT613 who was on 80 then took off in the wet roads flying round the bends and tailgating cars, speeding over 80 in a 60 zone then tailgating again and not passing a car sitting on 60, i passed both of them only to have her fly past the other car and sit up my asshole for about 30 mins! She had no clue in the world how to drive a car!
So that was really the day, oh and more fucking rain haha!
Take care for another day and see you tomorrow!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Day 542 20/8/12
Where the fuck did that rain and hail come from today! Got fucking drenched haha all of a sudden just hit like thunder and all sorts going on.
But apart from that the day was nice! Had bloody slow ambos travelling between 60-90kph in a 100 zone also another ambo who had no clue in the world what she was doing as she stopped at giveway signs for 3 minutes at times with cars lined up behind waiting to go!
Also had some person in a Late model Lancer in blue didn't manage to get the rego but she passed a truck before a blind rise and had to pull back in due to cars coming, she did the same truck again before a blind corner and she only just got in due to the truck braking for her cause she was passing soo fucking slow, just as she got in another truck came round the bend fully laden with logs! She then slammed her brakes on and nearly got killed by getting squashed!
Also heard of a crash near Otakiri road from a speeding girl crashed and got stuck in the car ?
So yeah eventful day eh!
Take care in the rain and remember it's not a racetrack!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Day 541 17/8/12
So it's Friday and fucking hell im glad it is haha!
Had soo many assholes pulling out in front of me today it wasn't even funny!
Well car 1 of the day Rego GJQ154 constantly would speed off when you tried to pass he also flew past a car then slowed right down again slower than what we were going, he then started giving the fingers and waving his arms around to me, WTF ? I wasn't doing a fucking thing, some people are pretty lost eh!
Car 2 Rego FUL677 around the same time this idiot was all over the centreline constantly and was speeding over 120.....
Apart from that had a pretty good day dodging assholes etc and weather wasn't too badly i spose.
Well not much else eh! Take care and I will see you all Monday for another week on the roads.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Day 540 16/8/12
So another day down WOOHOO!
Man there are some slow fuckers on the roads, what a nightmare with assholes from breakfast to dinner!
Car 1 of the day Rego CYY139 this little slut tailgated me for ages and was all over the road aswell.....
Car 2 Rego EUL759 now another cuzzie who was speeding, tailgating, passing on medians and yellows with a kid in the car and nearly hit a car when they passed it! also would speed up when ever i went to pass or they would move onto the centreline.....
Well apart from that the rain came in places and it was alright for most of the day though so that was a bonus haha.
So take care with the idiots once again and see you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Day 539 15/8/12
Well where do i start oh that's right fucking INDIANS and MAORI's that cannot drive! What the fuck are some of them doing on the fucking roads!
So today i had one asshole maori lady started passing a truck out of Kawerau Rego EUK916 coming head on towards me! No way she had enough room to pass in time so yes you guessed it i had to move over to the left and brake hard to let her in! Why she didn't pull back in behind as there was no one behind me that was a fucking joke!
Then on the last run home tonight i had some fucking ragtop now these raggies always do this, they go soo fucking slow then when it's clear to pass or they come up to a passing lane they floor the fucking thing and take off! Absolutely pisses me off cause you then get stuck behind them once again going well under the speed limit!
Rant over haha apart from that weather was shit and well yeah :)
Take care and I will see you again tomorrow only 2 days to go, Yay!
Day 538 14/8/12
Well another day down and a few more to go........
So how did we go today you may ask, not too badly i guess.
So with the assholes, hmm haha. Car 1 of the day was some cock in a Mount Glass & Glazing van who just ran straight out in front of me when i was sitting on 100kph! He didn't even move to the left, absolute fucking asshole!
Car 2 Rego GDG666 this guy was speeding over 120 easy passing with no indication etc.
Also saw the aftermath of a nose to tail in the mount on the way home, no idea at all!
Take care as there was nothing else to say really ?
Monday, August 13, 2012
Day 537 13/8/12
So Monday eh, another week starting and it went pretty smoothly which is always good i guess haha.
Started out heading on my way and only got to Te Puke when some cock in a Corolla Rego FBM268 this dick was in a line of 3 cars, there was Me then him and a car in front, the front car indicated to turn into a park, the asshole swerved straight into the right lane, i carried on in the left and was coming up to the rear of his car, i was not going to pass as it was merging just up ahead, he then just pulled straight down on me no indication again and nearly hit me, i tooted he then slammed the brakes on and was waving his arms around giving the fingers etc What a cunt! Stay in the lane your in or INDICATE! Simple isn't it ?
That was the only cunt of the day the other guy was a good one in a Truck Rego TLL1 he moved over to the left and indicated when it was clear to pass. Good on ya mate, always need more drivers like you!
So that was it really, oh and also saw a toddler in Whakatane who was in a pram saying "Fuck" and "Fuck Off" nice parenting cuz........
Well take care and I will see you all tomorrow :)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Day 536 10/8/12
So it's Friday and yet another week passes by.
How did today go you may ask well it went pretty good i could say, only had one complete dick on the road and once again the guys from TD Haulage have done it again, Rego TDH46 this Kenworth was all over the road, speeding and wandering into the oncoming lane on numerous occasions, also onto the left median etc going about 90 in the 70 zone through Waitangi but who cares when your in a truck right ?
Well the rest of the day went pretty good and no other hiccups!
Take care over the weekend and I will see you again Monday for another week on the roads.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day 535 9/8/12
Bloody shit balls! Man some people just should not be on the roads at all! Full stop!
Well i'll get straight into it eh ?
Car 1 of the day was some cock from what looked like Cinic builders but unsure on that Trailer rego was H2381 this guy had a trailer that was alot wider than his ute and should know that but don't know what he was on as he wandered all over the road and into the oncoming lane with the trailer right in there etc he was also blocking me and others by speeding up and moving onto the centreline when we went to pass him.....
Car 2 Rego GDF1 not the first time for this muppet as he flew past me going over 120 easy
Car 3 Rego XU9004 this old man sat on about 60+ as soon as we went to pass and it was clear he took off speeding up, he then slowed down when the traffic built up coming towards us again and again......
Car 4 Rego CRL680 Now this absolute black little slut of a bitch flew up behind me then shot past and then slammed the brakes on and cut me off when she should not have passed at all, she then passed a car up ahead with oncoming cars which she nearly caused a head on with then took off over 120-130 easy tailgating and passing with no indication etc...
Car 5 Rego GAW289 another car i have seen alot of before and no exception this time over 120 tailgating and passing a truck before a blind bend.....
So there you have it, oh yeah another truck crossed the centreline straight for me, i was nearly off the road to avoid him, didn't manage to get all the rego right but that's life when it's pitch black!
Take care on the roads and I will see you all tomorrow Friday!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Day 534 8/8/12
Hmmmmmm another day down and it's Hump Day haha!
So the cars of the day were.
Car 1 Rego EUY213 this lady was sitting in the passing lane as soon as it begun not passing well hardly! She sat up my ass tailgating she was also wandering all over the road and sitting on the median most of the time......
Car 2 Rego FMZ418 this person from Nova Gas was tailgating, speeding and passing on medians driving erratically all over the place when someone came up behind him he would take off like a cut cat!
Car 3 was some cuzzie bro's in Te Puke Rego YX7917 who was pushing a toddler over the front seat into the rear.......... Now that's good parenting eh ?
Also heard about a Tribesman member who ran from police in Whakatane and fell off his bike and got done over.................. Fail......
So that was the day really, had a normal day in the bay haha.
Take care and see you all tomorrow :)
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Day 533 7/8/12
So i'm back from a couple of days off and straight back into it! And what a day it was haha.
Started off and all day long it all went pretty good only drama's were in Te Puke when a wide load truck was sitting in the right lane and the rear pilot vehicle was sitting behind it in the left blocking everyone from passing either vehicle, he then at the last second flew up the left of the truck passing it and leaving everyone stuck behind again............ Good on you CUNT!
Then later in the arvo after a good day of running round there was some mongrel in Whakatane who just walked straight out in front of traffic with no care in the world at all making the other car swerve and stop to let this dick carry on walking like he had shat himself waddling along the road........
So yeah, also had a very late night as got stuffed around a fair bit but owell tomorrow is another day eh ?
Take care and see you all for another round.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Day 532 2/8/12
Man some bloody slow people on the roads! Plain just shouldn't be there haha.
Morning started off with one asshole Rego XK8892 who was sitting on 60kph holding up a ton of traffic and did not bother moving left...
Car 2 Rego EPE615 was some boy racer that was sitting within a meter behind other cars tailgating etc
Car 3 Rego A2KNP was some kid on a bike speeding along at 70+ in a 50 zone not indicating etc
All day long i had slow people liked i mentioned before who held me and a ton of others up most of the day!
Weather wasn't too bad until the trip home then it pissed down :(
Owell off for now, take care and drive safe!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Day 531 1/8/12
August! What the fuck haha, now this year has gone fast!
With the first of the month there came the absolute asshole of the week and month, a Elderly man Rego BWH811 this guy sped up and tailgated other cars and moved onto the centreline when you tried to pass him, he also passed a car with a car coming head on and he passed so slowly that the head on car had to swerve out of the way and the old man cut the car off he was passing which had to move left and skid out of the way! He then carried on wandering all over the road!
Also had the normal slow as day with the nana's all over the roads and don't get me started about the run home.......... Late run and all slow ones that speed up when you try to pass them!
Well dinner time now haha, take care and I will see you all tomorrow :)
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